A Picture is NOT worth 1000 Words — the Buddha Dharma is a Tradition of Words — A Guide for Those Who Can’t Visualize (Aphantasia)

UAU to the pictures :slight_smile: thanks for sharing.
usually when this happens I don’t remember my camera, unless my intuition shouts at me to do so :slight_smile:
beautiful… I never saw baby deers so near by… UAU! I would LOVE to had seen it LIVE!

how do you know that the petroglyph (amazing!) is close to 1000 years?

About the twinkling… we have the same species here in Portugal (I checked it), also in a pine forest next to my home (200 metres)! I’ve seen them last year I think and the year before that… and the year before… and you just inspired me to go and look for them tonight… or one of these nights (because of my Dreaming + Lucid Dreaming practice and research I did about the pineal gland, I usually go to bed after the sun is set. I also LOVE to get up really early)…

yehaaaay! thanks for the inspiration and thank you universe for this synchronicity.

This early morning I saw an eagle where usually I watch swallows playing. Now that I write i connect it with you! :wink: wonderful.


thanks for sharing :slight_smile:
I added these two precious links to a document I have with this kind of project.
My dream since 2009 - I consecrate all that i do with and for adults for being able to one day (in the right timing) found a school in nature where children can train their intuition faculties, have a lot of fun lucid dreaming, train their awareness and many other gifts of being human.

I watched a video (uploaded to their website) and the students looked older in their presence. Also very relaxed and, at the same time, attentive to the teacher and other children. I could also feel closeness between them. Amazing!


Dusk & Dawn are your best friends if looking to spot and possibly get close to deer. Especially when the sun is going down, I see then come out of the forest, and go into the priaire grass.

The deer call used to scare the hell out of me when camping at night, it sounds like Zombies grunting and moaning:

Really loved this video, especially at 4min mark about “circle of trust”. That was the feeling I felt with the family of deer, like they felt safe around me, and at ease. When I first saw them I didnt want to open car door, but was so hot had to get air, so I opened door, and was chilling with them about 10ft away for a few minitues:

Also like the part about physical therapy, and at the end where she said the deer taught her to be more aware and consciousous of her enviorment, to “listen deeper”. Love that.

Good eye, yes Early Mississippian, approximately 1000 years. I think they had (at least) a primitive language of symbols, that were recognized across tribes, regradless of the language barriors.( Although most scholars will tell you they didnt have a written language.)


It was the night after a severe thunder strom that the Lightning bugs appeared. Weather and time in season may factor into the peak times to see them. For me, it was like the Mother nature was giving me a Welcome Home party.

Was welcomed home the first night by Thunder Birds, (Lightning Birds?), not going to lie, it was pretty scary. I wonder if the Lightining bugs could sense electric resonance from the night before). Eagles and Red tailed hawks were sacred to many tribes, they were tied to the Sun. Many Mississippian tribes built Giant sundials with tree trunks to know when the seasons changed, when to plant, and when to harvest. Without this knowledge, a poorly timed sowing of crops, mean starvation come winter.


I have the shivers…
When I was a child there was a movie tooking place in Mississipi that TOUCHED me deeply…
I was researching about them and I will keep doing so. it seams that they were very wise… loved to know about the truncated pyramids and their rituals! uaau…
thanks for the inspiration.

I went looking for the fireflies and didn’t find them which found it natural because the years when I see them, the atmosphere is a mixture of warmth and a kind of energy where there aren’t so many energetic holes as I felt it in the evening I went out. We had a fire last year and the forest and its’ atmosphere as also changed.


I think i didn’t share here yet that I’m writing my forth book… this one is for children (my first)… and it has a moose :slight_smile: I did some research about their habits and you confirm them in your observation - they do move with the sunrise and sunset! thanks for having someone confirming it :slight_smile: it seams even more real.
Thanks for sharing the videos. I will watch them and perhaps it will be extra inspiration for the book… thaaaank you.
Your energy must be very special for them to feel safe around you. From what I know there’s only a species of deers that enjoys human contact… and it’s not the one you have shown in the pics. Anyway, people who love camping like you, have a strong connection to nature and animals. Amazing!

“Listening deeper” is what lucid dreamers do, I think :slight_smile:


They were known for their huge Pyrimid Mounds, (google Cahokia Monks Mound) and beautiful pottery. They are the ones associated witht bow and arrows, becuase it was only invented/discovered around 1000AD in the Americas, Europe and asia had it much earlier
Their artwork shows a very high degree of detail and consciousness:

Swan carved from sold piece of stone, over a foot in diameter:

Stone the size of a large pizza:

Carved sea shell neclace ornament:


Carved Shells:

I think that is what makes the so special, is they are not a garuntee, and may happen at special times of year, or under dertain conditions.

So cool, did not know that about moose. Have seen then in the wild only a few times, once a mom and calf, that will make your jaw drop, they are so much bigger in person verses pictures or videos. Massive and powerul creatures, not animal you want to piss off.

I used meditation techniques to keep my breath and pulse steady, and not get over excited, then tried to 'beam" out positve energy from my heart to theirs, and tired to project a sense of security and harmony. Learned some techniques from her, I think she is the real deal:

You might really vibe with her teachings on intuition and clairvoyance and clairsentience. (Or you might think she crazy :upside_down_face:) I dig her work even if it is a little out there.


This thing about craziness is just a perspective, usually from a place where you don’t understand what’s going on… another perspective is genius. And there are many other perspectives :slight_smile:

I loved the example of meditation techniques to keep the breath and pulse steady - brilliant. Just that is enough to understand what makes it possible for you to come closer to wild animals, even though my intuition and observation tells me that you have some energy of Angel. Thanks for sharing - also the mississipians’ pics… amazing tribe! I love swans… and crabs. Once I found a natural shell of a dead crab that is a masterpiece… had never seen anything like that before. For me the natural art of nature is the most inspiring for me. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy so much painting when the Universe gives me the space for that… I also love creating pieces of art with people through presence, teachings, consultations and synchronicities… it’s just that with a canvas is SO special… it relaxes me and love to see it unfolding right in front of me - magic! Sometimes it also takes some months for me to go back for the next layer… or to understand the flow of the whole thing…
perhaps it’s because I LOVE colors :slight_smile:



A-ha! I think I found out why they did the deer petroglyph… Stories say that they were able to have the collaboration of deer and moose for their trasnportation!
Saw it on this video:

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I think you may be projecting, but I appreciate you saying that.

I think like very sensitive/conscious/aware people, many animals are are able hightened senses, and can hear a heart beat. On a deeper energetic level, I think they will pick up on bad vibes, or even cluttered minds, so I try to clear my mind and open it, along with my heart. Sometimes I like to visualize light in their heart centers as well as my own, and connect the 2 with a beam of white light. (Amelia’s book recommended that trick). Compassion I think helps big too. And gratitude for the moment along with a sense of awe doesnt hurt.


A few artists on here have shared their work, @_Barry and @Carolel and @mbready, along with others.

@MABennett61 is an artist, she also leads the Dream Sangha group 2x a month, which I really like. If you can make it you might like that group. I am going to try to get back to meetings at the end of August.


Great video, I had never heard of this domestication, but to me it makes total sense! Have seen a primative wheel barrel, with no wheels, and 2 large tree branches shaped like a V, that some used to drag heavy loads on the ground. Why not have a deer do it?

Not sure you caught the part in the video at the end where it showed the giant 20ft+ Tree trunk wall they constructed around the entire perimeter at (the time). I have seen them do walls of stone as well that are 6ft high and 6ft wide at other locations. When I first learned of this, the thought came to my mind, maybe they used the walls not just for protection, but to keep deer inside for a stable suppy of meat. About a year later I read an article by a scholar who proposed just that idea. Why hunt deer when you can farm them, or even use them for labor?


“I think you may be projecting, but I appreciate you saying that.”

With Angel energy, in your case I mean:

  1. your generosity;
  2. your empathic skills;
  3. connection with your grandmother - “female” energy.

“A few artists on here have shared their work, @_Barry and @Carolel and @mbready, along with others.”

I have seen their work! amazing.

@MABennett61 is an artist, she also leads the Dream Sangha group 2x a month, which I really like. If you can make it you might like that group. I am going to try to get back to meetings at the end of August.”

the time you have the meetings I’m sleeping, so I do it in night school perhaps some times :slight_smile:

“Why hunt deer when you can farm them, or even use them for labor?”

I think to be honest that with such animals they didn’t use them… it was more a collaboration. especially with rein deers and moose I don’t think you can domesticate them, but for sure to connect in dreams with them, for example, and ask for their support.

And yes, I saw the last part of the video. What caught my attention was that they had six fingers… and I know some human who were born with six fingers but they were cut off - to fit the normal five fingers human hands… mysteries of this world…


Actually, reindeer herding was big in Alaska starting in the 19th century and had a great affect on the Alaskan Native populations, along with injecting Laplander influences into the territory’s’ culture.


I appreciate you saying that :slightly_smiling_face:, and its funny, I had an experience the other day that makes me feel this is kind of a synchronicity:

I had met my two young neices for the first time. Becuase strict covid enforcement and a cancer diagnosis of the mother, I couldnt visit them.

Long story short, I was very moved meeting them, and I had an intuition that I was not alone, and that one or a few of my ancestors were there to experience the moment with us. And then I had kind of a invisible flash vision or snese of presense of an old lady (one of my grandmothers?) being overwhelmed with emotion, and her legs going week and almost falling to the ground, and someone (another ancestor?) catching her arm before hitting the ground.

Words dont do it justice. Not sure what the hell was going on at an energetic or spiritual level, but It was a Mack Truck of positive emotions, and I got the feeling I wasnt the only one feeling them.


Yup its a strech of the imagination, not sure if they did it with the bigger moose or Caribu, but something tells me there was a level of domestication that advanced tribes had with deer. They probably could not plow the fields, but living in enclosed areas with the tribes would not shock me.

Very fascinativing to learn about the large stone slab in Monks mound, I did not know that. Could have been dropped in the area by a glacier, but like the video said, NA knew how to move giant tree trunks and big stones over great distances:



This site is on my bucket list, havent been yet, hopefully one day.


About 2 hrs drive.

However, 5 minutes away at the University of Massachusetts- Amherst, they built a “Sun wheel” which is pretty neat.


Have you been to it before?

If not, if you can plan a trip in 2 weeks, you could visit during Peak Meteor shower August 13, the week of a new moon (pime viewing).

Or make the most of this Supermoon full moon this week.

Or BOTH :star_struck:


I was researching a bit more and the University of California found out in 2020 that they were domesticated already 2000 years ago by the nenets - Siberians.
In this article they advise that you talk with the ancients to find out how they were able semi-domesticate them.

What wonderful generous beings…


thanks for sharing.
would like to share more about your relationship with your grandmothers? perhaps especially the one you dreamt of?