New Offering!

Greetings fellow dreamers, we are Bodi, Chelsea, & Katie. Independently lucid dreamers since early on in our lives, we formed a dream circle in 2019 and have been practicing lucid dreaming and dream yoga together ever since. We are offering a monthly Lucidity Induction Group to support greater lucidity in dreams and waking life. Each month, we will share lucidity induction techniques and invite participants to practice the methods until the group meets again. By practicing together, the three of us have experienced significantly enhanced lucidity and we hope to inspire this effect within the Night Club Community. For those of you who resonate with this offering, we look forward to expanding our lucidity together.

This offering will take place on the second Saturday of each month at 11:00 am Mountain Time beginning Saturday January 13th, 2024.


This sounds really awesome!

Very cool to hear these results. Andrew has mentioned before the power of Sanghas, and how they help amplify positive results and energies.


Just checking: So this will be 1PM EST, following the Dream Yoga Group that meets from 11:-12:30 EST of the second and fourth Saturday?


Dream yoga meets on the first and third Saturday of the month. So this will be on the Saturday between those meetings! And that’s correct 1 pm eastern.


Will the meetings be recorded?


I hope so. Looking forward to this event.

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@Parhelion , here is the thread post about it.


@AlyssaModerator Thanks for this offering. Will there be dial-in details posted or how can we join?


That would be my guess. In zoom this week Andrew said stay tuned, they are getting the bios ready, so hopefully that means there will be a page with links.


FYI Katie Love gave a very good talk for NC a few years ago in the Individual Presentations portion of Night Club, of which there were two. Her presentation was linked here, and perhaps it will be reposted.


Hope so too, I cant make this time as I teach a class at this time every Saturday but this is is a great offering and would love to hear what people say.


Hi everyone!

As we get closer there will be a dedicated page on the night club website (like there is for Meditation group etc.) with all of the information for joining! I will let you all know when that is up.

As far as recordings go, we typically do not recording these meetings to allow members to discuss things freely without fear of being recorded. We hope you understand and hope you’re able to join!