🧘 Advanced Meditation Alters Consciousness and Our Basic Sense of Self


“Although meditation can help people improve their psychological well-being, it also can be a gateway to experiences that lead to deep psychological transformation.”


"Meditation’s potential has been demonstrated by numerous contemplative, philosophical, religious and spiritual traditions that teach it as a core element that leads to enlightenment or salvation. Buddhism, Vedic and Hindu practices, Jewish kabbalism, Islamic Su­f­ism and shamanism, among others, have all ex­­plored meditation in their traditions. "



" advanced concentrative absorption meditation (ACAM), one form of which is jhana from Theravada Buddhism. Prac­titioners of jhana report unfettered calmness, clarity of mind and self-­tran­scend­ence (going beyond the concept of the self and perceiving diminishing boundaries be­tween oneself and others). They also usher in open consciousness, a state of mind that is receptive, adaptable and accepting of perspectives beyond the existing nar­rative that shapes how someone sees the world."

AH says the higher jhana states people stop breathing, sometimes for days…Then start again like nothing happened