Healing Stones & Crystals

I know the gemstone business is pretty lucrative, try not to laugh:

Is it all just fools gold, or is there actually something energetically taking place, that allows some stones to have powers of healing, clensing, increasing intuition, etc?

I went to a recently opened rock store the other day, and bought 3. The day before I went in and asked if they had any moon stones, and they didnt, I saw a blue stone that caught my eye, but did not read its description, and then left, but I naggng urge to buy the stone.

The next day, I asked a different person working there the same question, and she said no moonstones as well. I went back to check out the blue stone( Blue Apatite) that had caught my eye the day before, and read the short 5 sentence description:

ā€œā€¦Known to increase the strength and frequency of lucid dreamingā€¦ā€

Under $4, and thinking this may not be a coincidence, of course I had to buy it!

Picked up a clear quartz crystal as well without reading the description, knowing its historical significance to the natives in the Americas.

Did more due diligence when got home and found out while many stones help promote calm, relaxation and dreams, only a few stones are used for enhancing and promoting Lucid Dreaming and Dream work. If you know of others, please let me know:

Blue Apatite
Lodolite Quartz
Prehnite with Epidote
also known as Inclusion Quartz, Scenic Quartz, Landscape Quartz, Garden Quartz, and Phantom Quartz ā€“ is one of the most captivating and dramatic-looking types of quartz. Upon first glance, lodolite looks like a stone filled with secrets with its multi coloured, scenic inclusions that remind us of an underwater world or a fairytale forest.
The name, Shamanic Dream Stone, refers to the gemā€™s potential to help unlock the doorway to spiritual realms and to facilitate lucid dreaming. Lodolite is also believed to open one up to divine guidance and direction and to offer support on the spiritual path.


Amethyst has powerful metaphysical abilities that help calm the mind and clear out negative thoughts. Itā€™s a powerful stone for activating the third eye, making it a great crystal for lucid dreaming. You can use amethyst also for meditation and visualization.


If astral travel and meditation are your thing, azurite is the perfect crystal for you. This stone heightens your intuitive ability, making it ideal for those wanting to lucid dream.

Crystal Quartz

With similar properties to amethyst, clear quartz is perfect for calming your mind and opening up to visualization. Clear quartz blocks and removes negative energy.

Herkimer Diamond

Contrary to its name, Herkimer diamond is not an actual diamond but a type of quartz. This stone can be used if you struggle to interpret messages and open up to your spiritual side. You can use Herkimer diamond to improve your mindset and open up to the possibility of lucid dreams and astral travel.

Lapiz Lazuli

This stone is a powerful communication stone that can help manifest lucid dreaming because it helps with expansion and mental clarity.

is a powerful crystal to work with. It is recommended that you only work with moldavite if you are experienced in controlling your dreams. It is believed that this peculiar stone is one of the oldest minerals on earth and may have originated from outer space.

Rainbow Moonstone
Also known as white labradorite, this gorgeous stone can induce sleep and dreams. It activates the third eye and crown chakra, preparing you to enter a rich dream state. You can use a rainbow moonstone to protect you against negative energy and access past life memories.


Was a little mindblowing to find out the Moonstone I was looking for helped with LDs, and that the Blue Apatite stone I was drawn too, did the same thing!

What are the odds?!?
(in past 10 years, only bought gemstones 3x, and it was always on a whim)

Love to hear about other members thoughts and experiences with stones and crystals . Are they the real deal, or just a cheap (or insanely expensive) tchotchke?

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Worth also noting I picked up a Lapis Lazuli stone about 3-4 years ago in a bookstore where I also bought Stephen La Berges Lucid dreaming book, completely unaware of the stone being known for LDs.

That was the first LD book I bought. Crazy synchronicity


I have an interest in gemstones, though my wife is more into them than I at the current moment. One particular stone, a shamanic stone called a moqui marble, always accompanied me during my Ayahuascha sessions. Iā€™d place it in my right hand and in my other hand, I would rotate stones, including a lapis, which happens to be one of my favorite gemstones. I still keep that lapis on my nightstand, along with a meteorite and a couple of fidget spinners. The fidget spinners are there from an attempt I made awhile ago to bring an item from waking reality into my dream state, which I was able to do. They performed similarly to the waking state which was cool. Many people do this with staffs or robes etcetera. There is a great video on this I can find if you have interest in this type of thing.

During one Ayahuascha experience, I had a significant interaction with the moqui marble. As I held it in my hand, I felt an intense heat traveling up my veins to my elbow, originating from the stone. It was a highly physical sensation and it left a lasting impression on me, motivating me to continue using the medicine for an extended period.

Another incident involving gemstones occurred when I felt an overwhelming surge of energy rush into my body one night. I was in one of the storage rooms in our house, where we keep my Buffalo hide and other items. I was looking through a box, and when I was done I was looking over some paintings on the hide, something I had done numerous times before. This time, a tremendous amount of energy poured into me, causing me to burst into uncontrollable tears. I ran down to my meditation room in the basement, where I had a collection of gemstones at the time. I held them all in my hands and felt a powerful vibration emanating from them, extending about three feet above my hands. It was like the vibrations were an extension of my hands I could feel the edge of the vibrational field, it was one of the crazier experiences Iā€™ve had.

My wife came down because I had run by her crying uncontrollably and she was worried. I asked her if she could feel the vibrations and held the stones out to her. She placed her hand over the stones (about a foot), and I could feel her hand exactly where she placed them. The edge of the vibrational field shrunk when she put her hands in it to where her hand was. I could feel her hand enter the field. The vibrations quickly went away after she put her hands in the field and still to this day I regret not allowing the vibrational field to dissolve naturally by itself. Iā€™ve never encountered anything like that since.

There are numerous large rocks and cave-like formations near my house, remnants of the glacier melt from the last ice age. I showed my appreciation for the moqui marble by placing it on one of these rocks along a nearby trail, as a way to honor its role in keeping me safe during my journeys. I later discovered that someone had found it, which made me happy. I hope it found a good home.

Currently, I still keep gemstones around and occasionally browse through gemstone stores. However, the ones I want are beyond my budget, so I have become more of a window shopper when it comes to them now.


Did it work???



Lol, not going to lie it didnt, BUT keep in mind I did not know that LDs was something that stone could help manifest, so I wasnt really setting the intention for them with it.

However I think I did buy it to help nuture my intuition, and promote psychic abilities.

That being said, fast forward to today and I have had more Lucid dreams in the time since getting the stone, than I did in my entire life before that, so maybe it was working some type of magic behind the scenes.

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I want to get that Moqui Mable now, never heard of it before.

Me too. Lapis is so beauiful, and tough, I have fantasized about my dream home having at least one wall in it paved or covered with Lapis. No way would I pay rock store prices for that, gotta make some friends in northeast Afganistan.

Absolutely, really like to know how they do it with staffs and robes. Great minds think a like, getting my hands on a meterite is big on my list.

Very cool! Not sure though what was going on there, very curious to know how Andrew would explain it through a Buddhist or healers lense. Might be a good Q&A question.

What was painted on the hide? Where did you get it from? What was the other stuff you came in contact with while in the hides presence?

I hate to say it, when you mentioned vibrations, Robert Monroes book came to mind, it happened often before entering an OBE.

Love this, I think Ryan Hurd would say you ā€˜chargedā€™ the stone with huge amounts of good vibes and energy. Good home or bad home, those resonating vibes may even do more good in a bad home, where the person really needs the help much more.

Appreciate you sharing those stories :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, sorry, I did read your entire post above. Looking back at mine, I didnā€™t mention the reason I was talking about lapis, which was what you said in your post. My mind was rushing through stuff due to mania, so I took a break from the book because mania is bad news for me. Today, Iā€™m feeling back to 100%. Lapis has always been one of my favorite stones, too! Itā€™s one of the few I keep around. I would always keep my Shaman stone in my right hand and a lapis in my left, rotating through various other stones in combination with the lapis.

Also, I did what you are thinking about with lapis in my meditation room. The only difference is the stone, I crushed them, then mixed it into paint before painting the walls.

Staffs hold a special place in my heart. I had one guide in a fully non-lucid dream take me through portals back to back to back, and they were carrying a staff. Inside the dream, I felt like they were one of my protectors, and the staff carried a weight of authority when I saw it. Plus, their effortless traversing through portals was very impressive. It is important not to use it as a crutch in a dream, but I think historically, staves have a lot of magic imbued within them, and the mythology surrounding them gives it a baseline of power inside of the dreamscape. The rest is up to the wielderā€™s imagination, which contains unlimited potential. Here is the video:

Me too, this is a rough patch for me because the event was so mystical it sent me into extreme mania. That night, I felt the rules of the physical world break in a way Iā€™ve never experienced before. At the time, I was not able to integrate what happened, and it was the beginning of a trip to a psychiatric ward for me.

I am careful not to plaster images of the hide online, but I will show a corner of it. The hide has Native Americans doing a war dance and has paintings of leaves. This hide was passed down through the home my wife and I own now. It has been in our family for over 100 years. In the early 1900s our home was a bar and hotel. It was bartered for at some point and ended up in my momā€™s possession. I was storing it for her because we have a lot of open space in our home, and I was able to store it unrolled, flat on the floor. After the events and my uses with the hide (Iā€™d often wrap myself in it while I was meditating in my meditation room), my mom sold it to me for $1.

As far as contact Iā€™m not sure. In my meditation room I had a lot of trinkets Iā€™ve collected, things that were given to me, stones, magnets and various other items.

Edit: forgot the picture lol.

I have felt the vibrations Monroe has spoken of in his book once, similar but different. His take place on the brink of sleeping and waking. I was fully awake and the feeling was more of a vibrational field that my body became intertwined with rather then one it was producing.

Very cool, happy to hear this. There was one time walking that trail I missed the stone. Will keep that in mind if I ever experience that emotion again.

Highly recommend :+1:. The way they are formed is pretty fascinating. They are millions of years old.

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Im smiling ear to ear reading this. Love the sychronicity my friend! Again, great minds think a like :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes this is why it interests me so much. Will check out the video tonight.

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With Andrews knoweledge or explanation, and your experience under your belt, in the future you will be armed hopefully with the right tools to relax and open to the experience if/when it presnets itself again, and see how deep down that rabbit hole it takes you.

Yes, for him it did. But I have heard other experts say it can happen when you are fully awake and walking around in your home. When it hits then, people typically fall to the floor, or try to find a chair, or place to lay down.

OMG bro I think we have the smoking gun! Make sure you mention this items history when you tell Andrew. Just like the Shaman stone you imbued with good vibes, I got to believe that hide is resonating with all sorts of subtle energies and vibrations. It may even be a tool you can help use to connect (or plant the seeds for connecting) with your Grandfather.

Really glad you shared this.

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Wow, I did not know about this at all. I have never experienced the feeling since then but if I do Iā€™ll be sure to find a chair.

Thank you for sharing. :+1:


For sure, I could not name names off the top of my head, but I like one of the experts who said that was Clare Johnson. Not 100% sure though.

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