Having my second LD: help please!

Saw this “trick” in a Reddit post and thought it might be fun to contemplate/try.

Very Effective Method to Induce Lucid Dreaming (Trick) (self.LucidDreaming)
submitted 3 days ago by xperio28Natural Lucid Dreamer2

Get a box or some kind of a chest with a lock. Give it to a friend or a family member and ask them to purchase a gift/present for you. Then ask them to put it inside the chest and lock it without telling you what’s inside it.

The twist is… you are not allowed to open it… ever!

Every time you go to sleep put the box next to or under your bed to tempt you. You should be strong enough to resist the urge to open it.Indeed, you will have constant thoughts about what could be inside it, that is the point. Your subconscious will be obsessed with it, giving you countless ideas of what could be inside it. When you find yourself thinking about actually opening it perform a reality check. You can only open the box IF you find out you are in a dream. Every night you will fall asleep wondering what’s inside the box, untill… You finaly dream about the box.

You perform a reality check and realise that in fact, you are dreaming! It worked! Your intentions to find out what’s hidden inside brought you here! Your reward? YOU can open it!! In the box you will find your deepest desires, something you always wanted or just something you “knew” was inside all along. Let that item set the stage for your lucid dream adventure.

The next morning: “That was one of my best lucid dreams so far! But I wonder… what’s really inside that box?”


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