I posted this in Dream Jounral, but thought it might be a better fit here. Pretty new here. I know this is going to be very taboo for many in the ‘cult of science’ (Lord knows, I was a card carrying member for decades), so I have hesitated sharing this dream with people.
Around 5 years ago, my mind began to open.
I would really like to hear from other members who have had similar precognitive/ prophetic dream(s). I am also very interested in the religious texts (of any religion) that mention these gifts. The reason I chose to share publicly here, was becuase Andrews work provided a great many answers to and explanations for what I have expereinced in the past few years.
Please be patient, most of this text is not of the dream but the circumstances surrounding it.
Back in the Spring when Covid and the lockdowns were raging, I decided to camping, in one of forests that I had first visited during a solar eclipse years prior. I fell in love fell in love with its wild jungle like nature, and have been visiting every year since.
Before I left for the trip, a freind asked me if I wanted to go and meditate with a real life Buddhist Monk. I had never met one before, and jumped at the opportunity. The meditation was one of the deepest I had done to that point, (coincidence?) and I will never forget what he said that day:
He explained the universe was made of 4 elements (fire, water, earth, air). I had heard that before, and it resonated with me because I know people take on those ‘elemental’ traits as well. But what resonated even deeper was when he said there are 2 more elements that permeate reality: CONSCIOUSNESS and SPACE. “All the elements take up space, AND when they or the objects they created are doing what they are designed to do, they flow with a consciousness”. A tree, a rock, a car, etc. That later part was something that went way over my head (I thought he was nuts, how the hell can a rock have consciousness). However, I am deeply greatful he said it, because I believe it helped shape many of the subsequent events:
The week long trip out of dodge ended up turning into 3 weeks, and I will never look at the world the same again.
By the 2nd week, I was ready to head home. i was exhausted, had met some really interesting people, made some great memories, and seen places that only deepend my love for the forest.
Being a novice meditator, only about 3 years old, I had recently cracked a technique that took my meditation to the next level. I had heard about the stone Arch monuments out west being sacred to the natives, and on the ‘last’ day of my trip, I decided to go and meditate on a large land bridge that was tucked away in the back woods.
Finding it was difficult, and took a bout 2 hours of hiking. I was amazed when I sat in the middle of it, the stone was worn into a perfect grove that looked like a seat that had been sat on for hundreds of generations. I had read about projecting consciousness in a book on animal communication (crazy I know, buckle up, because it gets crazier). I imagined those who had lived before on that land and projected my mind into theirs (or theirs into mine), while I sent a thank you offering of mental gratitude and one via a peace pipe and small amount of green ‘tobacco’. My intention was to let whoever /whatever had shown me such a good time know how thankful and greatful I was. I saw the smoke billow and was really touched by its beauty with the rays of sunlight hitting it. I expressed a deep gratitude for the memories that forest had given me, and for keeping me safe. In less than a 60 seconds I heard voices.
It wasn’t the ‘tabacco’, there was a couple below the land bridge talking. The quiet talk was brief and it soon changed to very load moaning. The surrounding rock face amplified the sounds even louder like an ampitheatre. I know this is a family site, so I won’t elaborate, other than to say it was one of the hottest things I have ever heard (I couldn’t see anything).
I waited about 10min, and then decided to go down and investigate who was responsible for that symphony. By the time I hiked the trail down, the couple was gone. Hiking back to my car, I came to a stream with big boulders, and on one of those big rocks was 4 people swimming, 2 being the couple.
After talking with them for a little bit, I shamelessly told the girl and guy that was the hottest thing I had ever heard. They laughed and smiled. They told me they had popped a pill of ecstasy, which really explained a lot!( the ‘song’ she sang was of pure ecstasy! )
Looking down at the girls leg, I saw a dream catcher tattoo and a tattoo of a wolf howling next to it. Feeling a bit like Neo, seeing the ‘white rabbit” tattoo, I told her I liked it and asked her what it means.
She smiled and said simply, “it’s my spirit animal”
Not sure if anyones read Dantes Inferno, but the (she) wolf symbolism is meaningful.
Long story short. I ran into some college students after who knew the area and asked them a question that I had asked hundreds of times to different locals in the area,” Where the hell are all the Indian sites?”
They said they didn’t know, but they could show me where the man lived that did know.
My mind was blown for the second time that day! I had been asking that question for years, only to get blank stares or lies. The areas were known, but kept secret.
That night, well past midnight, I parked my car, and prepared for the hike back to my camp site. I had the headlight brights on, and I looked up in horror. Out of the forest was a man walking who looked eerily similar to a ghost. Realizing it was a man and not a ghost, my fear dropped a little. I had been warned by the locals of mountain lions, 4 typed of poisonous snakes, and of the meth heads, all lurking in the forest. Up to that point I had encountered none of the above. I asked the man if he wanted some water and gave him some water bottles.
We ended up talking for about a half hour about some deep stuff, and I taught him the same meditation technique I had used on the land bridge earlier that day. Then we parted ways.
I back at the campsite I slept. Woke up eager to go and meet the man who knew of the sites. When I got to his house I asked “are you Mel”
he replied “I am Mel”
He was an elderly white man in his early 80s. I told him what i was looking for. He gave me and my car a look over, stopping when his eyes saw the book in my dash( The Art Of War.)
He said then promptly said come have a seat, and we spent the next half hour, with him listing off the names of sites and me writing those names frantically in a journal trying to keep up. I was in utter disbelief at the chain of events, and even more so by his openness and willingness to share the information freely. Night was starting to approach, and he said he was going to bed, I thanked him, and he then said," Come by tomorrow morning, and i will take you for a horse ride throught the woods."
I explained my reservations and that I did not know how to ride a horse, and he said he had a sure footed mule that was very safe. We agreed to ride early the next morning.
I drove back to my campsite. It was dark, and after my spook with the ‘Ghost’ the other night, I was on guard walking back.
While I walked I said a prayer to God, and to the Universe, and to the forest (mother nature) to please protect me and please wake me up early in the morning so I can be on time for the ride. I kept my cell phone in my car about 2 miles from the campsite (so it did not get damaged or dirty or destroyed), so i had no alarm clock.
Reaching the last 10% of the trail, my fear began to rise, and intensify as I got to the campsite. No one was there. But I had a very strong feeling like I was being watched. I went to bed sleeping with my Machete, something i had not done ever before.
Despite being on edge, Sleep engulfed me quickly.
It was a beautiful summer night in a city park, where there was a big wedding type event going on. Lots of tables and people, everything and everyone dressed up nice. As with most big social events, I decided to step away from the noise and go for a walk in the park, enjoying the beutiful night air. after walking for a while, I had a bad feeling that Someone was stalking me.
I looked over my shoulder, and my fear skyrocketed when I saw a creepy man in a trechcoat following close behind. He reached his hand into the coat and pulled out a curved knife scalpel. Now I was terrified.
I woke up
My hammock I was sleeping in was being shook back and forth by the force of 2 men. I was petrified, between the fading sleep paralysis and the ‘striaght jacket’ like grip of my sleeping bag, and the fog of sleep still lingering, I knew I was a dead man.
The fear was a 10 out of 10, it felt like an eternity, but was literally seconds. A lightning strike of consciousness made me react without thinking:
In under 3 seconds, I kicked off my sleeping bag, spun around and swung my machette, hard and fast 2 times into the hammocvk bottom, having it collide with the body or bodies that were violently rocking me back and forth.
Whatever was rocking the hammock stopped. It was pitch black outside.
My eyes were adjusting to the darkness. And kneeling in the bottom half of the hammock, I listened for footsteps running away. Or any noises.
There was no one there.
I grabbed a flashlight, began combing the woods with light. Not a soul. Had it been a person they would not have been able to get away that stealthily.
Now I felt like a complete idiot. Did I really just dream all that?!?! Now I got 2 gaping holes in the bottom of my hammock.
I knew from the darkness the moon had not risen yet, so it put the time roughly around 3am. I waited till dawn to hike back to my car, Still terrified that something was out there.
In the early morning light of dawn, I examined my hammock to look for any signs of human activity.
On the top half of hammock, where my head was resting, there were claw marks in the bug net on either side of where my head and upper torso was when I slept.
My first thought was it was from the machette when I cocked it back, but upon further investigation it could not have been.
I believe some animal (most likely a bob cat, jouvenile mountain lion, or 30LBs plus racoon) had asummedly gotten its front claws caught in the webbing of the bug net, which caused it to swing its bottom leg claws on to the other side, making a U shape hugging my upper torso.
And as it struggled to get free, its body weight felt like the force of 2 men, 1 on each side of the hammock, pushing back and forth as hard as they could.
My gut tells me it was a feline, knowing the terrain (rocky bluffs and very little water) and the stalking behavior (that eerie feeling of being watched before bed), big cats love to hide up in the tree branches and wait for their prey to stumble into the kill zone.
Whatever it was, it scared the shit out of me. I was sure I was going to die, or end up having half my organs harvested.
The sun began to rise, and hiking back to my car, a thought poped into my head:
“I had prayed to God/the Universe/Mother nature, to protect me, and to wake me up on time, and they had delivered 100%!!!”
I had to laugh out loud at the irony, and at the truism: “BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH/(PRAY )FOR!”
When I hear Andrew and others talk about the dream like nature of reality, the above true stories, leave no doubt in my mind that reality has an infinite depth to it that is far beyond the physical world.
I spent the next 7 days helping the old man with chores on his ranch, and in return he taught me how to ride a horse/mule and showed me areas of the woods that very few knew of.
Where does Phophecy or Precognition fit into this?
I would not find out till a year later.
I came back for my annual trip to those woods, and while a the Dollar General store, I met a woman who seemed to know that I was not from around there.
I think She knew something I didnt. She saw me buying water and camping supplys, and we did small talk and I told her I was camping, and I was visiting a friend who had taught me how to ride. She then said something that was deeply ILLUMINATING:
“There is an old retired doctor in the area, who likes to take people from out of town and show them the woods.”
I had no knowledge that the man was a retired doctor (surgeon). Neither the locals who pointed out his house to me, nor the old man himself, had told me that he used to work in Emergency rooms.
I had a flash of the dream from a year ago when I had first met the doctor. The man stalking me in the dream was carrying a scapal in his trechcoat, that he pulled out when I turned around and saw him.
My jaw dropped. I didnt tell the woman anything else, and left the store quickly.
In subsequent weeks I learned from him that he used to work as a surgeon in prisons and in hospital emergency rooms. At first I thought maybe he was a medicine man. But as time went on, I began to get the creepy feeling that he was ‘grooming’ me. He often offered for me to stay with him in his house, which I declined.
Nothing bad happened, but I attribute that to the fact that my guard was way up, while I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, once I figure out where peoples hearts are at, what their agendas are, and/or intentions are, I jet if any of those are tainted with negativity. I had made it really clear what my intentions were, was a little sickened to find out my agenda was being manipulated to try and satisfy a wolves appetitie.
I definitely learned to be much more on guard for all types of preditors…
Very verbose story, but I devoted the legnth becuase, the events that took place in reality were so surreal they could have been a dream, but were not. And the dream I shared was so real, so ILLUMINATING that it rocked the foundations of my psyche. The fact that my prayer was answered in such a profound way, and the fact that it served as an even bigger warning and premonition, is utterly mind blowing to me.
The last time I was in those woods I was driving on the road, and I had a flash of insight that “this would be a really great place for deer to hang out”. I reduced my speed. Sure enough within 10 seconds I was face to face with a family of deer.
At the end of that trip, a storm hit, with rain and high winds. Driving again, another flash of insight of a tree falling down and blocking the road hit my mind. I reduced my speed. Sure enough, within 2min of that flash, I almost hit a tree that had fallen on the road, had I not slowed down earlier, because of the rain and poor visibilty, I would have hit it. I was able to safely manuver around it.
If you take nothing else away from these stories, please understand the power of Meditation, the power of intention, and the power of Nature. I believe that all have profound power to put the mind in a state that is beyond words.
It is very difficult for me to share these stories so publicly. The reason I do so is not to try to convince anyone of supernatural forces at play. I have no interest in changing peoples minds. I do however, have a very big interest in hearing other peoples stories about following your intuition, premonitions, and especially Dreams that predict the future.
Thank you