Beautiful Dream.
What was the emotion(s) present?
Was it a meaningful dream for you?
Any thoughts on its interpretation?
Beautiful Dream.
What was the emotion(s) present?
Was it a meaningful dream for you?
Any thoughts on its interpretation?
I am sat next to my twin on a tram on the inner side. It is daytime. We talk. He tells about this rectangular piece of plastic attached to his pocket. Its an extra wallet. He mentions lending it to my younger brother at times. I am now holding some coins, they are hexagonal in shape. I notice that they are Euros and ask him why he is going around with Euros. He replies but I don’t hear it. We are now walking along a road near our home. I end up racing ahead of him. I stop and turn back, waiting for him to catch up.
one thing that I find fascinating about sharing dreams is getting to know people from this raw and deep perspective. the extra juice is that WE get to know ourselves in many other layers and perspectives
thank you for sharing your dreams here!
I am walking through an indoor space. With several other individuals who are Harpers from D&D, dressed in green cloaks with the harp symbol on them in gold. We are wandering through a hall made of wood. I am now with them in another large room, only partly lit. The more lit area is in front of me and there is a stand with a painting of a woman dressed in green with blonde hair, Further back is a dark area in the corner with another painting on a stand, the painting is coloured with dark colours and depicts another figure. A woman who is leading the Harpers is talking about this with others. Something about the person trying to find rejecting the good goddess they worshiped and turning to an evil deity.
(Saturday evening I was playing Baldur’s Gate 3 with a friend and the Harpers showed up in it, so I think thats where they came from)
I am in a building. With friends. We are hiding from people who have broken into the building. One person volunteers to go through some doors and do something. She goes through then turns left and hides in some toilets. We are all annoyed. I remark that at least she should be calling the police. We flee the building through some stairs to the right and are now on the street outside. It is nighttime. I keep asking if someone has called the police.
I am in my bedroom, around the closed curtains golden light is coming into the room. I get up out of bed and I go to the bathroom but my Mum is using it. I am annoyed but I have to wait. I go back to my bedroom.
I am at a computer playing some sort of horror game. Then I stumble across a trailer for a game made by and about David Icke where you play as him having to fight aliens that have kidnapped him.
Pay attention to these themes; if they continue to repeat in your future dreams, they may be doors to Lucidity.
You can use these as daytime reality checks.
Whenever you feel fear or annoyance, do a state check.
I am online on the substack blog of Massimo Pigliucci. He is reviewing a video by someone complaining that Buddhism and Stoicism both get equal amounts of attention when in fact Stoicism is far superior. I see an image mentioning Pure Lands at one point. I feel disturbed seeing Buddhism attacked.
2 things to note:
this is SO interesting… I visit Ncc regularly for the last almost two years and never had this kind of dreams but I am very curious if you will dream with this comment… hihihi
We will just have to see
I am outside on a street with my parents and younger brother, wandering around. It is daytime. A yellow truck with a forklift on the front comes down the street. It turns ad goes to remove a very small black car that’s on the pavement. My younger brother is standing nearby, and I realise its his car. I turn around and notice that down the street and notice that one side of the road is taken up by a hole where someone has set up a stove and a large pan with food in it on top. I wonder if the tuck will be able to get past it.
I am indoors with my family. We are heading to go board a plane to take us to our destination. We enter a large white hall with people all around. I see what look almost like carriages in an inverted roller coaster with seats danglin from a plane shaped frame. These are our planes. I look at the one we are to use, part of it has been taken up by another family, I notice some of the seats have a cup holder with an Ice Cream Cone in it. My younger brother comments that the Ice Cream is really good.
I am in the plane we set off. We fly very close to the ground, across a lake surrounded by wood with people on it swimming or in boats, we just barely miss a boat and go up, over the trees and an old looking stone house. I see some people apparently trying to shoot us. I panic but we do not get hit. We go through an urban area and through a hole in a skyscraper. I hear a comment about how these buildings have to be completely shut down when we fly through. We go across another lake. My mother complains loudly about he dark cloud coming up ahead. I see it and really hope there’s no rain given how we are exposed
I am observing 2 monks in orange robes talking to each other. One of them removes bead s from around the others neck to put on himself. I think the one ding the removing is the junior monk and the senior one is letting him take his beads as the junior monk doesn’t have any for himself.
I am walking around in an indoor space with wooden walls and a cream coloured carpet floor, passing people and bookshelves. This place may be some sort of libary. I am walking with my father up a rising circular path around a central pillar within a larger room. Dad talks about he first matrix movie and how it wasn’t very good, I think that it wasn’t as bad as many say. I jump off the side of the path and use canopies that stick out to the side to break my fall.
I am in bed, it is morning. My mother asks me what are my plans for today. I tell her. I then wake up and realise I had a false awakening.
A-hA! good news… getting nearer to lucidity. Bravo!
Today I did not remember any dreams
I am entering a room with other people my age. We are students. Inside the room are a series of desks with computers. We are going to play the game word of warships. I am excited because I will just follow a youtube video online and easily win the game. I begin by trying to expand and gain enough territory and resources in the first turn but I keep failing and I get mad.
I am in a shopping centre with my Twin Brother. The walls, floor and ceiling is white at least in the large corridors. The centre is open and people are walking around. I walk ahead of my brother and down a sloped and curved path. I turn and go back to him. He is in a shoe shop which is very busy. I pace around and see a stand on top of which is a small screen with a picture of a dog on it that has been groomed in a fancy way. Elow the screen is a triangular touchscreen where you can slide around towards the 3 corners representing a different style. Currently it is set close to one corner labelled druid. I walk away.
I am with my twin brother; we are walking in an urban area at night. I look over a small bridge we are heading towards. On the other side are some large buildings. They look like factories or corporate offices. A narrative in my head speaks about battles between criminal gangs and mercenaries hired by the police. Now the buildings are on fire. I see groups of people running at each other. I and my twin run across the bridge and to he right. Dark figures move to chase us. We jump to the right into a canal and swim along hoping to escape. We reach a canal gate and climb up a series of rocks. It is now daytime. We are hanging on the side of a cliff and ahead of us is a blocked body of water. Some people come at us, but they end up falling in the water. I look away and when I look back, I see skeletons. I realise the water is acid and we do not want to fall in there. The rocks holding back the acid breaks and pours on us. I suddenly realise its just water. I remark that they’ll need to edit that, because it makes no sense how we would be unharmed after going through it. We climb over the edge and approach an Egyptian temple. It is my Birthday. I think about my eczema. Inside I meet my Mum who is sat on the floor with a series of presents laid out for me in Ancient Egypt style cases. I am given a present, Mum tells my twin that what he has is also me. He is holding a small model sarcophagus with a model mummy inside that is actually candy.
do you really have a twin brother?
I have the feeling that this is your inner movie director wanting you to become lucid. if this was my dream, I would write
on my dream diary (DS = dream sign)
this is essential for becoming lucid
this is also another
time passing suddenly (not from this reality) from one scene to the other
this is very interesting… so many times that we fear something to realize it’s not dangerous at all… just in our minds…
if this was my dream, I would do a research on this theme, just for fun…
if this was my dream, because of the hint of acid that is just water, I would put a filter on my shower and see if that would improve my skin health - did you ever heard about the medium doctor? it’s a genius man who has discovered that, for example, not eating eggs helps a lot fighting eczema - he has many other “secrets” that shares with the world. if this was my dream I would do a research also on liquids that improve eczema condition - such as blue berries
this is so incredible! it reminded me of a video @NightHawk999 shared yesterday - minute 9:22:
if this was my dream, it would be a confirmation that I should stop eating sugar because the medium doctor has also found out that sugar makes eczema worse
and I would watch the whole awesome video that I just shared (The Monk Who Spoke to Animals")
Thanks for the reply @BlessingsDeers
Yes I do have a twin brother (for obvious reasons I wish to maintain mine and others privacy, hence for example why I have avoided using people’s names on here whereas I would use them in a private journal).
Incidentally before going to sleep I did something I read from Clare Johnson and asked my dreaming mind what is the most important thing for me to do in this exact period in time. I thought that maybe the dreams were telling me to focus more on my relationship with my brother and relationships in general. But you have found many other possibilities, which should be expected as you are doing this for much longer (I do in fact eat too much sugar). I intend to keep asking the same question for the next week and see what happens.
I am at a computer. I am attempting to apply to something online. To do so I am told to select some Instagram posts to submit from a series of suggestions. I do so the go to the other page where I have to do the same thing but the suggestions are all very inappropriate. I notice that at the bottom I can submit another one of my choosing. One immediately comes to mind and I try to search for it. When I don’t immediately find it I become annoyed.
By the way this is the Instagram post I was looking for, I had watched it the same day before I went to sleep:
Here’s the full episode of the podcast the clip is from:
I am gradually working through the book in question (How to Think Like Socrates by Donald Robertson). Perhaps my Unconscious is telling me to keep going and in fact to focus on it more and get less distracted by common worldly desires.
Great advice. I would also add: stay away from foods that are inflammatory and or highly processed.
Kim Kardasian might be someone to research and see what she does to treat her eczema. [she has more than likely invested millions in R&D)
Also might help to work with inflammatory emotions like Anger, Fear, Shame, etc.
Shes a total Rock Star!
I think you are spot on with this insight!
“The older we get, the more…”