I agree 100%. I fought this for about 2-3 years, evem though all the experts said it was a must. Then I watched one of Andrews Webinars (highly reccomend them, if you havent checked them out) and he saidmto do and I finally listened and did it. Its not a hyperbole to say it changed my life, and paved the way for the LDs and DY that started to flow a few months after doing it.
I have heard one expert say, until you are consitently remembering at least 2 dreams a night, you will have a very hard time having LDs consistently, or at all.
Something in your diet (check out Sleep Doctor vids), and or a medication or drug you are consuming can really hurt dream recall, or even completely destroy it. Pot and Alcohol are notorious for this, but there are others too.
Andrew reccomends the incubation technique before you got to bed, to say to yourself (WHOLEHEARTEDLY not half assed):
“Tonight I will have good dreams, I will remember my dreams, and I will realize I am dreaming”
Doing this helped me. As did taking Galantamine during the day, (I cant take it at night or early morning bc it keeps me awake).
Very true I think you are working out your minds muscles. Gotta hit the ‘gym’ consitently.
Try asking yourself for 2 weeks straight:
“Am I dreaming?” throughtour the day, and really mean it. Knowing the only true way to be sure is to do a reality check. Then hold your nose, and try to breath. If you can breath, you are dreaming.
This is one of the most effect RCs I have found, others, I have not had as much success with.
Setting your phone or computer alarm to go off every half hour or hour to remind you to do the RCs is really helpful. The vibrate feature draws much less attention then a sound alarm.
Great book, besides Andrews work, here are some oters I higlu reccomend
Robert Waggoner
Charlie Morely
Allen Wallace
Claire Johnson
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
(All of these authors have interviews with Andrew on here, and they are fantastic! A must listen, Waggoners interview is my favorite)
Heres their books, and a few others I havent read yet:
good list:
Allen Wallaces book I think is the fastest read, and jam packed with great stuff. Charlies is about 3-4x the sze, but a reall easy and great read. Waggoners book was the first one I read that really hit home and made me rsealize just how profoud and deep these pactices are, its not just for cheap samsaric ego thrills, there is so much more paradigm shattering things to experience.
Meditating consistenky ever day really helped me to produce my first wave of Lucid dreams last year.