Dark Shadow Work:
Saw is a classic when it comes to scary movies. My stepdad, though, finds movies like this downright hilarious—probably because he’s been through more real-life horror than most people could imagine.
Just one example is when he was young, he broke his back in two places in a motorcycle accident and spent over a year in a full-body cast. (Talk about intense meditation—imagine not being able to move for that long!
) Decades later, in his late 50s or early 60s, his back pain became so severe that he finally accepted he needed a spinal fusion. Before the surgery, I often saw him crawling up stairs because walking was excruciating—a stark reminder of how much he endured before finally deciding to seek help.
When doing the surgery, the surgeons used a screw that was too long, hitting a nerve and plunging him into a level of pain I couldn’t even imagine was possible. I saw him endure months of excruciating agony before they redid the surgery to install a shorter screw. Watching him survive that torment taught me so much about his strength and character. Shockingly, he never sued for malpractice. 
Honestly, he’s a savage—a time-traveling lunatic that few could ever hope to understand. Even I don’t always appreciate his relentless dedication, but deep down, I know he’s looking out for Gaia. That’s a hard job, and one that not many can even begin to comprehend.
He’s one of the closest beings to me.
Anyway… wanna play a game? 
Not the biggest fan of the song below but I saw the date it released and the title, it was 12 days before Luigi popped a CEO in New York that was involved with some healthcare company.
"There’s no more dreams for me to sell,
I choose my nightmares wisely,
I don’t wanna ruin the story,
But it doesn’t turn out well,
You will always be entertained,
Everybody showed up for the execution,
But nobody would show their face,
To shoot you in the back…
They don’t deserve to know your name."
“We’re the renegades of funk,
From a different solar system, many many galaxies away,
We are the force of another creation,
A new musical revelation,
And we’re on this musical mission to help.”
The image above may be compelling to some, but here’s my perspective. Let me be clear and direct—self-immolation, as depicted in the attached image, is not an act of valor or courage. It is, quite simply, suicide. When I first saw this image, what struck me wasn’t the notion of a hero making a statement, but the children in the background, visibly traumatized. This is not a scene of noble sacrifice but of suffering—both for the individual and those forced to witness it.
The image is a somber and harrowing display that demands critical reflection rather than romanticized glorification.

"Angels on the sideline,
Baffled and confused,
Father blessed them all with reason,
And this is what they choose?
Monkey killing, monkey killing, monkey over,
Pieces of the ground,
Silly monkeys,
Give them thumbs, they forge a blade,
And where there’s one, they’re bound to divide it,
Right in two."