Graceful Exit Program in France - who's going?

Hello everyone :wave:

I will be attending in person Andrew’s program in France at the end of May, is anyone here going as well?

Also, I will be most likely driving from the north of Italy and thought it would be awesome if we could join transportation efforts.

Have a fantastic rest of the day,


I won’t be attending, but the juxtaposition of “graceful exit program” and “who’s going?” brought a smile to my face. “Who’s going?” takes on a whole new (and very relevant) meaning in this context. We’re all going eventually… :thinking: :laughing: :crazy_face:


I will be there. I am really looking forward to meet Andrew in Dechen Chöling. 2019 I was registered for his dream yoga programme but he couldn’t come. So I met Charlie Morley there. It was great but not the same.


Saw them both in-person that summer. Different sides of the same coin.


Amazing :slight_smile: I’see you there then :sparkles:

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I can’t go……but live in the North of Italy so started dreaming about how a shared journey like that might look. Quite gutted but I will be patient…. and breathe through the frustration. I’ll be there in spirit. :broken_heart::fire::cupid::heart::mending_heart::crystal_ball::prayer_beads:

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Hi Loraine, sad to hear you won’t be making it but happy to hear there’s someone here around where I live :slight_smile:

If you change your mind and decide to come, let me know :oncoming_automobile:

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Hi Francesca,

I live in London so I will definitely be going. I’ll be flying into Limoge Airport though, instead of taking the train, as it’s much cheaper.

Looking forward to meeting everyone who’s attending.


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Amazing :slight_smile: I’ll see you there then!

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