đŸŽŒ Wake Up Singing or Humming a Tune?

Woke singing this :pray:t2:


Love this mantra you posted on “Mantras That Move You” and woke up singing past 2 mornings and humming in the day.

Maha Vairochana’s Mantra Of Light-

:stars: The Light Of Compassion And Wisdom Illuminates The Universe :stars:


" An English translation from Professor Mark Unno, is roughly:

Praise be to the flawless, all-pervasive illumination of the great mudra [or seal of the Buddha ]. Turn over to me the jewel, lotus and radiant light.   

Similar, but slightly different translation:

Infallible brilliance of the great mudra! Creating the radiance of the Jewel and the Lotus

  • according to John Stevens""

Yeah this one is a homerun, really beautiful, and the translation is very powerful.



Love it! Stealing this one!


So my dream last night, I was in a boat yard, and in a small boat. There was a much biger boat, like a yaht, that I came up to, and hoped off the small boat into the bigger one.

The name on the side of the boat was “Know thyself”.

Dreams are funny.


@NightHawk999 Wow !!!
I tingled :star2::dizzy::star2::dizzy::star2: when reading this, and interpreted same time!

Boatyard=from a place of safety with how we cope with our emotions & those of others & navigate our way,
Small boat=[from] doing the journey alone,
Climbed Aboard=we have made the effort to start
Yacht=a long and fruitful spiritual journey, discovering states of consciousness.



Woke singing it again. Even whilst writing here & commenting on other posts i can hear it as if being sung quietly in the background of my mind.
:star2: Like the

“Praise be to the flawless, all-pervasive illumination of the great mudra [or seal of the Buddha ]. Turn over to me the jewel, lotus and radiant light.”


Appreciate you letting me know that :innocent: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :innocent:

Love your interpretation. I will also add important symbol of water, or the ocean, as the subconsciousness, unconsciousness and beyond.

Not sure if you remember the eagle dream, with the trees blooming. But I was in the strip mall today where it took place and looked up from the perspective angle of the dream, and the building wall where the trees were had a bed bath and beyond logo, but all the letters were stripped, becuase it went out of business, so you could just barely make out the BEYOND in the black background.
(not the actual pic)

Thought there might be a message there as well. I went to that spot on an ‘intuition hunch’
Was cool to see the empty letters where the trees and eagles were in the dream.

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Saw the sunset today, it was one of those rare golden ones, tough to put into words, no mixed colors, just radiant golden yellow light, really spectacular:


Similar to those pics, but they dont do it justice.

I had the thought that, the Buddha light that flows through all beings, is even brighter than what I saw today, just obscured by clouds, and very difficult to see.

I was reminded of a memory I had forgot about back in highschool, where I watched my dog die, holding him in my arms, and could see the ‘light’ of the eye cloud over. Makes you wonder if the eyes really are the windows to the soul.

Have read and seen videos of people saying the same thing when they lose loved ones, that the difference between the body with the soul in it, vs the body with the soul departed, is night and day. Andrew talks about the life force, leaving a husk behind.


Reached my max reply count in the other thread so have to post this here:

"Watching Andrews Q&A, looked up the term Bindu, which I know little about, can you see any synchronicities with sun and moon and Kundalini?:

The article wasnt helpful in explaining what Bindus are, but thought the image was a cool synchronicity"

Was watching the movie you recommended last night, this part was really cool or me:

The precognitive dream I had while I was out camping was at a bluff named something very similiar to Vulture Peak. It was also the spot where I viewed my first and only solar eclipse. The name rubbed me the wrong way at first, but I came to really appreciate it, when viewing the birds as a symbol for ego death.

Did I tell you the story on how I met the Buddhist monk years ago (the one who gave me the cacti)?


@NightHawk999 So thankful you found this mantra, just humming it seems to make my heart soar

Whilst its playing in the thread im commenting here 

Wow!!! So beautiful. The pictures match the mantra :sunny::sun_with_face::sunny:
I love it when on occasion the sun makes everything look golden! Understand what you mean “tough to put in words”! Remember in Celestine Prophecy when John falls asleep and has a vision of the past & scrolls with the sunsetting, that light was also overly golden.

And that cloud obscuration (as HH DalaiLama puts it) are our thoughts.
Remember i said about my garden and the field? That too sometimes lights up seemingly magically. Its like the “field of gold”.

Your welcome :smiling_face:i take my :star2::dizzy::star2::dizzy::star2: very seriously, from the patterns in the past they have always shown to be highlighting an important truth.

You’re right. I didn’t add that because you didn’t say about the water (sea, lake, river). But yes the sea=cosmic consciousness.

Yes i remember the lovely pictures of the eagles.

First i wonder if you were looking up to top of trees towards the north? If so this meant something unknown to you.
Bed=putting to bed (successfully dealing with something)
Bath=washing away

I would say your “hunch” to go there was spot on! It all seems to be suggesting, there was an important clarification needed to be confirmed, that the dream you had with its message, you’ve worked on and successfully moved forward.



Oh :face_with_hand_over_mouth: 
 i didn’t know theres a limit. Was that on my “Introduce Yourself, A Greater Power Than Myself”?
We’ll have to start a :eagle: NightHawk Page.

Wow! Well spotted! How extraordinary!

Ra (Kundalini), Horus, Sun and Moon shaped boat on the sea of cosmic consciousness?

BTW did you read that i asked about red-haired Seth from the Northern Sky and answer was “He’s The Oracle”.
Don’t know what that means.

How strange i wrote the above before reading the Wiki “Bindu”
then read:

I was watching a YouTube video about the Emerald Tablets and said about the creation of man seeded from Semurian
Heres one translation on sacred-text .com

All intriguing :smiling_face:

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HH The Dalai Lama looked young there.

“The Lord Buddha was at Vulture Peak”
Wow, that i didnt see again. How strange the connection with Horus/Vulture.

This bit on the "Bindu

 reminded me of HH DalaiLama give the Kalachakra Initiation in 2017.


Me either, but I hope you like Italian, cuz heres a bunch of pasta:

I wonder why you got the star tingles with the boat dream

" The name Pythia is derived from Pytho , which in myth was the original name of Delphi. Etymologically, the Greeks derived this place name from the verb πύΞΔÎčÎœ (pĂșthein) ‘to rot’, which refers to the sickly sweet smell from the decomposing body of the monstrous Python after it was slain by Apollo.[3]"

(I was told this summer that you can often smell Copperhead snakes, even when you cant see them, due to the odor of decay, the guy said they smell kind of like sweet rot, like rotten apples.)

Apollo (Ra, Sun), Snakes (cobra, python), (Aesclipius, Ophiciuchus). Why do you think the Temples of Aesclipius were filled with snakes? IDK.


So I dont often dream of space, but last night I did. It was the scene from Star wars episode 1 (really dumb movie) where all the ships are flying into space from the planet to fight the blockade. I looked out from the cockpit to see eitheir the stars or lights of the ships in the distance spelling out the phrase “Never Give up”, and I thought to myself I dont remember seeing this part in the movie. :upside_down_face:

The dream ended on a big ship, and there was a being holding a light sabor that was not colored, but made of pure white light. (Sword of Manjusri???)

Way too much pasta, I know, but, to have 2 ‘ship’ dreams so close together, both with powerful written messages, made me want to share.

Love this, thank you for that.

The trees in the strip mall all started blooming white ‘blossoms’ the other day :star_struck: :star_struck:

Going to reply to the rest of your post later.


Appreciate the link, this hit home:

" Whoever so much as sees this sacred place
Will feel a spontaneous surge of vivid faith.

Here is where groups of countless devas throng,
And Buddhas proclaim their dragon’s roar of Perfect Wisdom.
A sublime space in which disciples see the truth,
A scene of wonders, and a scene of marvels,
A blessed site to which the bodhisattvas flock,
So that they might hear the perfect teachings.

Through the virtue of praising this outstanding place,
May we travel without obstruction to the Buddha’s realm!

And emotions, and projections.

No I dont remember you saying this, I am sorry :frowning_face:. Yeah seeing it in the field grass or grains is really magical:

(again pics dont do justice)
Great vid of the field, you got some Moo Moos? :cow2: :cow2: :cow2:

I did, and I assumed the star tiggles signified somethin really important. That is why I posted the happy faces. :innocent: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :innocent:


Yes, lol.

Lol, no,promises.

I think there are multiple definitions. The one I was looking for, Andrew describes as “mind pearls” that drop from the third eye into the throat chankra when we dream, and into the heart, when we are in deep dreamless sleep.

Beautiful. Sounds like God.

Nice shout out to the sun and moon.



You may have missed this in this video:
At 1:16 ~
“I am Kalachakra.
I was born in the foothills of the Himalayas long ago.
I am peace, I am pure consciousness
(Here in video many Vultures are flying high above the green valley)
I am the wheel of time, that has neither a beginning nor an end.
Through rituals and prayers, I show you the way to release pain to achieve the Waking State; the State of Buddhahood.”

Incase you’re interested the history of the giving of the Kalachakra Initiation is extraordinary.
In 2017 when HH The Dalai Lama gave the Kalachakra Initiation (other Lamas also give this) it was televised around the world which i watched and took part in, (i think for 12 days) with as many as a million!
As you can see its not every year, but it wouldn’t surprise me if HH does another one soon.


My wife went to that, I passed. Shoulda gone . . . . :upside_down_face:



:joy: very much enjoy pasta! I have that “curious” mind Andrew says he has. What ever the external ornaments are symbolizing fascinates me.

I would say that as i read your “boat dream” & automatically interpret it the same way one who knows a foreign language interprets immediately,
that truth caused :star2::dizzy::star2::dizzy::star2:

And how brilliant you researched “Know Thyself” 
 dreams are sooooo amazingly magical :star2::cool:

Wiki ~ “The principal meaning of the phrase in its original application was “know your limits” – either in the sense of knowing the extent of one’s abilities, knowing one’s place in the social scale, or knowing oneself to be mortal.”
Since we chatted extensively about the subject of Turiya around the time of your dream - the “knowing oneself to be mortal” fit together.

Another coincidence of “Knowing Thyself” painted on the yacht in your dream, and i kept saying about the Red-haired Seth, being told “He is the Oracle”

Pythia (Python) at Delphi and the Oracle.
“Their exact location is uncertain”
5th century BC!!
Is it:

Whats “IDK”?
Im still scratching my head! Dont know :thinking:
And why is Ophiuchus carrying a snake?

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Wow! What a life changing experience that must have been for your wife!
I was invited by a Nyingma Monk i sponsored, but at that time 2017 i wasn’t ready for such a journey to India, but thankfully i tuned into the online Live on YouTube and watched it. You went to Bodhgaya another time?


2014, went on the whole pilgrimage circuit over holey roads in a minibus.