Native Americans ➕

Do you know if the Ax throwing was historically accurate?
Something the Natives picked up from the Europeans?


A-ha!!! had to pause it though! Keen eye you have! Bravo! Here in Portugal when someone has a keen eye like you, we say that person if from Olhão (place in the South of Portugal) which means BIG EYE!


thank you :pray:


Sounds like a place I would love to retire at

Been working on my 3rd eye 'Sonar", have been very blessed to have some very Dear teachers here

:dolphin: :dolphin:


Martial skills with tools such as knives, swords, bow and arrow and hunting with all sorts of tools was necessary for survival. Ever see Apocalypto?


Rogan on the Native American genocide from disease.


The Natives were completely crippled by disease before the fighting began, not a fair fight.
One of the darkest times in human history.

Regardless of whether China unleashed the covid virus on purpose, or through negligence, its a powerful reminder that conscious and unconscious human biological warfare has been going on for thousands of years.


Yes indeed! Absolutely! All bio-weapons labs around the world should be shut down! Are we that stupid to think we can unleash bio-weapons on someone else without them effecting us? Or for that matter, that we can nuke another country without it blowing back on us?!
Don’t even get me started.


Amen Brother

Babysitting the Bubonic Plague and not thinking something will eventually backfire is grossly naive.

Why do you as questions to which you already know the answers to?
Biowarfare and Cyberwarefare and ecconomic warefare is the future of war.

Nuclear war is just an insurance policy and last resort, which no sane country would resort to. If they did, we could all say hello to a swift annihilation.


The neighboring town from me, Amherst MA, named for this guy:


" “You will do well to try to inoculate the Indians by means of blankets, as well as to try every other method that can serve to extirpate this execrable race,” Amherst wrote in a 1763 letter."

Really sick and fucked up. I think his name deserves to be erased if he did this.

"In regard to mascot names such as the Indians, Chiefs or Redskins, these situations are much easier to solve. "

I disagree with this renaming.
These team names are a way to immortalize and remember our past.
I would not be opposed to the tribes getting a kick back, or 5% royalty on merchandise sold by teams.


Rename the Redskins and Indians?

I’d vote for that.

Up in Alaska the Nelson Island High School team was named “The Half-Breeds.” No one objected.


I think there was something sinister behind the renaming, like their copywrite on the logo was set to expire, and rather than renew it, they decided to call the PC police to stir things up and give them excuse to switch.

Amen Brother

I think they would satisfy both sides with this deal, AND sell more merchandise, if people know 5% of the profits are going to a good cause, they will be much more liberal with their wallets.


Total Grand Slam

Nathan gives a shout out to it here:

If you end up watching season 1 let me know. Episode 1 of it is pretty deep, I had to watch it a few times to really appreciate the artistic genius.


Not familiar with it. Apocalypto is a soft ripoff/homage to the Naked Prey, one of the top action movies of the 1960s.


The Rehearsal | Official Trailer | HBO


Created this “God’s Eye” today, in Celebration of three months of daily Tummo Inner Fire Practice:
It’s a shamanic craft.
The base was made out of lavender sticks, in a cross +
Every color has a different intention.


@NightHawk999 May it NOT be so! (responding to your earlier comments about biological and nuclear war). May all beings be healthy and live in peace, compassion and freedom.



I was gifted with this God’s Eye in the 80’s by a young Native man who was in an alcohol and drug treatment program at the Puyallup Tribe in Tacoma, WA. He made it while in treatment. It’s large, over 3 feet across and is still hanging on my wall!


Frank Matsura was a Japanese photographer who landed in Seattle at the turn of the last century. He moved to the Okanagan region of north central Washington where he lived on the edge of the Colville Reservation. He did portraits of the Native people of that area. His work has been compared to the work of Edward Curtis, the famous portrait photographer of Native people from that same time period. Matsura allowed his subjects much more freedom in how they wanted to be portrayed than Curtis did. The exhibit is curated by a Colville Tribal member who teaches at Washington State University.


Thank you for these posts, really nice synchronicity. I dreamed of an old friend I used to work with last night. Long story short, the work enviornment was pretty toxic, and pardon my french, but there were more than a few nasty hate filled bitches there that made the guys life hell. I was one of the few people there that was good to him.

I have often wondered if one of the reasons why I have had such amazing and powerful experiences while out camping, was due to his ancestors looking out for me, or possibly even guiding me. Just a thought.