Illusory Form and the Nature of Mind

Hi there @Andrew ! This is my first post on the forums. Dream Yoga was the first book I read on dream practices after doing a Bardos course with Mingyur Rinpoche, and I have been hooked on the practice ever since!

I’ve been struggling lately with a very mind-made problem. Mainly, I’ve been trying to bring together the view of Dzogchen and the nature of mind as I walk around daily life (i.e. deciding on one point!) while still using the “This is all a dream” illusory form approach. I realize at the end of the path, this view of the nature of mind and the metaphor of dreaming point in the same direction, but I’m not sharp enough to bring these together yet. Sometimes it feels like I’m doing two things - attempting to recognize the nature of mind as often as possible, and other times telling myself “It’s all a dream”, which feels more conceptual. I’m tempted at times to drop the dream-view, but this has been so helpful in my very few successful attempts at lucid dreaming so far.

I think with time I’ll be able to integrate these views, but if you have any hints or advice for coming closer to that I would be so grateful!


Welcome to the community! I think a lot of us work through similar questions of which practice to pursue at any particular point, particularly when there are so many good options available. I don’t think any are totally exclusive at this juncture, and I can see alternating them as a way to stay balanced, for now.

For example I am using an app to remind me to question whether or not I’m dreaming while I try to manifest an emptiness view along with forbearance and gratitude. Since so much of what we do is individually tailored, perhaps you will grow more comfortable with the mix as you experience more and more success, or make whatever changes you find necessary. Just a few thoughts.


Thanks for your wisdom, Barry! These are really great notes. It’s funny. I keep thinking I have to choose one or the other, but I really like what you said about growing comfortable with both. Maybe I just need to navigate through these rockier waters for a bit longer, and some of that comfort will come.


Thank you Sujata! I will add this to the top of my list!