Healing Lucid Dream Pilot Study: Origins of IONS First Experiment on Dreams

A lucid dream is a hybrid state of consciousness during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and can exercise volitional control over actions perceived in their mind. Neural pathways are intact during these dreams such that the conscious experience of practicing physical skills during a lucid dream can boost waking performance. Beyond physical skills, there have been anecdotal reports of physical healing achieved through lucid dreams and a recent research grant will allow the IONS team to explore this scientifically for the first time.

Healing Lucid Dream Pilot Study: Origins of IONS First Experiment on Dreams

Friday, January 29, 2021
11:00am – 12:15pm Pacific


This new study just getting under way aims to evaluate whether internally-generated intentions in a lucid dream can influence clinical outcomes, including at the physiological level. The team’s objective is to explore conscious awareness as a powerful untapped resource to improve health. In this free webinar, Szilard Koos will discuss his motivations for sponsoring the study, and IONS Scientist Dr. Garret Yount will share a preview of the study’s design and place the work in the context of prior research relevant to healing lucid dreams.


Interesting to see how they set up this study and what they use for analysis. Looking forward to picking up a few tips. Thanks for posting.