We can agree to disagree.
DJT has made some major mistakes in his first term regarding the Middle East, such as hastily recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the US embassy to East Jerusalem, thereby factually destroying a two state solution in which East Jerusalem would be the capital of the Palestinian state. His decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel “… broke from a decades-long bipartisan policy for US presidents to abstain from making the assertion, and the move was met with outrage from segments of the international community, including the Arab and Muslim world.” (Middle East Eye)
Also the so-called Trump Peace plan of 2020 was rejected due to being totally unfair to the Palestinians.
In 2019, per executive order, he recognized Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, breaking again with US foreign policy and UN Security Council resolution 497 from 1981, which had unanimously (i.e. with the US voting for it) called the occupation “null and void”.
Trump received, and still continues to receive, major backing from the US evangelical Zionist movement. The Christian Zionist movement is a major force in conservative politics (MEE).
He and Joe Biden are since years in a “contest” of trying to show who is the most “ironclad” supporter of Israel. This is obvioulsy related to having to cater for those backing groups.
No conservative politician will ever become US president which is not backed by those lobby groups. Some would argue, that it is the same for Democratic nominees.
What seems to be true though is the business-like approach to foreign politics, which - if it would be adjusted and less biased - also could open an opportunity for a deal for a two-state solution, which Netanjahu openly still rejects.
For permanent peace for the region, a fair deal is the only answer.
Agreed, money talks, and that lobbying group has deep pockets and high powered friends around the world. I am shocked that Arab groups do not have a similar lobby, and pump an equal amount of money into it.
I think another thing we can both agree on is Biden’s weakness, made it irresitable for power players around the world to go to war and seize land. Why is it that in the past 2 decades, Russia has increased its territory, only when there were Democrats as US president???
The 'dont’doctrine worked really well against Putin, im sure historians will be singing about it for centuries:
Biden: ‘To anyone thinking of taking advantage of the situation, I have one word: don’t’
Agreed that Biden was a weak president.
Not correct: the Russo-Georgian War on the country of Georgia happened in 2008… under George W. Bush.
Russia effectively got away with breaking out Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which Russia occupies until today, from the sovereign nation of Georgia.
As far as I remember “Dub-U” was a republican president…
Some might say, that Putin learned in 2008 from a republican president that the US would not intervene in conflicts involving former soviet republics.
The next test balloon was then in 2014 with the successful invasion of Crimea (Ukraine) and was then followed up in 2022 with the invasion attempt in Ukraine.
Yes, another WEAK puppet of the Swamp, he did a lot of damage to this country and our people.
This was the event I was referring too. Have to do some due dilligence on the 2008 invasion.
No Doubt. One of the weakest and most corrupt leaders we have had in the past 100 years, possibly ever… At least he can get a gold metal and be #1 at something…
Interresting side not:
Do you know the etymology of the word: Corrupt
Quite fitting
A rare public admission that Ben-Gvir has prevented the hostage release deal since months.
Interestingly, the political & main stream media spin was until now, that it was stalled by the Palestinians.
Well, to be fair, both deserve some form of “credit”:
The deal now made is the exact deal that Biden had laid out last year already.
The point is, that Biden failed to put pressure on Netanjahu.
Even if if he would have wanted to pressure Netanjahu - which I doubt - the Republicans would have grilled him for being not supportive enough of Israel.
At that time, it was not in Netanjahu’s interest to make a hostage deal so it did not happen until now. Furthermore, Ben-Gvir threatened to collapse the government if he would have. see my post above.
Trump’s credit in this seems to be that he put also pressure on the Israeli govt to now accept a deal.
In any case, it is scandalous that only now - after 15 months of human catastrophy - the deal has been finally sealed, leaving only very few living hostages to return home.
How many lives would have been saved, if this exact deal would have been sealed in May 2024 already???
That is a scandal and I am amazed that not more hostage families point this out to their politicians and the media picks up on this sad irony.
Yes you are right, Genius Demigod, or Hyper Aware Saint would be a far more fitting title for Trump.
He ruffles panties with some of his diction no doubt. But he keeps the world safe, and the economy strong, and DJT vows to end the corruption, and crimes, and wars .
Excellent observation, Bidens inadequacies were a coverup for a far more sinister monster controlling the far left idealogical policy execution which have devastated many countries and homelands in recent years
He saved 4 hostages, while Biden let them get tortured and imprisoned for over a year.
Trump is definitely a saint, dont let the liberal media poisen your mind, he will find a lasting solution of peace that involves comprise and sacrifice from both sides.