Pretty cool to hear your thoughts and experiences with the higher realms and lower realms. For me, the higher realms are places with absolutely breathtaking architecture, like every single detail, down to the tiniest speck, was meticulously crafted by a dream shaper. It’s like these realms were created by the best animators in the world and saved as saved file a file every one can explore, except they’re real. Instead of being designed by mouse clicks and programs, they’re crafted by beings with incredible skill and intention.
When I travel to these places, I’m usually with a friend or two. These experiences are what you’d call hyper-realistic, hyper-detailed lucid dreams. My friends in these dreams behave just like other human beings would in waking life, which makes it all the more surreal.
As for the lower realms, I’ve explored a few here and there. One notable experience was documented here:
In that instance, I think I entered someone else’s dream territory and it wasnt a pleasant place. I think I was able to help them a bit when I smashed the phone disconnecting them from the realm. The monsters in that dream were formidable, and the impressions I got was clear… it wasn’t a place anyone would want to stay for long.
Another lower realm I’ve explored involved descending what seemed like an endless staircase. I was lucid, chanting as I ran down. At the bottom, I encountered a being with two extremely aggressive dogs on chains. They were barking viciously, and I thought the being holding the hounds of hell as I called them was the devil himself. In the moment, I morphed my hands into giant ones and clapped the being. A spirit arose out of the top of my hands and flew out of a window. I followed it up and eventually met a friend on a landing. We talked for a bit before the dream ended.
On the higher realm side, one experience stands out. I thought about it recently because of Bucket’s experience with Pan.
This experience came as a byproduct of helping my dog through her bardo. In a lucid dream, a friend grabbed my hand, and we took off into the air, flying faster than I’d ever traveled in a dream before. Everything around me blurred, streaking by in flashes. When we finally stopped, I met someone in a large wheat field with a big red barn next to it who seemed to recognize me. I told him I trusted him to take care of my dog until I could do so myself. He agreed, and I flew upward, piercing through a thick blanket of clouds.
On the other side, I saw about 40 angels. As I popped through, they greeted me, saying, “We hope you don’t mind us practicing,” before continuing their singing. I stayed for a little bit, before leaving to explore other areas of the dream.
I’m trying to recall other experiences, but none are coming to me at the moment. It’d be amazing to compile a collection of the higher and lower realms we’ve explored. It might even be worth starting a new topic for it.