Hello, fellow practitioners!
After some time away, focusing on waking life activities, I’ve returned to LD practice via The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep [2022 edition, I STRONGLY recommend this edition!] with a very strong resolve to integrate it (and several more of TWR’s teachings) into the rest of my life. In Fall 2022 I had began what I figured would be a 4-year journey at least. I also revived the practice in summer of 2023. Both times I had some initial successes, but life situations pulled me away and my habit of laziness, of not sticking with a practice even as wonderful as this one, reared its head yet again and yet again I gave in and stopped.
Well, no more. I’ve declared to the world that I’ve quit quitting! I’ve gathered some wonderful motivational quotes, including this one from David Goggins:
There is no more time to waste. Hours and days evaporate like creeks in the desert.
I feel the advancement of time more acutely now, as this year sees a birthday anniversary that puts me, IMO, squarely in “old guy” territory. I’m feeling the strong desire to really turn my life away from a perpetual roller coaster ride of reacting to experience non-lucidly via unconscious conditioning.
I’m ready to…
… finally give up the turmoil of being driven by hope and fear, desire and aversion … [to] rest in presence.
I started just over a month ago, again basing the core of my day practice on The Four Foundational Practices chapter, which is a goldmine of wisdom and mini-practices to do. I’ve had two short moments of lucidity in dreams, and some nights with very high presence, very vivid non-lucid dreams. Generally a couple of times every week after the initial two, I’ve had some notable dream moments, where I state tested, felt increased lucidity, or just had ver present and vivid dreams.
I’m not giving myself any sort of time table. I do hope to have significant results within a couple of years, but I’m going with TWR’s recommendation of:
Just let the practice be part of your life.
It helps to make this journey with others also following this path. If anybody wants a LD/Dream Yoga pen pal, feel free to send me a message :).