Andrew often discusses the complex subjects of merit and karma, both are in focus this Saturday. It is a significant anniversary in the Buddhist world-view, and paying attention to The Dharma on this day can have many benefits. Read about it in the article below and see how it fits into your thinking (or not).
From the article:
Traditionally, any acts of positive or negative karma are multiplied ten million times. For this reason it is auspicious to act virtuously, to give generously, to attend pujas and perform sadhanas. The simplest symbolic act might be a simple offering of the light of a candle or butter lamp.
Plenty of opportunities all day in big and subtle ways . . .
Good karmic merit on Lhabab Duchen
There are numerous acts of kindness and generosity which bring “multipled” karmic merit (by tradition, ten million times) on the day marking Buddha’s Descent from Heaven, including:
Attend local pujas or teachings — many Buddhist temples will have events on November 19
In addition to your normal “lay” precepts, keep all eight Mahayana precepts for 24 hours, as if you’re a “monk” or “nun”.
Donate to charity — and especially be supportive of the Buddhist Sangha of Monks, Nuns and Lay Teachers.