Percentage of Heavy Drinking Days Following Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy vs Placebo in the Treatment of Adult Patients With Alcohol Use Disorder A Randomized Clinical Trial

Lots of them crashing in the high Himalayas . . . . Trouble is, as you recognize, it is easy to forget the view without sustainable practices and an acceptance of the things of everyday life including boredom, routine, non-congruence and the like.


I believe it 100%, and agree with the warning “dont try this at home kids”.

My 2nd time microdosing, was 1 very small cap, I think that is less than a gram, and I was in a really good place ofr the next 3+ hours. The guy ‘leading’ the trip, took 5g for the first time that day, and he had history of doing it, but never that high of a dose.

long stroy short, he (nearly?) overdosed, and the group was out in the woods, not very close to help. He puked a few times, was sweating profously and dreched in sweat, body temp was very high. Me and another girl were trying to get him to calm, beath deep, settle down and relax, and get his mind out of panic mode.

Nothing seemed to be working, his mind was racing too much. She had brought some gem stones with her that she had showed me earlier, one was a quartz crytal a lottle bigger than my thumb. I asked her to see that rock again and she went and grabbed it, and then I told the trip leader to lay still, and I placed the rock on his third eye on the forehead. The shift was almost instantaneous, his breathing clamed and sweating slowed. (I knew rocks stay cooler than most object, and that cool sensation might distract him from the windy mind). But knowing what I know now, I think there may have been something taking place energetically as well:

He told me later that day, when I put the rock on his head he had a vison of a big pond filled with white lotuses blooming, and in the center was the Buddha, floating above the water, with a rainbow light walkway path extendeding from the shore to the Buddha.

I thought nothing of it at the time, but knowing what I know now, I wonder if this vision was something more mesningful? Possibly even divine intervention??? One monk told me when you get intommeditative states, you become the Buddah, I wonder if the coolnees of the stone and or its energy helped derail his monkey mind, and put him in more aware or liberated state of mind (snapping out of panic mode).

About 5-10min of doing the stone, and trying to get him to drink water, he finally got up and was bouncing around like nothing happened. I on the other hand was still a little scared shitless and thanking God (and the Buddha) for the divine intervention!

I am greatful for that spook, it definitely taught me that the medicine is not a toy, and to tread very carefully, (if at all), when walking that path. I agree with you and @_Barry s advice:

Amen brother.


Yes, I totally agree. Every day life is where the rubber meets the road. Any psychedelic insights must be integrated with every day life along with daily spiritual practice.


Yeah that was a great intervention you did. That’s the kind of things traditional shamans do if someone is having a hard time. Crystals, smudging, feathers, songs, and all manner of magical things can help shift the energy. It’s not unusual for some folks to have a rough time during parts of a medicine journey. But great to find ways to get folks through the dark passages.


It also should be mentioned that these medicines aren’t just about big ego death experiences, or cosmic visions or insights. They are also healing medicines for a variety of mental and physical conditions and addictions. (This whole thread started with a post about the effectiveness of psilocybin in helping folks deal with heavy drinking). There is now a whole lot of research that indicates that psychedelic therapy is effective for a wide variety of conditions, including MDMA therapy for PTSD and psilocybin therapy for Major Depression. These therapies will likely be approved by the FDA within the next year or two. But this isn’t about “take an ecstasy and call me in the morning and let me know how you feel.” This is intensive psychedelic therapy with a trained therapist present. These are the first two therapies that are likely to get approved but more psychedelic therapies will be coming as more research comes to fruition. It will be interesting to see how all of this unfolds.


Looking forward to this time. When this is approved by FDA I wouldn’t mind trying or watching a session to see how a trained psilocybin therapist (maybe a new job title to add to being a normal therapist) compares to a shamanic healer.


There are also now legal psilocybin healing centers in Oregon. You don’t have to have a mental health diagnosis to do this. Anyone in Oregon with a high school diploma who completes a training program can now provide this service. So if you want to go to Oregon and pay the bucks to try this, that’s an option. The National FDA provisions which will likely be coming into effect will require that you have a diagnosis of Major Depression and these healing sessions will be done by Licensed Mental Health professionals who complete a training program.


I’ve also heard that you can get mushrooms and other psychedelics on the dark web but I’ve never done that and don’t know how risky it is. But if you are doing this on your own for the first time, it’s good to have a sitter.


Cool, I will research Oregon and the centers there. Seems like it could be a productive vacation. Wonder what they offer any kind of healing center packages similar to a shamanic retreat. All things I will look into. Thank you for the information.

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The Oregon law is pretty new and I think that a lot of these places are still getting up and running, so not sure what all is being offered. I think the training that’s given is about sitting with someone on a one to one basis while they listen to music through headphones rather than a group shamanic healing model, like ayahuasca ceremonies. But who knows, some folks may be trying the shamanic healing approach. Google it and see what you can find.


Will do. Thank you again, I don’t think I explained what I was trying to say properly. I was wondering if therapists in Oregon offered a retreat setting for people coming in from out of state. For example, if I flew to Oregon, stayed close to or in the same location as the therapist, would I be able to see them for the week I was there for multiple therapy sessions?


OK I just googled it to see what is currently going on. Looks like the first Psilocybin Service Center just opened in May in Eugene. Doesn’t look like too many are yet up and running but more are coming. They require an initial interview as well as a follow up integration session after the psilocybin session. Looks like they have small group psilocybin sessions as well. You would need to research psilocybin service centers in Oregon, figure out where they are, how much they charge for a session and if retreat centers are nearby. Keep in mind that each session would most likely be fairly expensive. I would assume that group sessions would be more affordable. You would need to see if you could afford multiple sessions and how many would be available in their schedule within your time frame. Within the next year I’m sure much more will be available.


It scared the hell out of me, his legs were tremoring and shaking uncontrolably, not sure if that is common at higher dosages, but I dont want to find out again.

What is traditionally used for smuding? Any birds in particular they get he feathers from?

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I agree 100%.

And in my limited experience with them, I can totally see how with the right guidance from a trained professional they could work miracles and be extremely theraputic. Especially for addictions, depression, and ptsd.

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Maybe in a few years when the prices come down and stabilze, we can all do a night club field trip out to Oregon for a group session or retreat? :cowboy_hat_face:

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Love this! :smiling_face::cowboy_hat_face:

Psilocybin is known for not killing at any dose. If you look up Klindi Iyi on YouTube. He commonly took 20-30 grams and has repeatedly stated that mushrooms don’t kill. There are a few other high dose people around on YouTube. From their videos I gather it is intense and it is one of those don’t try this at home ordeals.

Sounds like there was premature exploration into deep waters in this situation but that is an opinion.

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I dont think this is true, and I have to push back on this ‘narrative’ really hard, becuase you are not the first person to tell me that. The guy who nearly overdosed taking 5g of the drug, told me that, and told everyone in the group that.

The truth is that any drug can kill you at any dosage if you are allergic to it.

I have seen someone overdose/have a (allergic?) reaction to a 5g edible of Weed. Its rare, and you dont hear about it often, but its happened.

You can ‘overdose’ or over comsume Water, and it can kill you, thats been documented. These substances that are much stronger, like psilosibin, and that raise your body temperture, often significantly, will definitely kill you if you consume too much too fast, or have a low tolerance or allergic reaction, etc.

Deaths may be rare, but they do happen:

" Psilocybin mushrooms have low toxicity, and death from an overdose is very rare. One survey in 2016 found that out of more than 12,000 users who took psilocybin, only 0.2% reported emergency medical treatment. That rate is 5 times lower than MDMA (Ecstasy), LSD, and cocaine.3,4"

Rare, does not mean it doesnt happen, it just means it is less risky than other substances commonly taken as party drugs.

Better to be safe than sorry, God forbid you tell someone there is bo risk, and they die. These naratives can be really destructive, like the one floationing around that Weed does not cause cancer, thats Bullshit!

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Me too :slightly_smiling_face:, would be really cool if Andrew co-hosted it, but I think that is wishful thinking.

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I don’t believe that there are any documented cases of anyone dying from an overdose of psilocybin. It has a very low level of toxicity. 5 grams of psilocybin mushrooms definitely won’t kill anyone (as Matt pointed out there are folks out there who have taken massive dosses in the 30 gram range or more. Terence McKenna famously said about DMT: “It’s tremendously dangerous. The danger is death by astonishment!” The same holds true for high dose psilocybin trips. It won’t kill you but the danger is that you will totally freak out. The cases of people being admitted to ER’s are in that category. They take too much in the wrong set and setting and totally freak out. There are also people who were accidentally massively dosed with LSD, such as accidents that happened in LSD labs where large amounts of acid spilled and were absorbed through the skin (psilocybin and LSD are both tryptamines with a similar chemical structure although LSD is much more powerful, as it is active in the microgram range). No one has died from these massive LSD exposures as it’s toxicity is extremely low, but totally freaking out and being “totally gone” is definitely a possibility. The article also mentions something called “Persistant Hallucinogen Perceptual Disorder.” In my years in the psychedelic scene I have seen one case of this. I attended a ceremony one time in the 90’s where the plan was to do a fairly low (one gram) dose of psilocybin that had been prepared as a tea. The only problem was that the mushrooms had been purchased in 8th of an ounce bags (3.5 grams) and the guy preparing the tea thought that each bag was one gram. So instead of a one gram dose we each got a 3.5 gram dose which was much stronger than we were expecting. One man who was attending the ceremony was fairly new to mushrooms and was told it would be a fairly mild dosing. When the trip hit like a ton of bricks it surprised us all and then we discovered the mistake made in the dosing. This one particular guy totally freaked and was unprepared for an onslaught of trauma memories from childhood. We did our best to support him through this experience and by the end he seemed to be in a good space, however, the next day he only seemed to remember the bad parts and for months afterwards told us that there were times when he unexpectedly felt like he was still tripping and he was angry and traumatized by the whole experience. So yes, there are definitely dangers. Just as there are in many activities in life, such as mountain climbing or just driving your car down the freeway. And if you are gathering your mushrooms from the wild you definitely need to know your mushrooms! For instance there is a common species of psilocybin mushroom called Psilocybe cyenescens and it often grows alongside a poisonous species called “Gallerina”. If you accidentally consume the latter it can definitely kill you. So yes, you’ve got to know what you’re doing and know your dosage for the particular setting and level of experience.


@fenwizard I know your heart is in the right place, but I have to call bullshit on this misinformation.

This kind of Misinformation kills people, and when it doesnt kill, it can leave the person severally mentally retarded or handicapped for life.

You have to do the reasesrch and provide data that supports your thesis when it comes to serious drugs like these.

They are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands, especially if they are in the hands of a novice, and that novice thinks there is 0 long term coseqeuences.

Death in my mind would be the preferred option, over living the rest of my life in a vegitative state becuase the cosequences of the substance lead to servere brain damage.

The data is out there, and my guess is it is highly under reported (no parent wants the autopsy report to read death from drug overdose the stigma is huge):

Deaths were rare, but they most definitely happened in the UK.

What I am much more concerned about is how these substances increase body temperture, which in turn melts brain matter. Just becuase there was no death, does not mean no serve long term injury took place.

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS Prepare for the worst case senarios.

Misinformation prevents the most vulnerable (novices and young people) from being fully prepared when they experiment, and that hurts people. And it makes them more likey to take the drugs in high risk enviroments, like Raves, Concerts, and crowded house parties.

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