A Picture is NOT worth 1000 Words — the Buddha Dharma is a Tradition of Words — A Guide for Those Who Can’t Visualize (Aphantasia)

I will be visiting the Irish ones next April :slight_smile:


I am very jealous, cant wait to see the pics!

There is a Solar Eclipse next Aprl I think.


If you havent seen before, definitely something to add to the bucket list. I think its the 9th Wonder of the World.


you have just inspired me to research on the several Stonehenges there.
Thank you :slight_smile:
about the solar eclipse it’s on the 8th of April and I think it will only be seen there, not in Europe.


Yes you are right, they happen about every 2 years, so sooner or later it will be in a ‘theatre near you’. Even if you can nail the location and timing, weather can prevent your viewing (clouds, rain, dust, smoke haze, etc). So I hate to say it, you may have to be in the right place at the right time a few times, just to see it once.

But if it interests you, i think your intuition is powerful, and youd be able to pick the one that would be prime for you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Dear @NightHawk999
I have been doing the practice of making a connection of light from my heart to animals’ hearts and it’s working.
So far, with doves and dogs.
It brings our connection to a new level.

Especially the doves who are wild, they no longer fly away with my eye gaze :slight_smile:
I had done it before with my shamanic drum and it also brings trust to them. they relax to it.

I sometimes do the white beam heart 2 heart with several animals at the same time…
It’s so beautiful.
Thank you for sharing this nectar with us.

Infinite blessings to you.


This brings a HUGE smile to my face, I am very happy you not only took the time to try it out, but also im elated to know its working and you are having success with it! Words dont do it justice, its something you got to subjectively experience to really appreciate its depth. :slightly_smiling_face: :star_struck: :slightly_smiling_face: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :innocent:

Not sure if you checked out Amelia Kinkades book, but if not, now I really think you will like it.

This book is pretty good too:

Heres a video of her explaining some of the stuff, its pretty cool:

Heres a great interview with Amelia:


I loved Penelope’s intuition and how Maisie’s human friend was so touched by her words about Maisie :slight_smile: Amelia is also very special and totally devoted. what an inspiration :slight_smile:
this is essential education. and it’s very useful also for the connection between humans and children: learning to feel the energy of the other… and to truly love unconditionally, in truth and divine consciousness.

we have several amazing authors here in Portugal in this area but I might buy both books you recommended (straight from the horse’s mouth and animal talk) - in the right moment.

thank you so much for sharing the videos and books.


Amen, couldnt agree more, well said.

I would go with the one in your native tongue first, and if the author is in your country and close to you, you may be able to me up and test their skills with a friends pet (if you dont have one). I am sure they will appreciate your work as well. May be a great way to cross polinate ideas, and customers.


I don’t feel the calling to do what you suggest.
I have two pets :slight_smile: they are both dogs. Me and my family have a very strong connection with both of them. We’re not perfect but they are both fine and we are an amazing team - we give them our best.

But at the moment, thanks to you, I’m expanding the communication with the wild animals also, and it’s AMAZING because it’s influencing all my relationships.

At the moment I’m doing a quest “Unlocking transcendence” with Jeffrey Alan which is also summing up to this inner upgrade, but it’s the white beam light that has been making the difference dear @NightHawk999 :slight_smile:

Yesterday I was talking with my uncle outside and noticed that a couple of seagulls were flying really close to us and talking A LOT. After a few minutes of that, I looked at them, connected with the white light beam to their hearts and then… decided to do the same with my uncle. The result was a huge love coming out of my heart to him - as never before, I think. For a LONG time! If it hadn’t been a stronger connection with the seagulls I wouldn’t have remembered to do it with my uncle, especially because it was SO HOT that somehow the awareness was somehow lowering.

Thanks once again… :slight_smile:


This is why I love it so much, because it carries over into our interactions with people as well, all for the better. :slightly_smiling_face:

I am going to add this book to my reading list.

I love that your intuition picked up on this! So awesome! The white light not only works 1 on 1, but also as a net, or WEB, that connects multiple beings at once, or ALL beings in the area.

This makes me so happy that you are having so much success with this, especially with Wild animals, which can be more difficult to connect with, due to their fears of humans. Keep up the great work my friend!!! :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


thank you dear friend.
indeed, it’s a net :slight_smile:

what i mentioned is not a book… here goes:


Ahhhhh my bad. I have actually seen him advertise on youtube probably a dozen times, I tried to find some of his work for free, but couldnt find much.

Very interesting story on how he met his wife.

I have thought about taking his master class a few times. Might be something to pull the trigger on in the future. I am very interested to know how it goes, and if you think he is the real deal.

Watching this video for the first time Jeffery answered one question that has been bothering me for years!: “How do you discriminate between intution, and self serving egoic thoughts?”

His answer:

“Does it Shock you”

I thought that was a really insightful and brilliant statement!


it’s you who has to feel if he’s the real deal…
as he says, if it’s me sharing about him, it’s just a story.

Anyway, since I’m a story teller, here goes… :wink: I can share that from my experience I’m LOVING it. This quest in particular is very practical and I’ve been drinking from all that he offers with amazing results. It’s a challenge because what he proposes is to do it for 60 days in a row. With some flexibility, but every ten days we start again and the day before is an integration day to do the eventual exercises that we weren’t able to do during that period. He’s very authentic which I enjoy very much. I’m an energetic healer since 2010, and I do admire the simplicity, professionalism in the powerful exercises he creates and shares. He’s the only Mind Valley author who shares his insights in the same platform as we students do. He sure helps MANY people all around the world.

If you check the low bar of the video you shared, there are several free videos, such as “clear your mental clutter” or “energy secrets for better communication” that you can check and start practicing and see what happens inside of you.

About the sentence “Does it Shock you”, yes, this is one of the ways of checking if it’s intuition or ego. Sometimes there’s also an integration period of the information that arrives: in that day it might shock you but the week after, sometimes, some hours after, not any longer :wink: other times it might take some years to fully grasp the intuitive information :cowboy_hat_face:

The story with his wife is de-li-cious :slight_smile:


Today I did the light beam with this friend and he let me take this picture of him :cowboy_hat_face:

I was with a friend and as she was putting a cloth on the floor I noticed that he would be crushed if she would continue. then he jumped, I did the light beam and he was posing for me! hihihi…

and then for my surprise, this friend also came…


So true, and yeah after watching that video interview of him, I absolutely feel that he is the real deal.

I am so glad you mentioned him. Becuase I used his advice in the video to wiegh options and go with what the intuition said I should do when I did my camping trip, and it ended up being one of the best trips of my life! Thank you so much!

I got that vibe from him as well. Great minds think a like :wink:

Awesome, I was hoping to find more of his stuff online, going to check it out this week.

That is a really good point about the time frame.

Yeah it is delicious, lol, that is a perfect way to sum it up :slightly_smiling_face:


I am really glad you mentioned this, I had a great moment with a moth when I was out in the woods. Sounds crazy, but the animal communication and energy exchange is not just possible with mamals, or fish, or reptiles, but insects as well. Now I am wondering if it is possible to do it with trees, plants, and even mountains, oceans, storm clouds, or planets?!?!?

I am prejudiced, but it may be possible. :cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face:

Will write about the story later this week.


yes, it is possible to communicate with plants. check this out:

I visited this spiritual community in 2012 @ Italy, and found out that they have discovered that plants have several abilities of communicating with us:

  1. improvising and leading and/or
  2. following our singing (meaning that they are able to listen to us and sing along) and/or
  3. repeating our tones.

About communicating with planets check out the youtube channel of the Monroe Institute and what they call nvc - non verbal communication (the way to communicate with other species of planets.

I send you a video I filmed a few days ago, for you to perhaps understand what I’m writing:

check after 0h38 until 1h02
(this is the booktrailer of my book intuitive power)

curious to know about your story and happy that you had one of the best trips of your life! yehaaaaay! :slight_smile:


So cool that they will repeat the tones.

A few years ago I was planting a small garden. In the neihborhood there were other apartment buildings that had larger gardens in them. On 3-4 occassions I had a strong desire/intuition to dig a few plants out of the bed, and give them another home so they could expand. I did not want to steal, so I decided against it.

Fast forward to today, and 100% of those plants are dead and gone. It was almost like the plants were trying to get me to save them!!!

The Eastern Red Cedar is my favorite tree, I absolutely love this Cherokee myth/belief:

"The Legend of the Cedar Tree Cherokee Native American Lore As told by Jim Fox
A long time ago when the Cherokee people were new upon the earth, they thought that life would be much better if there was never any night. They beseeched the Ouga (Creator) that it might be day all the time and that there would be no darkness.
The Creator heard their voices and made the night cease and it was day all the time. Soon, the forest was thick with heavy growth. It became difficult to walk and to find the path. The people toiled in the gardens many long hours trying to keep the weeds pulled from among the corn and other food plants. It got hot, very hot, and continued that way day after long day. The people began to find it difficult to sleep and became short tempered and argued among themselves.
Not many days had passed before the people realized they had made a mistake and, once again, they beseeched the Creator. “Please,” they said, “we have made a mistake in asking that it be day all the time. Now we think that it should be night all the time.” The Creator paused at this new request and thought that perhaps the people may be right even though all things were created in twos… representing to us day and night, life and death, good and evil, times of plenty and those times of famine. The Creator loved the people and decided to make it night all the time as they had asked.
The day ceased and night fell upon the earth. Soon, the crops stopped growing and it became very cold. The people spent much of their time gathering wood for the fires. They could not see to hunt meat and with no crops growing it was not long before the people were cold, weak, and very hungry. Many of the people died.
Those that remained still living gathered once again to beseech the Creator. “Help us Creator,” they cried! “We have made a terrible mistake. You had made the day and the night perfect, and as it should be, from the beginning. We ask that you forgive us and make the day and night as it was before.”
Once again the Creator listened to the request of the people. The day and the night became, as the people had asked, as it had been in the beginning. Each day was divided between light and darkness. The weather became more pleasant, and the crops began to grow again. Game was

plentiful and the hunting was good. The people had plenty to eat and there was not much sickness. The people treated each other with compassion and respect. It was good to be alive. The people thanked the Creator for their life and for the food they had to eat. The Creator accepted the gratitude of the people and was glad to see them smiling again. However, during the time of the long days of night, many of the people had died, and the Creator was sorry that they had perished because of the night. The Creator placed their spirits in a newly created tree. This tree was named a-tsi-na tlu-gv {ah-see-na loo-guh} cedar tree.
When you smell the aroma of the cedar tree or gaze upon it standing in the forest, remember that if you are Tsalagi {Cherokee}, you are looking upon your ancestor.
Tradition holds that the wood of the cedar tree holds powerful protective spirits for the Cherokee. Many carry a small piece of cedar wood in their medicine bags worn around the neck. It is also placed above the entrances to the house to protect against the entry of evil spirits. A traditional drum would be made from cedar wood.
Does the author believe this? Well, lets just say that there is a piece of cedar in my medicine pouch and I wear it always. The Creator did not make the people because of loneliness, but because the Creator wanted to show generosity and love to the people. Accept the blessings and the gifts given and always give thanks for them.
Cantrell, Doyne, Western Cherokee Nation of Arkansas and Missouri - A History - A Heritage. 2009. (Pgs. 122-123)
Cedar is one of the most important Native American ceremonial plants, used by many tribes as an incense and purifying herb. Cedar is especially associated with prayer, healing, dreams, and protection against disease. Many Salish tribes consider the cedar tree a symbol of generosity and providence, and had special rituals regarding the felling of cedar trees. Cedar is commonly used as part of sweat lodge ceremonies, and is also one of the herbs frequently included in medicine bundles and amulets. Cedar leaves and bark are used as medicine plants in many tribes as well.


Having red cedar trees in a campground is like having a family member (s) who care about you and offer gifts of survival. The sap, dead leaves and dead dried away bark make excellent fire starters!


Loved this video, I dont speak Portuguese, but I know some spanish, and I think the end translation says something about a portion of your sales will go toward planting trees? Very cool. :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

I really liked the scene from the mountain top with the sun and the clouds moving through.

The part with you and the huge tree is really magnificent!

Is that you narrating the video? If so, sounds like you have a beautiful singing voice.


uau! thanks for the story and this amazing, precious database :slight_smile:
I love Cedar and did you know that it’s one of the natural medicines to keep moths away from the house? :slight_smile: