Inner Heat Yoga As An Induction Protocol

A year or so ago I made the commitment to work pretty much solely on Inner Heat Yoga (Tummo) as a passive induction protocol for achieving lucidity. It has been slow going as I started rebuilding my temple from the ground up…hopefully with a much stronger foundation. During this time I have had many tastes of the chocolate…

Last night everything seemed to finally slip into place…it was like an entire Boston cream pie. :sunglasses:

Just wondering if anybody else has taken this route.


Recently started, but your experience is encouraging. Thanks. I like Boston Cream Pie.

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I had already been working toward lucidity through classic lucid dreaming protocols like MILD, WILD and SSILD. I experienced some good results but began to realize that if I wanted more than just occasional flight time…if I wanted to really experience lucidity at an intrinsic level…I needed to start from the bottom up rather than from the top down. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey Barry…consider running through an abbreviated (1 repetition) version of Tenzin’s five motif Tsa Lung Trulkhor right into Tummo. I find that it opens up those chakras nicely…kind of makes them more resilient and ready for the drops and the heat. :wink:


Unfortunately, I have not had teachers for long in any discipline. My T’ai Chi Teacher had to stop teaching after I only was with her for a year. She asked me to take over the classes…that was in the mid 70’s. My Aikido Sensei left after I had been training with him for only 5 years. I led that dojo as Sensei for another 10 before I was injured.

I have found that teaching can be the absolute best way to continue learning as long as one holds to what in Aikido we called Shoshin…beginner’s mind.

I have developed my own LD/DY protocols over the last two years but I study everything I can get my hands on now and Andrew has been a very strong influence.

When faced with a lack of either a strong/teacher student relationship or an abundance of natural talent, one must compensate through intense and diligent practice. That…I have done. :slightly_smiling_face:


I think that you know you are on the right path when you feel yourself…becoming more complete. You just know.

And…I think it is important to maintain a peripheral awareness, even as you concentrate intensely on the path in front of you. Doors will always be opening…and closing…around you.

I have always kept a bit of randomness in my practice. Neil Theise refers to this as the “quenched disorder” in a system. If one direction becomes a dead end…or if that feeling begins to fade…then that randomness allows for fluid movement in another direction.

I often do feel a need to talk to someone about my practice…and at those times there always seems to be someone there to talk to…just as you are here right now, my friend. :slightly_smiling_face: