A return to lucid dreaming

its that time of year, nights are longer and colder, ideal for catching up on sleep and dreaming



True, that! I find it much easier to sleep longer when the room is cool and dark! I feel like a bear just wanting to curl up and hibernate for the winter haha.


Great Mind thinks a like, couple blankets and or dogs and make the most of hibernation.

Sacred time of year:


I feel like I’m not the same person who started down this rekindled practice path back in March, this year (2024). I’ve become much more in tune with stillness, silence, and spaciousness. I’ve become aware of the inner voice’s tricks and narratives that keep me distracted, and as such, am distracted less and less.

I feel blessed to have encountered other practitioners, teachers, and resources, that have helped me, more and more, to wake up to the present moment. Regret and worry still are with me, but don’t dominate my days, and usually are reduced to brief moments – I catch the spinning up of these stories pretty quickly now, chuckle and think or say “ah, there you go again,” and let them dissolve.

The letting go of results/outcome-oriented thinking and dependency is going to take a while to work through, but I think I’ve made a decent beginning – recognizing the problem is I think the greater part of the battle.

It is no simple thing, overcoming life-long conditioned and reinforced bad habits, and I’ve fallen off the wagon a number of times this year, very recently again. But I want to be free of my demons, so I’m dusting myself off and getting up again.

Andrew posted a really incredible “end of class” (with Mia Lux) “riff” video on lucidity, openness, and the negative effects of trying to force things. About “never giving up.” I hope it becomes generally available to this group.

I have a lot of things circling around in my mind now, the teachings in “Meditation For Modern Madness,” “The Power of NOW,” of course TWR’s teachings in his dream yoga course and his masterpiece, TYoDaS. They all point basically the same way, and I deeply feel this is the Right Way.



“You know why I like plants? Because they’re so mutable. Adaptation is a profound process. Means you figure out how to thrive in the world”

Great Mind thinks a like my friend!
I actually had the same conclusion when I was out camping this summer, and watching my mind like a Hawk. :eagle: Its so profound to observe these incredibly subtitle and invisible ripples of mind :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

AMEN^( :infinity:)
I feel so blessed for this Sangha and all the amazing wisdom and resources shared

The Power of Humor cannot be overstated!
Its amazing how a well target arrow can shatter some of the most reified concepts in an instant! :bow_and_arrow
Like a bolt of Lightning…

No doubt.
Theres a reason its called the Warrior’s Path, it takes a tremendous amount of inner strength, bravery, tenacity, and LOVE.

I love Lady Light :sunny:, but have not watched vid 6 yet, so really looking forward to hearing Master Holecek’s riff (so blessed to have these 2 rock stars team up!). His introduction riff on vid 1 is a total Grand Slam!

Never heard of this

Love ET. His books and vids were the stepping stones that eventually lead me to (and helped me GRASP) Andrews work. :star_struck:




It’s a new book, out this year, a very gentle but profound introduction to Dzogchen. I highly recommend it.


I will check it out, thank you for the recommendation :star_struck:

Have you read this book? (free full digital text here):

(I havent read it in full yet, but have heard really good things about it.)


Haven’t read that…I’m trying now to finish the books I start before starting new ones :). Thanks for the recommendation!


Anytime my friend, I know the feeling all too well, too many books, and not enough eyes and time.

Thanksgiving day I had 2 lucid dreams.
Short. But big milestone for me, dont think I have had 2 in one night before.


Fantastic! Congrats! My daytime lucidity is at (it feels like) an all-time high, while my night-time lucidity is … well, a work in progress let’s say :).



today I have reached my record - 9 lucid dreams in a month. the LD from tonight had a bonus - after some minutes, a buzz came and, for the first time a clear astral projection moment, where the journey went ok (last time it happened inside a LD, my dream legs were outside a void I went to). I asked to go to the sea and I indeed saw some waves from above in black white and gray tones. then I asked to swim with the dolphins and I indeed saw them in those tones but did not go into the ocean to swim with them - I was an observer this time. It was a long LD :sunny: with many other colors and experiences. I also flew through a door and then remind myself I could play with “going through wall” as a practice and a voice said - “You just did that! Why would you do that again?” hihihi

To Celebrate all this, today I did my Tummo practice at the beach, for the first time. It felt great to take the lineage there… we did a great work :pray:


Hooray! Good for you for your 9! As for me, I had my first LD of 2025 two nights ago…short but fun, beautiful bright colors, I simply lightly hopped into the air and just floated there and twisted in the air and felt a strong feeling of ecstasy! It continued on for a little bit after that. The dreams were quite vivid, also last night as well felt like an “alternate life” level of dream – fairly long, continuous, vivid, I was constantly observing things, listening to dialogue (and speaking a bit), looking at faces (something I do a lot in dreams), trying to place them, had some false memories kick in (two large heavy male twins in a high school classroom – “Yeah, I’ve seen them before, they’re a bit older now”. Then I walked around the town and stopped in to a restaurant for a burger and shake (the burgers on display through the window looked HUGE and really tasty). The place was full but I got a table. I observed the people, spoke with some, it was great :).


After half a year of more or less stagnant results, I’m making some changes to my practice. I’ve learned a lot from TYoDaS and TWR. For this year, though, I’m going to return to classic LaBerge-ian cognitive approaches. Mainly MILD. I will be spending my days doing waking stuff more, enjoying waking life more, and engaging the waking day more, as opposed to spending every second reading about and practicing for dreaming. More music, dancing, play, fun. Creative endeavors, reading and maybe writing science fiction/fantasy, etc.

I’ve also just finished reading “Hacking the OBE Experience: Leveraging Science to Induce OBEs” and I thought it was a fantastic book, a great look at what it takes to have OBEs. I highly recommend it, well worth it. I will probably pick up the author’s prior books as well.


Amen! This is a tool I think everyone should utilize.
Spicing things up with some change I think is really smart.

Deep Wisdom in this. Especially if you are trying new types of things in a category you love, like dancing, have you tried Country Line Dancing?

These creative and rejuvenating endeavors I think deeply please the unconscious mind and soul. Would not shock me if you are rewarded for this in the Dream world.

Thank you for this



Mostly I mean just twirling around my living room with one of my dogs who loves to dance with me :).





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In fact I had 2 LDs at the end of January :). We’ll see how it goes but with my new approach and with some feedback from an experienced dreamer, I’m sleeping better and have more awareness in dreams.


Yep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



These simple and uncoslty heart openers are some of the best

Also Charity.

Finding a charity or cause that helps people and that you deeply resonate with (and that opens your heart); and then volunteering 1x a month (or whatever is convenient for your schedule), I think has ineffable power.


I dont think this is a coincidence my Friend

