Consciousness does not require a Self

Here Dreamers… thanks for all of your fabulous posts… this is my first post and I have been listening to Dreams of Light… thanks for this book. I have found this article this morning and thought that you might enjoy reading it :grinning:

Merry Christmas… Peaceful happiness Judith :heart:


This is my favorite book by Andrew! Such an amazing book!!!

Thank you for sharing the article. Merry CHRISTmas to you also, infinite blessings :innocent::slightly_smiling_face:!


"In this view, consciousness does not require a complex brain that can construct a self with the power to make the contents of the mind conscious. Consciousness is instead seen as the attempt to know the world that all living things must engage in, in order to exist over time. In this way, we can see consciousness as existing in the way that the organism interacts with the world, as a process or behaviour rather than as a “thing”. From this perspective, the space of awareness that exists prior to the experience of the self can be conceived of as what Thomas Metzinger has called an “epistemic space”, the space in which beliefs about both the character of the world and the self can arise [15]. By understanding consciousness to exist prior to the experience of psychological selfhood, we can both remove a major roadblock to the scientific understanding of consciousness and come to know the nature of our own minds more fully.

Great read thank you for sharing

Merry Christmas, and welcome to the club :slightly_smiling_face: