Anyone know why Dream Sharing Group is cancelled?

Does anyone know what “legal concerns” prompted the closing of the dream sharing group? I’ve been in various online sharing groups, dream and otherwise, over the years, and this is the first I’ve heard of legal concerns prompting the cancellation of such a group.


@AndyK, do you know anything about this?

Could this be a messaging error? The Movie Night has been cancelled due concerns about copyright restrictions. I am unaware of the Dream Group being cancelled.


Dream Group is indeed cancelled for “legal reasons” as well… Right now looking to keep it going outside of Night Club as an independent collaborative effort.


oh! This is puzzling. Were we breaing the law somehow? I certainly hope we can find a way to continue. This group has been a wonderful gathering and exchange. Please keep me posted as we find the way to take a rebirth in a different form


It seems like a better explanation than vague “legal reasons” would be appropriate to share with the Night Club community. In the case of the cancellation of movie night, the usual problems with antiquated and draconian copyright law makes sense as a reason to cancel it. But what “legal reasons” are there for cancelling an online dream sharing group?

In the absence of official information, does anyone have a speculative legal reason or reasons why dream share might be cancelled?

Do you think Night Club management could be afraid that someone might have some kind of mental breakdown due to sharing their dreams, and could sue them?


That’s the reason given. We’re trying to keep it going and anyone intersted should contact Toni Porrello


Couldn’t any kind of practice of lucid dreaming / dream yoga lead to mental breakdown in theory, e.g. in individuals susceptible to mental illness? Is it legally safe to have a website or community forum on topics like that, or for that matter to publish books etc. on these kinds of topics?

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would interest us as well. And the dream group was very different from what you wrote. In the positive direction. All people were happy with it.


I recently finished participating in an online retreat at IONS for a study of Lucid Dreaming addressing PTSD for veterans (primarily) though a few other people were included in the group. When the study ended several members have formed their own Dream Sharing Groups with no connection to IONS, which seemed like a natural and empowering thing to do. Andrew has never attended the Dream Sharing Group so I thank him for getting it started and leave it at that.

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emailing him now.
Thank you,

Toni (she) may be traveling so give her a little time to rsvp