Don’t feel the pain of waiting for others to change. Change yourself and feel joy. Others will follow your example. Ababa 26.11.21
"Prayer is like a magical power that we all have and forget to use.’
-Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
And this masterpiece Chapter:
No matter how long the room has been dark, an hour or a million years, the moment the lamp of awareness is lit the entire room becomes luminous. You are that luminosity. You are that clear light.
Thank you for this! It is a very generous except from TYoDaS!
I did Bibliomancy - opened his book randomly and this is what came out:
“Generate the feeling of peace throughout your body. Then become the peace”.
Thank you for this thread and a monumental synchronicity! (You nailed it when you said we may be on the same wave length)! I think more fitting for this Synch would be to call it a sign from God:
So I was in a hurry to get to bed when I saw you posted this thread, so I posted my favorite section of the book, and the prayer quote that is my favorite I have read.
Then I got excited and did a quick google search of top TWR quotes, to see if any hit home.
That third quote post of mine really hit home, but I didnt remember reading it in the book. Inspired I did some modified intuitive Bibliomancy with his book.
Great Mind thinks a like. Here is what I did:
Went to the table of contents and read it back to front. The 4th part of the book I had not read yet,( because the disclaimer is one needs to be good at dream yoga and have Dzogchen teachings and back when I got the book I was at a deficit for BOTH). But reading the chapter titles I was beaming, and knew it was loaded with gems.
Started reading on page 161 where the disclaimer is. 5 pages later on page 166 was this quote:
No matter how long the room has been dark, an hour or a million years, the moment the lamp of awareness is lit the entire room becomes luminous. You are that luminosity. You are that clear light.
That jaw dropping synch lead me to one of the most powerful passage I have read in the book on page 166 & 167.
Words dont do this justice for how mind blowing it was!
It was like you lead me to a Divine Waterfall of Wisdom, and showed me the trail to climb up it!!!
Between your dream, and this, and the experiences with @BlessingsDeers in the past week, I am completely at a loss for words!
Miraculous is the best word I can come up with to describe these events, truly Miraculous!!!
[Earlier in the night, about an hour before reading your thread, I saw 2 owls very up close at personal, about 10ft distance. Must have just been a coincidence ]
The dream really was astonishing. It’s not often I just stand and stare and discuss a feature of the scene with a dream character. I just kept looking and looking and noticing more and more features, talking about them, how they may have been formed. There were square sheets of rock and curled/wavy areas…it was really astonishing, and when I saw your photo of the bluff I knew immediately what it was :).
TWR books are SO PERFECT for Bibliomancy. My departed first wife and I did a Bible Bibliomancy when she was sick with cancer for the first time, and we independently ended up choosing exactly the same passage. Now that was amazing.
TWR Bibliomancy:
Feel the space in your heart open and expand. Remain in the present, in awareness.
One might also say:
Sangha is like a magical power that we often forget to use.
Astonishing! No doubt in my mind that shows the divine at play. What are the odds of this happening!?!?!? I appreciate you letting me know this, these events are so powerful, and when they are shared they fan the flames of faith in peoples souls. Deeply touched by this, thank you my friend!
Yes we considered it an absolute miracle. It was a significant passage, too, something like Romans 13:8
Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
I am sorry to hear about your wifes passage. The more I dive deep into these Spiritual traditions the more I agree with BK, who says:
“Death has a really bad reputation;
but it’s only a rumor…”
AH says something similar when he quotes his Buddhist scholar friend Robert Thurman, but I cant think of the line now.
Has she visited you in dreams?
That really hit home big.
I am going to dive deep into that passage this weekend. Thank you for this gem.
It took a while, but yes she finally did. Several poignantly significant. The most intense one was with our children, where they gave her a drawing they had made so that she could have it with her for all eternity. Then she looked deeply into my eyes, and her eyes had become like the “spinning spiral” that is used to hypnotize people, and asked me, “Do you believe in life after death? Or do we just dissolve into Chaos?”
Incredible, thank you for this
The best dreams need no interpretation.
Small Synch, but a fun one. I posted one of my favorite scenes in a convo with @BlessingsDeers within the last 4 days or so.
The scene opens with a Black and White precognitive dream.
Then this:
Seljé Dö Drelma
"visualize her in sambhogakaya form:
pure white, luminous, beautiful. Her translucent body is made wholly of light. In her right hand, she holds a curved knife, and in her left hand a bowl made from the top of a skull. She abides in the heart center, sitting on a white moon disc, that rests on a golden sun disc,
, which in turn rests on a beautiful blue four petal lotus."
TWR page 175 Chapter 24
"Imagination is very powerful, strong enough to bind one to the sufferings of samsara for an entire lifetime, and strong enough to make the conversations with the Dakini meaningful.
Often practitioners act toward the dharma as if it is rigid, but it is not.
The dharma is flexible and the mind should be flexible with it."
p 177