24 February 2024
10-11:30 a.m. EST (New York),
4-5:30 p.m. CET (Europe),
24 February 2024
10-11:30 a.m. EST (New York),
4-5:30 p.m. CET (Europe),
Beloved @Bianca_Aga such a beautiful synchronicity… in my case, I came out of hibernation and drived ot the center of Portugal to be part of a beautiful planting that took place this morning in Pinhal do Marquês (in Graciosa) @ Luso - Mata do Bussaco.
Together everything is more harmonious, simple and beautiful.
We danced, played and planted 42 trees and bushes:
Yews (druid shrubs), oaks, cork oaks, hawthorn trees (an excellent tree for the heart), laurels, cedars (and Bussaco cedars), strawberry trees, and other natural beauties.
The team:
This is me planting a Yew
This incredible man planted 10 trees today!
We were also taking care of the ground - not just planting trees…
In the coming days, more trees will be planted, totaling 111 - payed by the royalties from my third book - “Dream Relationships - which become real”. And… Mission accomplished! What a wonderful feeling. They will be taken care by an association for five years
I loved meeting the various volunteers and also those from the “European Solidarity Corps”, and knowing that, very soon, seven volunteers from various European countries will live in Casa Feteira, in the middle of the forest. What a wonderful adventure and experience! What a blessing to have these young people taking care of nature. The volunteers are an initiative of the European Solidarity Corps and Internationaler Jugend Freiwilligen Dienst (from Germany).
Infinite Gratitude🤎
PS: @Bianca_Aga yesterday I met a couple from Wales and thought of you… they were super nice - like you. And yes, I remember that beautiful witch that, thanks to you, sparkled my 2023 Christmas with even more love and connection with my witch and wizard friends. Thank you for that “deer” friend
As you know, I will be going to Ireland in April and we will visit the Brigidine Sisters: https://brigidine.org.au/
Did you know that in Ireland 2024 is the 1500 years Celebration of Brigid?
I really liked the video about Imbolc and the connection to Brigid… thank you
thank you for posting these events
Happy Losar for the year of the wood dragon. May it be a year of transformation and wisdom, and may we embody the dragon symbolism of enlightenment and the power of perfect communication.
16 - 23 March 2024
From Andrew Holecek website Diary of Events
Blue Spirit Retreat Center, Costa Rica
“In this workshop, you will learn how lucid dreaming evolves into dream yoga, and if your nocturnal education continues, into the “graduate school” of sleep yoga (maintaining consciousness in deep dreamless sleep) and even bardo yoga (using the darkness of the night to prepare for death). Participants come out of these workshops with a totally new relationship to sleep and dreams. And since “darkness” and “sleep” are code words for the unconscious mind and spiritual ignorance, you will learn how to illuminate and therefore eliminate the darkness of your own mind, and wake up spiritually – just as the Buddha, the “awakened one,” did.”
Was happy to hear that, I listen to this one a lot on the compilation I made below (it starts at OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG):
My Niece, Ang Dolma Sherpa, is one of four presenters at Yale University on February 29. If you are in the area, stop by the subject interests you.
April 8th 2024
Total Solar Eclipse
= ?
this is such an amazing initiative. I’m connected to a radio station here in Portugal who has a podcast just for sustainable information. I will be sharing this with them.
infinite blessings and love to your niece
Their essay for Thursday’s presentation at Yale:
beautiful essay. thanks for sharing
Hanuman’s Heart: Bhakti Yoga and Service retreat with Jai Uttal and others. Neem Karoli Baba Ashram in Taos, New Mexico, 6/7-6/9/24:
Can you post the Zoom link for Roberts next meeting, not this Sunday, but the following one? I think some members might appreciate it.
Will try to find the link too.
Mon, Mar 25, 2024
Great Event
4PM Eastern