From Command to Request... + sharing a dream + draft of a dream journal

I usually say that every time there is a pause in something, when we play again there’s a greater quality in it (reminds me of a caterpillar) :slight_smile: and so it happened in my Lucid Dreaming Journey.
I learned to use “sankalpa” (which means will and intention in Tibetan) as a command to direct the lucid dreams.
It worked in the beginning and it was marvelous. One day I shouted so loud that it made me think and realize that shouting is not necessarily a stronger command.
I hadn’t dreamt lucid for six weeks now (it was a long time for me) and last night I was lucid in a dream, but in totally different vibration :slight_smile:
First of all, I no longer need reality checks - I can feel clearly that I’m in a Lucid Dream (it has happened before), I also didn’t do a Lucid Dream Plan and… instead of commanding, I ASKED if it was possible to have a vision and go there. Waited in the void and it happened as I wished for.
I was SO happy today :slight_smile:
Dreaming is an amazing way of being aware of consciousness steps. And it goes to such a deep level that gives me greater confidence because one think is doing it in the awake state, another is to do it in my lucid dreams…

I also had an important dream on July 23rd:
I was with two men eating, one of them was by my left side and the other in front of me.
The man in front of me started talking and as I was listening I could hear a music around him, accompanying the words.
When he stopped I playfully asked the man by my left side “Did you also hear the music?” and he confirmed yes.
The man in front of me, came to my right side and he was SO happy, with no masks or roles, just being himself.

I have also made a draft of how I perceive a dream journal.
I share it here and if you feel, I would appreciate feedback and suggestions to enrich this draft and bring it on to a painting… soon… I’m excited about this - I also don’t paint for three months now…


Charlie Morley devotes a lot of time in his retreats to having participants develop, write out, draw and act out their sankalpas. Glad to read how useful they were for you.


This is really impressive, I have heard of a few other skilled dreamers who have this sense.

Great colors, what are the lines around the earth? Shooting stars? What are the symbols at the top and bottom, constellations? If so, I think you have 2 too many Geminis :wink:

Love the dream, I think his answer to your question was YES. :slightly_smiling_face:


the lines around the earth are earth’s net, connected to the top to the constellation, the bottom is Geminis as we represent it on earth. In the painting they will be more subtle I think. thank you so much for your feedback.


Yes, I LOVE Charlie’s work.

Sometimes we need to command, especially in nightmare cases, I think.

For me it was a revelation to know we can do this! :slight_smile:


I really love his book, hope Andrew does another interview with him in the future


I like the idea of a net, what is top constellation?


connected to the top to the constellation = it’s connected with the constellation drew on the top


I mean does the top constellation have name, like the Gemini constellation? Or is it made up?

I am wondering if you could incorporate the sun and the moon in some way, as well as possibly showing some of the earth at night, with dark shadow and lots of yellow lights, cities seen from space, (angle similar to this pic, but with the sun smaller, earth bigger and moon bigger):

And maybe have the shadow area of earth darker with lights:


it was made up. but it’s a good suggestion to draw a real one.
I loved all your other suggestions.
thank you!


The best kind of constellation. The constellations in our nights sky came from somewhere (maybe another beings thoughtwave?). The cosmos is a big place. Maybe these will permeate into other realms of existence and become a real constellation elsewhere :star_struck:.

Quite a stretch but fun food for thought.


thank you!
this inspires me to consider doing something:
closing my eyes, connect with the stars and draw what comes.