In the Tibetan tradition, body, speech, and mind are known as the three doors to enlightenment, for they are the only tools we have for progressing on the spiritual path. Through these doors we either exit and become separated from our true nature, or we enter into the fullness of being, realizing and manifesting our capacities in this life for the benefit of others.
On January 28, 2021, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche launches a yearlong online program related to these three doors. Included are live teachings and guided meditations, science/spirituality dialogs, and mantra recitation sessions — see schedule below. Suggestions for “homework” are offered to support your exploration of these life-changing practices.
Every offering is free and open to all. Whether you are a longtime meditation practitioner or a novice, you are welcome to attend any or all live broadcasts throughout the year. Except for the 24-Hour full moon practices, no advance registration is required. Simply view on the Facebook page of Tenzin Wangyal Rinoche or via the “Learn more” links below. More tips for participating