Female in Buddhism 👸

Yes, she lived quite the amazing life. In the 1970’s she was briefly married to Stan Grof and did psychedelic research with him. I would recommend her book “The Fruitful Darkness” that is about her anthropological work and shamanic connection to the earth. She became ordained as a Zen Priest and does a lot of work with the dying.


Alexandra David-Néel

In the early twentieth century the representation of Inner Asia, especially Tibet, was floating between different perspectives. The colonialist perspective which dominated the discourse about Tibet during the nineteenth century represented the Himalayas’ territories and populations as savage and only concerned with mysticism.

David-Néel’s book shared this vision by proposing a positive, exotic, and spiritual image of Tibet, which went beyond the classic colonialist assertion of superiority and rivalry.[4]

Alexandra David-Néel was a great admirer of Oriental cultures and mysticism, as she herself was a Buddhist. She studied Oriental cultures at the University of Sorbonne and in 1892 she completed her studies at the Theosophical Society and took part in other esoteric communities, such as the Freemason.



" Alexandra David-Néel (born Louise Eugénie Alexandrine Marie David ; 24 October 1868 – 8 September 1969) was a Belgian–French explorer, spiritualist, Buddhist, anarchist, opera singer, and writer.[a][b][c] She is most known for her 1924 visit to Lhasa, Tibet, when it was forbidden to foreigners. David-Néel wrote over 30 books about Eastern religion, philosophy, and her travels, including Magic and Mystery in Tibet , which was published in 1929."

:scorpius: / ( :libra:)
Talk about being able to see the hidden essence of things…



" Three Years on the Great Mountain: A Memoir of Zen and Fearlessness by
Cristina Moon :new_moon_with_face:
At the age of 25, Cristina Moon :full_moon_with_face:sat her first ten-day meditation retreat to prepare for the possibility of arrest and torture inside military-ruled Burma. While Moon :waning_gibbous_moon:acknowledges the naivete of her initial intent, on the retreat she nevertheless discovered not only a method to withstand pain but also a new way of seeing the world that set her on a decades-long spiritual path. Eventually, Moon :last_quarter_moon_with_face: found her way to Daihonzan Chozen-ji, a Rinzai Zen temple and martial arts dojo in Honolulu that emphasizes warrior Zen training. Her latest book, Three Years on the Great Mountain: A Memoir of Zen and Fearlessness , follows her first three years at Chozen-ji as she learns ferocity and grace through swordsmanship, ceramics, and the rigors of all-night training. For more on Moon :waxing_crescent_moon:, listen to a recent episode of Tricycle Talks, where she discusses the importance of learning to face challenges directly, why the highest directive of a Zen priest is to give courage and take away fear, and how she’s learning to take herself less seriously while remaining entirely sincere."



1h00 Tara Queen of the World

Dakini Mantra - her hands perform conscious magic here @NightHawk999

A similarly named Bonpo terton, Gyarong Khandro Dechen Wangmo (rgya rong mkha’ 'gro bde chen dbang mo, b. 1868), is renowned as the revealer of a treasure called Lives of an Ocean of Ḍākinīs (mkha’ 'gro rgya mtsho’i rnam thar), which contains the biographies of sixteen major female figures. Donatella Rossi, who has studied the life and work of this Dechen Wangmo extensively, gives her dates as 1868–c.1927, while in a recent talk, Sherab Wangmo of Northwestern University gives her dates as 1868–c.1935.


Yeshe Tsogyal


" also known as “Victorious Ocean of Knowledge”, “Knowledge Lake Empress” (Wylie: ye shes mtsho rgyal , ཡེ་ཤེས་མཚོ་རྒྱལ), or by her Sanskrit name Jñānasāgarā**“Knowledge Ocean”"**


:star_struck: :heart_eyes: :star_struck:




Vajrayogini and Vajravarahi




Wildness & Wisdom - Female Teachers in the Tantric Tradition

got to this video thanks to @_Barry and Beloved Mel Pine
