So I’m looking for a decent way to play back the audio files for meditation classes on my iPhone. If I just play in Safari the browser doesn’t remember my position if I come back a day later. If I open the Soundcloud app I can’t access the premium content. I was able to download audio files for interviews and play them in the Pocket Casts app, but I if I download meditation classes they actually won’t open in Pocket Casts or another audiobook player I have. Any suggestions to get a better UX? Is there maybe a problem with the meditation class files that causes them not to work with other iPhone apps? Any suggestions or additional options would be much appreciated . An ideal setup by the way would be if I could somehow just access the premium content in an app like Soundcloud or Podcasts.
I’ve had the same issues regarding not being able to save my position on the audio files. I end up just re-listening to the same parts over and over again and sometimes it ends up being a good thing.
I usually watch and listen to them online so I can repeat parts as I like in addition to accessing the transcripts, while not perfect, allow searching for specific information.
If you download the files to the (previously iBooks) it will save your place and it has a hand rewind 15 seconds button.
It is easier if you do this on your laptop. Download audio to Finder/Downloads. Find files. You can select all the files at once, right click (CTRL click) then Open with Books App. This only works for audio files like .mp3 and .m4a. Then you will need to sync your laptop to your iphone when it is plugged into the laptop using the (old iTunes). The files should be in the Audio Book Library.
If you really want it to look pretty and have Andrew’s name as author, etc. you can first upload files to Music (old iTunes) by selecting files in Finder/Downloads, right click (CTRL click), Open in Music App. Once in music app select the file and 3 dots will apear to the right of it. Click on the 3 dots and Get Info. Here you add all the details. It is also possible to edit details for multiple files at once.
I have not found and easy and direct way to download the files from the website to iphone and play in the I can download a file to my iPhone’s Save on iPhone folder and it will play in a 3rd party player but not save my place or have a rewind 15 seconds buttons.
Did you notice a bardo (gap) with all this info? Please remain there as long as possilble.
** admins ** it would be convenient if we could download a whole book’s set of talks in one .zip file, please
I strongly agree. The only Night Club material I’ve been consistently listening to is Andrew’s interviews, because I can do so in podcast format – so much less friction. I’d love to be able to do so with meditation classes and the Q&A sessions etc.