- - lies - -

The Silver Lining of lies, half truths, double speak, yellow journalism, misinformation, and all other forms of deception, is these fabrications can sometimes lead to an awakening of truth. A kind of once bit, twice shy paradigm shift.

Years ago, when I still was questioning if intuition or other psychic phenomena were real or not, a Gemini friend of mine took me to a $20 Intuition group class. At one point we were broken up into groups and asked to write down 3 statements about ourselves, with 2 being lies, and one being truth. She got a 100% on this social experiment, and I was very impressed. :star_struck:

Sasse asks Zuckerberg if he worries about social media addiction

George: Saddam Hussein Has Weapons of Mass Destruction

“The View”

‘I didn’t have sex with a porn star’:

I have often wondered what is the greatest way to make the world a better place? I think partially getting rid of Politicians’ Diplomatic Immunity (the part that protects them from lying to people), would be a hell of a start, and end a lot of suffering.

Please post some Verified lies that you found to be very eye opening.

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Hillary Clinton in her DNC speech

This one was a Grand Slam, very well played

How The Sackler Family Profited Off Lies & Addiction

Donald Trump says he will make Mexico pay for wall

Mexican president: ‘No way’ we pay for Trump

Shock ‘sloped roof’ lie leads to fresh criticism of Secret Service Director

this is a genius exercise! thank you for sharing! :sun_with_face:


Trump and Biden Debate Trump’s ‘Fine People on Both Sides’ Response to Charlottesville

This Biden Lie was one of the ugliest ones of the decade, and the media and politicians peddled it for years, knowing it was false. If you watch the interview in full you can see the truth.

Its very sick and very disturbing when people knowingly fan the flames of Hatred using lies.

Anytime my friend!

Another teaching you might like to help your students:

She evenly divided up a deck of Intuition cards, and gave them to the groups:

Then she had us quiz eachother, with a twist. The person would pick a card, hold the color image in their minds eye, and have the other person try to guess the color/image. Seeing if you could read the mind of the person, or pluck the image from their brain.

You can also do this by yourself.

I think you would be very good at this

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Flint scene - Fahrenheit 11/9 (2018) | Michael Moore

President Obama tastes filtered Flint, Michigan water

Drinkable does not mean SAFE to drink

Video Now: Congressman climbs roof where suspect shot Former President Trump

yes, it’s a very simple and smart way of training intuition. I had seen this deck before. thanks for sharing.

yes, with a normal deck cards, which I prefer.

Saw this yesterday and thought of you:

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“Republicans are Nazis”

Am I Racist? | Official Trailer

“MLK said not to judge people [off the color of their skin]”

MLK said a lot of stuff

“We’ve been to the border”


3:50 mark
“do you have any plans to visit the border?”

Richard Nixon - “I’m not a crook”


OJ Simpson’s GUILT Revealed in a Series of Body Language Gestures?

This Man Lies About EVERYTHING! George Santos