this SO aligned with my current LD practice at the same time, something new and fresh is happening…
I haven’t been experiencing what I learned to be a Lucid Dream, but very interesting things are occurring in my dream realms.
some examples:
In one very realistic and vivid dream, I was doing an intense physical exercise (doing the handstand several times with just the impulse of my legs - the arms were fixed to the floor). When I woke, felt in my body exactly as if I had had the physical experience of what I was doing in the dream! (Later that day, did it in the awake state and it was a LOT of FUN - meaning that like many other dreams, they are a source of inspiration for the life here in this plane)
Another very powerful and interesting dream was an emotional healing. I spoke directly from the heart and in the next days, I noticed in awe that It cleared deeply that emotional issue,
another one where the dream connected me to a friend:
I also have the impression that I am doing a LOT of Astral Projection lately in my dreams, because of the vividness and quality in them. (and because I keep the daily practice in the awake state).
What I do keep practicing is when going to bed recalling the day as it being a dream, and was wondering if my dreams in the night are becoming as “real” as the “reality” we live in during the day.