Dreams from the Aether


Although I am currently planning to make a serious effort in the middle of this year. It makes sense for me to restart my dream journaling now. I’m planning to regularly share my dreams on here (minus any which are graphic, embarrassing or generally private). If there are any problems with this please inform me.

As for my reasons in once again attempting this I have several things I want to do when I dream:

  1. Have fun: fly, visit fantastical locations etc.

  2. Creative problem solving

  3. experiment with healing: I have a few minor but annoying conditions so I would like to experiment and see if Lucid Dream healing could help alleviate them.

  4. Dream Yoga work and spiritual progression

  5. Live Longer (psychologically): This one’s a bit confusing but the idea is that when looking back over a passage of time the more memories we have the longer it feels to have lasted. That’s why childhood seems to have been so long and when were stuck in a monotonous job the weeks can seem to fly by. If I am remembering my dreams and having great Lucid Ones I’ll have more memories and so hopefully the passage of time will feel longer/slower to me. These final two topics lead into the last one which is…

  6. Prepare for Death. I don’t really think much about this. I’m very good at distracting myself. But whenever I do think about it I want very much to be able to face the inevitable with calm dignity, with as little fear and regret as possible. I have no idea what will happen then but I feel like this quote from Spinoza:

I thus perceived that I was in a state of great peril, and I compelled myself to seek with all my strength for a remedy, however uncertain it might be; as a sick man struggling with a deadly disease, when he sees that death will surely be upon him […] is compelled to seek such a remedy with all his strength, inasmuch as his whole hope lies therein. (De Intellectus Emendatione, 4-5)

Yeah pretty heavy stuff to end it on. But it is true. I’ll just have to see how this goes, a lot could happen that would stop this again but it also could go well. No point worrying, just start.


Dreams from Today:

I am in a large square hall crowded with stuff. I am doing some sort of horror themed obstacle course. I jump across a series of platforms shaped and stacked like shelves in a library that threaten to wobble and collapse, they feel like soft play area mats. People in costumes come out. Nearby someone in a large brown overcoat and a mask with a chainsaw comes out. The jumping sequence repeats a few times. Now I am between 2 of the platforms looking around. The various costumed people are stood around. I see a small climbing area in the corner to my left where the platforms start. I think about how I wish I could use it and remark openly my wish that this place leaned much more on the obstacle course side of things than the horror. Other guests are now here, the climbing area is much larger and widespread. Several people are on it. I wander around a corner and find myself with my Mum in a yellow-coloured arcade area. I wonder where my younger brother is, we could play something together. I am now up in a corner and it is now in Minecraft. I start digging out dirt blocks around the windows the idea that I am doing it on the pretence of digging a moat put I will actually put lava all over and destroy this place. I dig a bit then go back to the corner and start placing down lava and water all over. I go down and place down a black floating orb monster to attack people.

I am reading some sort of document, possibly something relating to the Mae: The Awakening RPG. It is talking about a meeting of a cabal of mages. I see a picture of one member who looks like a big mutant baby, I read something about how he is a tiebreaker and the risk that as tie-breakers age they lose strength and become tied with everyone. I see a picture of another member who is a man with black hair and a beard in robes. He is talking with a a man with similar features who is wearing a suit. The second man is outside. I think the cabal is about to make some sort of psychic attack on the man outside. I now see a picture of the cabal; they are all apparently dead except for the bearded man in the robes. I am now looking at the robed man like it’s a third person game. He is going down a large stone, dark corridor he attacks the other man with a knife. Confusing images flash by, robe guy stabs suit guy. Suit guy mocks his choice of knife. I am now robe guy, I am on top of a sky scraper, it is night. I jump and grab a zipline with and. I zip towards another building with the suit guy on it. However, he pulls out a large knife and slices the zipline just before I get there. I fall.


Today I had a dream where I was in my Bedroom at night. I am crouched down on the floor, using an electronic whisk to clean my phone screen. It works removing all the dust and marks on it. I turn off the whisk and place it down. I look closer at my phone and see cracks all over the screen, I realize that the whisk did this. Damn it why did I do that.

I also remember being in bed thinking about this and realizing happily that i was all a dream. I believe I was in some sort of Hypnopompic/Hypnagogic state as this morning I was waking up and going to sleep a few times before my alarm.

Also here’s a Power Metal Song about dreams, I intended to put this on the first post but I forgot. Enjoy!


Go go go!
if at any time you want advice or our attention on something specific, please tag us with the magic @ and with our names in it - like this @Athernium



I am in Antarctica, snow everywhere, it is daytime. I am with a woman who is next to me. All around are people dressed in winter clothes, they are setting up these boxes and surrounding the with what look like poles with boxes on them (looking a bit like floodlights). The woman tells me that these are Internet Pirates and we both suspect they are leaching processing power off each other as well. As we walk through them wonder if I should smash some of there equipment. After all we are in Antarctica away from every nation, I remember that we are under International Maritime Law which probably forbids it. I remark this to the woman. She guides me to a cliff, a spot next to a large stone. I am nervous of the drop. She tells me to look out and see the nearby islands, the are smaller than this ones. Looking like big stones sticking out of the see. She talks about how this is the only one large enough to sustain life. I look behind me seeing palm trees and some monkeys moving by. I remark, wondering how life got here from the mainland. We walk back the way we came, on grass, past trees. I see there is a gap and then a bunch of tall apartment blocks. That is Australia.

I am standing with my family on some fancy stairs. In what appears to be a lounge area. The floors are carpeted in red, the walls look fancy. We are part of a gathering of people, all looking at one end of the hall, where the captain is dressed in a white uniform talking about our cruise. He talks about how this ship goes back to the days of Napoleon and at times it may be best “to walk like this” the he places his legs wide and walks through the open doors behind him in a way somewhat like a waddle. He turns around and mentions a nearby place where this a deal on fries where you can get 4 for the price of one. My younger brother goes to get some. He comes back giving one pack with a blue cheese sauce on them. I am now in my room on the ship, the walls, floor and ceiling are white. It is a large room but sparse. To my left positioned in the middle of the wall is a large double bed. To the end of the wall on my right opposite me is a door. I hear a shower on beyond it. I go through and see a white bathroom, on the opposite floor is an old looking bathtub. With the shower on and the curtain drawn. I hear a woman humming. I fear it is the Woman in Black Ghost. I flee the room. I’m walking along the deck on the ship. People are walking or standing around. I am now walking down a sloped pavement by a street next to mine. My family is walking a small distance behind me. There is writing etched onto the pavement. A story appears in my head about the son of the woman who wrote The Woman in Black is working on a new adaptation. Which is crazy given the last one got 100% and and its sequel 80% on Rotten Tomatoes. but its actually really good according to critics.

(For context The Woman in Black was a horror novel adapted into a film starring Daniel Radcliffe. As far as I know it did not get 100% on Rotten Tomatoes and its sequel was very negatively received. I have no idea why it popped up in my dream s I have never seen any of them, nor read the book. In fact I don’t really consume horror media at all. Personally I think we need to acknowledge that dreams are to some extent completely random)


Or perhaps, consciously untraceable . . . . .


Are the random thoughts or randomly repetead thoughts throughout one’s day completely random, or are there hidden patterns, yearning for realization?

Or perhaps, Unconsciously traceable


Today I didn’t get much sleep. Which seems to have influenced my dreams as I was dreaming I was in bed on my laptop, websurfing and looking at the clock, worrying about how late it is getting but unable to stop. I eventually put it under my pillow and go to sleep.

Later when I woke up again during the night I remember feeling under my pillow, then realising that I had been dreaming.


Are the random thoughts or randomly repeated thoughts throughout one’s day completely random, or are there hidden patterns, yearning for realization?

No idea, hopefully I’ll figure some of this out as I continue


Very cool, congratulations on this success!


I am walking around in an outside area having thoughts about the Princess Bride Movie

I am inside a tall stone tower, on the bottom. The tower is hollow and each level has arches in the wall. Above me are people either perched within the arches or apparently floating. Someone is floating high up in more colorful clothes. They are a god and we are exciting. The figure speaks, everyone is excited. The figure tries to guess people’s names, it becomes clear they have been gone a long time, the people they remember from last time are clearly dead. They begin to ask if people are descended from those they knew.

Not sure what you are referring too, but it wasn’t a Lucid Dream, I had woken up and realised I had been dreaming.


Today I did not remember anything.


This morning I also had some difficulty in remembering my last dream, but, when I started doing my Tummo practice, the memory came, showing me that perhaps because of its’ complexity and also because it was showing me a more shadow aspect, I was not remembering so well… :deer:


Ah, my bad, I misunderstood.

What were you thinking?

Are the arches open to outside/ windows, like the colosseum?

Can you clarify this part?
I resonated with this dream, and the last part it caught my eye, are you as excited as everyone else there? What was the dominant emption or feeling?

Such a cool dream, cryptic, but I think there’s an insightful message and meaningful depth in its interpretation


Hello @NightHawk999

  1. if I recall correctly I was thinking about the actor Andre the Giant and how massive he was.

  2. The Arches were open to the outside like the Coliseum.

  3. Unfortunately I cannot remember exactly what the figure said, the memory of he dream hs faded. it was asking specific people who they were. They thought they were people they remembered but they quickly realised they had been gone a long time and those people must be dead. So it asked if they were descended from those people they knew. The only other thing I recall was that when the scene began I had the thought that this was set in the Planescape setting of Dungeons & Dragons. But in what way I have no idea.

As you may be able to guess by now I am a huge Science-Fiction and Fantasy nerd. So it makes sense elements of these would enter into my dreams.

Though if say there was some sort of deeper message of archetype showed up in my dreams why wouldn’t it make use of that sort of imagery given I am accustomed to it.


Dreams Today:

I am walking along a path in a local park. It is daytime. I am thinking about the videogame Xenonauts and how it is very hard and how you shouldn’t research psionics and laser weapons because that will ultimately cause you to lose. I am now in the game except it is fist person and I a in a party with a couple of soldiers. We are moving around this urban area in the daytime with streets of houses. I go and knock on a door, there is the option to break it down but I do not do so. Wandering I encounter the moving 2d jpeg of a policeman (a police NPC) and fear that we will be arrested but he just moves through me ad I go on. In a back alley area, I meet a woman who tells me the house number of someone she says can help us. I go o the house and knock on the door. We are let in. The man is wearin ga grey shirt and has blonde hair and a blonde beard. The 2 soldiers are with me and I can see them now. He takes us through into a living room area which is plastered with pictures, newspaper clippings etc. like one of those stereotypical conspiracy theory walls.

I am in some sort of large arcade style place. A woman helps me get into what looks like an old school diving suit in a metal frame. Inside its some sort of VR gaming thing. I select something labelled jokes and now I am in a large living room with 3 black sofas arranged in a square (the final side is a wall). There are a lot of people here. Ad well as a chimpanzee in a military uniform. There’s a fight I think and now the Chimpanzee is trapped under debris or something. I am back in the suit and go to select some sort of game.

I am walking down some metal stairs in some sort of shopping centre/theme park place. He stairs lead down to a corner which splits off to the left and ahead of me. Ahead is a dead end. As I walk down, I see some friends sitting nearby. I am now near the dead end. This stretch of ground is open grass. There are a bunch of people here. I am participating in some sort of games, I am racing to push some sort of small cylinder or tube I am holding in my hands over the ground which slopes down the up. I finish ten I walk up the street to the corner and start looking at the products in the window of a shop. There are a lot of confectionary stuff, including a bunch of coca cola related stuff. I see a bottle of something labelled coca cola syrup. Looks like you put it in water to make it taste like coca cola. I continue looking.


Beautiful Symbolism here

Had to look this up, found this video, this first 5min are very interesting:

D&D’s Best Campaign Setting - Planescape (Lore video)


Definitely important to note. If you dream of this type of sci-fi/fantasy scenes and scenarios often, they may have more specific personal symbolism, than collective archetypes. However if these dreams are not that common, Definitely worth paying attention to.

Now I can see how this would be tied to:

A Buddhist reincarnation teaching I love if that we were once, at least once, the mother of all beings on this planet and vice versa.

The Princess Bride (7/12) Movie CLIP - The Torture Machine

The Princess Bride (8/12) Movie CLIP - Miracle Max (1987) HD

“theres a big difference between mostly dead and dead”

True [Christ] LOVE:
“you could not ask for a more noble cause than that.”

Threw a lot of spaghetti at the wall, but Spiritual Alchemy of turning pain into ‘gold’ is a powerful teaching throughout many religions. Much easier said than done, but the torments of our lives and past lives do have at least one silver lining, they can help inspire deep compassion when we encounters others who are inflicted by these pains.

Another thing worth noting for people who do not believe in reincarnation, is we die and are reborn every day, every hour, every minute, every millisecond. Not just physically on the cellular level, but also our sense of self is like a perpetual Phoenix.


I am in my bedroom crouched down and trying to make a bunch of carpet strips fit together nicely like a jigsaw on my laminated wooden floor.


I am in the countryside on one side of a river which lies in the middle of a dip. I am with a young woman with black hair and possibly another man. I am talking about how I could swim to the other side if needed. But I remark I don’t want to tr unless I have to because some of the water currently looks like its going very fast. It also think that the river doesn’t appear to be that deep but then there may be a sudden drop in depth in the middle.