Thought I’d start posting research studies because they offer some insight into “scientific” studies of dreams and nocturnal experiences. When you click on the link it will download the pdf to your computer, as the NC threads don’t let us post PDFs, or at least O haven’t figured out how to do it.
Does an individual’s inner cognitive sensitivity influence his /her recalling of dreams? Do girls recall more number of dreams than boys? This paper is an attempt to address these two questions through an empirical study conducted with 40 school children. Recent studies in dream research are enabling the scientific community to go deep into the complex cognitive processes, including the functioning of the whole personality. The dream recall questionnaire and the Cognitive Process Survey (CPS) designed and developed by Raymond F. Martinetti were circulated among the children and their responses were processed and analyzed. The data about dream recall were also crosschecked with dream diaries that were maintained by the children during the study period. It is found that boys and girls differ significantly with respect to the recalling of dreams and the most interesting finding of this study is that girl’s recall more number of dreams compared to boys. Further, the Cognitive Process Survey (CPS) assessed children’s inner cognitive sensitivity like, degree of imaginal life, orientation toward imaginal life and defensiveness. This study also discovered a strong and positive correlation between dream recall and the inner imaginal sensitivity of children. The findings of this study are consistent with the studies conducted by cognitive psychologists and clinical psychologists in the field of dream research