Infinite Potential: The Life and Ideas of David Bohm | Full Film

This is a lovely film about the legendary physicist David Bohm, student of Einstein and friend of Krishnamurti. Bohm was a brave and radical thinker, deeply guided by a vision of wholeness. I read his classic book “Wholeness and the Implicate Order” some 30 years ago, and his ideas are now gaining traction. Bohm asserted there is an underlying unity, the implicate order, behind appearance, the explicate order. One issue I don’t see reconciled in his work is the subtle cosmological dualism implied, but the resonance of his thought with the wisdom traditions is remarkable.


I’ve only understood the unity to be resolved through the study of the continuation of consciousness. I’d love it if you could set us up with more precepts for our journey, Andrew. Thanks!


My friend, a Physics grad student at the time, saw him on campus years ago. He writes,

David Bohm gave a lecture to the Berkeley physics department (Friday colloquium) when I was there in the ‘70s. He was creating a theory where the vacuum of space was grounded in what he called the holomovement. Can’t believe I remember that. Perhaps a combination of the second type and third type of nonduality. In the end, all these years later, his work has not become center stage in quantum mechanics thinking. I found it interesting that Einstein spoke out against Bohm’s hidden variables theory.

Einstein was a big proponent of deterministic physics contrary to quantum mechanic’s probabilistic interpretations. Perhaps a combination of the second type and third type of nonduality. In the end, all these years later, his work has not become center stage in quantum mechanics thinking.

I found it interesting that Einstein spoke out against Bohm’s hidden variables theory. Einstein was a big proponent of deterministic physics contrary to quantum mechanic’s probabilistic interpretations.

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Hi @Andrew,
synchronicity… Today I woke up with a desire to dive deeper in Bohm’s observations. And, voilá, your sharing pops up. Thank your for this extraordinary reference.
With loving kindness,


Happy to see this documentary is out there. I used to assign chapters from his wonderful On Dialogue in freshmen composition courses to help them move out of the binary “debate” mindset promoted by this society and to help familiarize them with learning as changing and changing as involving “sensations of fear” and “risk” and such. A wonderful, needed voice in this world.


How well did the papers you elicited from students help familiarize them with learning as changing and changing as involving “sensations of fear” and “risk” and such? Any great surprises?

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Hello there. I am sorry not to see this until now. I didn’t follow up enough, to be honest. I would now, I were teaching that subject still. I would likely due some short low-stakes assignments around those inner sensations. Student feedback in general good, a fair amount told me course was among their favorite four years later, so I would imagine that this more whole-person approach was why. Gave them the Bohm in the first week or two usually, and so this sets a tone for the course that is different that the usual old focus on “argument” that tends to get us up in our heads…Bohm’s work helped me get the body back into the classroom (where it always was).


As a teacher, now retired, I found that I often learned as much from this type of assignment as the students, although I often didn’t realize it until much later, and further realized that I could have followed them up with even more nourishment to chew on. Luckily I had that opportunity a few times over the years, so I knew that resources such as you found in Bohm are “golden nuggets” of teaching treasure.

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I’m definitely going to watch this. The Holographic Universe found me at 16 and it was lifechanging.

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Looking forward to hearing about that. Welcome.

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Thank you for the welcoming♡. I’ll make a post about the David Bohm experience in the next couple days.

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