How can the accounts be deleted?


Can you please let me know how can I delete the accounts from both the community and Nightclub (they seem separate as I have to login to both of them) ?

Thank you!

If there is no delete functionality available please delete the profile associated with my e-mail address from both the nightclub and community!

Not sure how to do that,not sure if it is possible, if it is, it might be something @AlyssaModerator can help you do.

Sorry to see you go. I enjoyed your posts and the material you shared. Hope you come back in the future.

Is there a specific reason you are deciding to delete your posts?

Good morning Sahasraralm,
I’m so sorry to hear you’d like to delete your account. Let me check with our tech team and see how to do so/if it’s possible. I’ll be back in touch shortly

To delete you should login, go to My Dashboard/My Subscriptions and click “cancel”:

The “cancel” link on your account page gives you the ability to cancel recurring subscriptions. This will prevent future charges. By canceling, you will lose access to your protected content when your current transaction/subscription is set to expire and you will be required to sign up again for that membership if you choose to return.

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I accessed the above links … and on the said pages there is no cancel option.

Please delete the accounts, both of them!

Thank you!