Conscious Dreaming in Times of Uncertainty

A friend of mine recently mentioned this event - I had never heard of Fariba Bogzaran until recently, and have since been absolutely fascinated with her work. In her introductory video to the webinar, she even touches on the (seemingly) far-flung theory I added into the deja vu thread a while back!

I imagine many of you would be interested in the topics to be explored in this offering, and perhaps we can revisit some of what’s covered in this thread if people attend.



Thanks for posting, @MaxSklansky!

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Happy to do so, Andy :grinning:

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Can I recommend that Andrew interview her for NightClub?


Agreed, paulmaben – I’d love to see her interviewed on Night Club


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Andy, can you ask Andrew to set up an interview with her at some point. I think she would be an awesome guest.