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Josh Johnson on meeting his first white person.


Amen Brother, we REALLY dodged some serious bullets.



I also remember my sister as a teenager in the early 70ā€™s talking for hours to her friends on a landline with a long cord so she could move around the house while she continued to talk. I remember yelling at her to get off the phone because I needed to make a call and she would keep saying, ā€œIā€™ll be done in a minute!ā€ Now days she would instead be texting a dozen friends at a time and juggling all of he conversations.

I also remember my grandparents generation talking about back in the day, a whole neighborhood would be on a party line and you could listen in on all of the neighbors conversations. They said sometime you would quietly listen without letting them know you were on the line, just to get the gossip. :joy:


p.s. There is an aspect of communication that also gets lost from texting. Words on a screen loose the richness of tone of voice and inflections that also carry emotional meaning. I always tell my clients that if you have a difficult problem to resolve with someone, donā€™t do it through texting. You loose the non-verbal nuance of the conversation and this leads to misunderstandings and escalations. A couple should never carry on an argument through texting. If you canā€™t wait to meet face to face, then at least make a phone call or even better, a video chat.


I heard the government used to be the other 3rd party on these calls as well

Some things change, some things stay the sameā€¦


Hugely Wise advice, often a hall of mirrors


We had a party line in Alaska and when someone else was on we just couldnā€™t use the phone. Nothing was audible for us. I have no doubt regular phone lines are ā€œtappedā€ and recorded, having evidence of that years ago, after hanging up a long distance call, picking up the phone again and hearing my recorded call played back. At least with ā€œsecureā€ texting, there is some encryption.


Iā€™ve heard that it still is! Or can be.


Yeah, just ask Edward Snowden. I donā€™t really think itā€™s any different now, despite his revelations.


Lily Tomlin as ā€œErnestineā€ the telephone operator on the 60ā€™s TV show ā€œLaugh-In.ā€ One of my favorite shows as a kid in the late 60ā€™s.




Add any digital footprint you leave to that list too (emails, texts, Alexa conversations, etc, etc,)

Its far worse than it was then.


Still the Greatest country in the world, just now you can be identified by your voice signature, your pulse, or even your fartsā€¦



Iā€™m not even going to go there.

Except to say that there are worse countries, and there may be better ones as well. But not going to argue about that. Iā€™ll just let the Simpsons make my point:


This one is long but worth viewing.
Sammy Obeid is a Palestinian-American comic that my wife and I are going to see in Seattle this coming Friday night.
At around 1:30:00 he proposes his solution for the middle east: a ā€œThree State Solution.ā€ The three states would be a Jewish State, a Palestinian State and ā€œGreater Wakonda.ā€ Greater Wakonda is a place where people of all religions and races would live in peace and love. And itā€™s a State that over time will grow larger and larger.
May it be so!

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This man died on the 16th of February this year and he had written on a newspaper (many years ago) that when he would die, Lisbon would feel the shaking, and indeed there was an earthquake yesterday! Hihihi

@NightHawk999, the feeling was amazing and my impression was that it happened thanks to your prayers! Many great things happened yesterday!



Lisbon hit by 4.8 magnitude earthquake, no damage reported

As long as no one was hurt and there were no damages, I am happy to take some partial credit for this :kissing_heart:


But in Truth, all credit goes to God.
Through Him anything is possible, without Him, very little is possible.

Thank you for telling me this!
I am so happy to hear that there was a ā€˜seismicā€™ shift in your lives for the better. This resonnates with me deeply in my heart, my Heart.

:infinity: :green_heart:
:infinity: :pray:

:dolphin: :dolphin:


Thereā€™s a whole lotta shakinā€™ goinā€™ on this planet on many levels!

Back in the early 70ā€™s as a teen I was in a fairly major earthquake in L.A. The whole house felt like it was rolling back and forth like a ship at sea but fortunately no major damage to our house or lives lost in our neighborhood (a few folks died in some other parts of L.A.)
I remember turning the radio on right after the quake to see what was going on and the DJ was playing this Elvis song, which cracked me up with laughter!