📖 Events Outside Of NC That Maybe Of Interest

Join us Tuesday for this Special Event


[Is Idealism Enough?

A dialogue between Bernardo Kastrup and Rupert Sheldrake](https://paricenter.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=73647ab0762e1517c63abb375&id=5354a11fc5&e=28f0f61dd3)

Curated and Mediated by Àlex Gómez-Marín

Tuesday January 21

9:00am PST 12:00pm EST 5:00pm GMT 6:00pm CET

This event is LIVE and FREE. All registered participants will receive the RECORDING.

Rupert Sheldrake recently made a series of criticisms of Bernardo Kastrup’s Analytic Idealism on Curt Jaimungal’s Theories of Everything channel. Kastrup soon responded to Rupert’s points and subsequently Rupert sent Kastrup a rejoinder. Here, in a spirit of true collegiality and intellectual pursuit, we will turn this clash into an opportunity to better understand each other’s position and inquire further into the nature of reality itself. The trialogue between Kastrup, Sheldrake, and Gomez-Marin will be followed by Q&A from the audience.



1. Sheldrake’s criticisms


2. Kastrup’s responses


3. Sheldrake’s rejoinder


Bernardo Kastrup is the executive director of Essentia Foundation. His work has set off the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy (ontology, philosophy of mind) and another Ph.D. in computer engineering (reconfigurable computing, artificial intelligence). As a scientist, Bernardo has worked for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Philips Research Laboratories (where the ‘Casimir Effect‘ of Quantum Field Theory was discovered). He has also been creatively active in the high-tech industry for almost 30 years now, having co-founded parallel processor company Silicon Hive (acquired by Intel in 2011) and worked as a technology strategist for the geopolitically significant company ASML. Bernardo has most recently started AI hardware company Syncthetics B.V., currently in stealth mode. Formulated in detail in many academic papers and books, Bernardo’s ideas have been featured on Scientific American, the Institute of Art and Ideas, the Blog of the American Philosophical Association, and Big Think, among others. Bernardo’s 11th book, coming in 2024, is Analytic Idealism in a Nutshell: A straightforward summary of the 21st-century’s only plausible metaphysics. For more information, freely downloadable papers, videos, etc., please visit www.bernardokastrup.com.

Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 100 technical papers and twelve books, including Science and Spiritual Practices. A former Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he studied natural sciences at Cambridge University, where he took a Ph.D. in biochemistry, and philosophy at Harvard University, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow. He was a fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, and director of studies in cell biology. From 2005-2010 he was director of the Perrott-Warrick Project, funded by Trinity College, Cambridge, for research on unexplained human and animal abilities. He is currently a fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, near San Francisco, and also of Schumacher College, in Devon. For more information, please visit https://www.sheldrake.org/



February New Chinese Year Celebration at SAAM

Featured Program
Lunar New Year Family Celebration
Saturday, February 1, 11:30 a.m.–3 p.m.

Smithsonian American Art Museum
Kogod Courtyard
Free Registration encouraged

Celebrate the Year of the Snake with SAAM! Join us for our 11th year of showcasing the ways different Asian cultures celebrate the Lunar New Year. Attendees will enjoy dance and musical performances, crafts, traditional Chinese and Korean art demonstrations, family-friendly activities, and more. The Courtyard Café will offer special holiday treats for purchase to honor the occasion.

This program is presented in partnership with the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center and the Korean Cultural Center, Washington, DC.

Register Today


Sept 5-11, 2025

Garrison, New York, USA; In-Person & Online


Robert Moss

Way of the Dreamer


mossdreams.com January 2025



Starts February 13

on The Shift Network

Greetings Dear Dreamer,

I hope you’ll join me for The Power of Active Dreaming, my new 7-week course on The Shift Network that starts on Thursday, February 13.

Every dream is a doorway — walk through it to claim the magic waiting for you on the other side. Active dreaming offers you the chance to unlock the power of your inner wisdom and bring wonder, clarity, and purpose back into your waking world.

Through Active Dreaming, you can create a life where magic feels tangible, synchronicity illuminates your path, and deep connection to something greater grounds your every step.

During this 7-week live video course, you will:

  • Break through dream droughts and reclaim your lost dreams to bring magic into your waking life
  • Grow your own Tree of Vision as a sanctuary for meeting spiritual allies and sparking lucid dream adventures
  • Participate in Robert’s Lightning Dreamwork game to share dreams, get actionable insights, and unleash your creativity
  • Connect with animal guardians and spiritual teachers to find guidance, protection, and renewed energy
  • Communicate with departed loved ones to heal, gain closure, and receive wisdom from your soul family
  • Travel to past, future, and parallel realities to reshape your life with the knowledge your dreams reveal
  • Tap into your dreams’ diagnostic power to heal body, mind, and spirit using vivid imagery and active imagination
  • Spot and act on synchronicities to navigate life like a kairomancer, turning everyday moments into opportunities for magic and meaning
  • And much more

In this course, you will learn the skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully access the wisdom of your dreams to gain clarity, connect with spiritual allies, and create positive change in your waking life.

Registrants also receive two special bonus recordings: --Lucid Dreaming & the Elixir of Sleep: A Video Dialogue With Robert Moss and Clare Johnson

–Secrets of the Ancient Dream Shamans: Video Lecture by Robert Moss


@NightHawk999 :sunny:


:gem: Last few places!:gem:

Hello humans!

Just a quick one to say that the Holy Isle Retreat is almost sold out now with 36 people booked on and we will max out at around 40.

So, if you want to come best to book your place soon HERE

Before that, in May, we have the 100 Hour Lucid Dream Facilitator Training which currently has 23 people booked on so there are only 2 places left!

If you want one of the final Facilitator places CLICK HERE

And before that the February Karuna retreat now has a couple of places that have opened up due to cancelations so if you want one of those CLICK HERE

But, something that is definitely NOT SOLD OUT because it only went live today is the world premiere of the

Inner Child Lucid Dreaming Retreat

In this immersive 3-night retreat we’ll learn how to utilize the power of lucid dreaming and Inner Child work to help re-parent and heal the child that lives within us.

Sept 4th-7th, near Venice, Italy. For full info and bookings CLICK HERE

With love & lucidity,




In Portugal :heart_eyes:

VisĂŁo Pura SantuĂĄrio Dewachen

Poda de Árvores de Fruto

Ângela Batista

No SantuĂĄrio Dewachen

9 e 10 de Fevereiro

10:00 - 17:30


É com grande entusiasmo que o SantuĂĄrio Dewachen receberĂĄ o trabalho da Ângela Batista, licenciada em Engenharia Florestal pelo Instituto Superior de Agronomia, com mais de 25 anos de experiĂȘncia, tĂ©cnica agrĂ­cola em vinha e fruticultura, formadora em horticultura, fruticultura, agricultura biolĂłgica e sistemas regenerativos e guia botĂąnica.

Com ela adquiriremos os conhecimentos teóricos e pråticos sobre as principais técnicas de poda de fruteiras de folha caduca e folha persistente e teremos a oportunidade de c onhecer vårias das årvores do Santuårio e podå-las.

VĂȘ os detalhes do encontro!


Visita o lugar o Encontro!





Genius at work



The Power of Dreaming cannot be overstated



" Hi Friends,

I’m in the final few days of training before I spend 4 nights in Northwestern University’s neuroscience sleep lab.

It’s already been a valuable opportunity to confront my own fears, outcome dependence, and resistance (yay

One of the “Lucidity Boosts” I’m LOVING is this episode from one of my favorite podcasts - The Emerald (for those who haven’t discovered this yet
 you’re welcome).

It’s called: (Why Mindfulness Isn’t Enough) and is a valuable, moving exploration into the importance of context with practice.

“Extracted from context, freed from ethics and the heart connection to other beings, mindfulness can exacerbate isolated individualism.”

I’ll put my hand up right away and say that “interconnectedness” to all beings has been one of the last things to come online for me. It took years of practice before I felt my heart begin to sincerely open to this truth.

I was raised as a radically “individual” person (in a radically materialistic culture) and the idea of being connected was terrifying to me.

It felt insane to open my heart and connect to this whole, wide, crazy hurting world

I’m sure you’ve felt the same at some point or another
 maybe even now, in these “dynamic” times?

But listen to this podcast. Hear it not just with your mind, but with your heart. And let’s collectively lower our individual guards just a little more together. đŸ©”

it turns out that the animate, ritual context is profoundly important for shaping and architecting relational minds, and post-modern minds — free of context, already fractured from relational connectivity, left to simply ‘sit with what is’ or left to focus on individual optimization at the expense of relationality — may not benefit or be able to assimilate the power of such practices.”

I know this year, I have been weaving much more ritual into my practice. Not for dogmatic reasons, but because I can feel the interrelated power of it. Especially for the dreaming mind

Next week I’ll do my best to share a little of how it’s going onsite at the lab! Wish me luck!





sent you a couple of audios on this one
 incredible synchs in the mysterious flow of life

LOVED the last one of the podcast.


" Psychedelic Buddhism 2025 is a unique conference for open discussion on the intersection of Buddhist wisdom and psychedelic practice, offering tools and insights to empower and support our communities. Through presentations, interactive discussions & hands-on sessions, we’ll share practical insights and build a supportive, evolving community of practice.This two-day conference will get started on Friday, February 21st with a special Co-Founder’s Lecture by Psychedelic Sangha co-founder Erik Davis PhD., this will be followed by the Inaugural Lecture by Tenzin Bob Thurman Ph. D. After screening/streaming these pre-recorded videos will be a live Keynote Address by Lama Liz Monson Ph. D. – in-person and streaming online from the campus of Eugene Lang College, The New School University in the City of New York.Saturday morning, February 22nd, we will commence the first of three virtual panels–all entirely online.We are grateful to the Religious Studies Program at The New School University for co-sponsoring Friday’s free in-person keynote lecture. More information (including registration details) about this historic conference can be found below."

Stole this from @fenwizard



" March 8 - 15, 2025

Wisdom & Wellbeing Week 9 Intensive with Andrew Holecek

Lucid Dreaming: The Path of Awakening Through Sleep and Dream

During Week 9 you will have an in-depth workshop with Andrew Holecek. Enjoy a rich schedule with classes during the day and head to the beach in your free time.

Unlock your potential with this transformative retreat. Learn lucid dreaming to enhance sleep, creativity, and personal growth. Overcome fears, improve well-being, and explore the connection between dreams and reality. Gain practical guidance, understand sleep science, and explore dream yoga. Embrace lucid living to shape your waking life. Register now for a journey of self-discovery and limitless possibilities.

Mia Lux will be joining Andrew in presenting this program, sharing her unique gifts as an elite lucid dreamer."


Tibetan New Year is coming soon


Join us Sunday for this Free Event



Back to the Future](https://paricenter.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=73647ab0762e1517c63abb375&id=0bdd5d0591&e=28f0f61dd3)

Curated and Mediated by Àlex Gómez-Marín

With: Damon Abraham, David Acunzo,
Cedric Cannard, Dani Caputi,
Adam Curry, Maaneli Derakhshani,
Ed Kelly, David Luke,
Jeffrey Mishlove, Julia Mossbridge,
Roger Nelson, Dean Radin,
Stephen Schwartz, James Spottiswoode,
Mario Varvoglis, Marina Weiler,
George Williams

Sunday February 9

11:30am PST 2:30pm EST 7:30pm GMT 8:30pm CET

This event is LIVE and FREE. All registered participants will receive the RECORDING.


The scientific study of psychic (or PSI) phenomena –which includes extrasensory perception, precognition, synchronicity, direct mind-to-mind communication, or mind-matter interactions– has been going on for more than a century now. Its results are fascinating, puzzling, and often controversial. In this event some of the greatest active researchers in the field will present their own work while reflecting on where PSI has been, where we think it is now, and where we wish it to go. We hope to create an unprecedented audiovisual gathering for current and future generations to get perspective, clarity, and inspiration.



Thank you for this.

Signed up.

Even if you cant attend, looks like they will email you a copy of the recording if you sign up



yes they will.
I have also signed up! :sunny:

1 Like

Its a Date!
‘See’ you soon
