Critical Self Awareness

I Was wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks for becoming critically self aware in a dream. I have very strange and vivid dreams but I have no control in them. I do reality checks during the day and affirmation before bed. Has anyone had this problem and overcome it?




Welcome to the community! No tricks per se, but what works for me sometimes is to always try remember my thinking in dreams, lucid or non-lucid and then when I encounter similar thought patterns again in dreams, they can act as a trigger. In addition, the attention to thoughts can also inform my daily practice to see if my daytime thinking and nighttime thinking are congruent or if my social conditioning and lifetime experience of habits are still in need of flex time.


Interesting, I’ll try that. Thanks.


When you say “critically self aware” are you talking about lucidity itself? Or a heightened sense of lucidity in the dream? Two different things, and not clear to me from your query.


Hello, Andrew. I mean the knowing that you are dreaming in a dream. I’ve been using the Castaneda Technique of trying the find my hands in a dream but as yet had no success. I started resonantly to draw a ‘C’ in red on my hand and ever time I see it in the day I ask myself, ‘is this a dream’. Currently, whatever madness takes place in my dreams I’m still not able to think, ‘Aha! this is a dream’, which of course is the crooks of the whole thing.