Percentage of Heavy Drinking Days Following Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy vs Placebo in the Treatment of Adult Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder A Randomized Clinical Trial

OK it has killed one person with a serious heart problem. But one out of how many millions of dosings out there? It’s got to be one of the safest drugs you can think of.


I low micodoses, yes.

In higher level doses, no.

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Check out this quote from the Guardian:
“There is no known lethal dose for LSD or pure psilocybin,” This is from the Guardian article that you posted earlier. It also shows a chart with the lethality of a range of drugs with meth at the top of the list and psilocybin at the bottom. The article talks about the risk of bad trips and gives examples, and yes, that is true. People may freak out and do dangerous things, but lethality from overdose is another question. I’m not saying that lethality is zero, especially for folks with heart issues. Just saying that in terms of OD, you probably won’t find a safer mind altering drug. More people probably OD on caffeine.