Of Luminosity and Light

what an interesting conversation! Just to throw this thought into the mix and see if it lands anywhere… what if the Clear Light Non Dual (ness) through desire to express, sends out via substrate consciousness some sort of ‘DNA’ like coding/archetypal patterns whose instructions are what hold the apples’ form together more of less for it’s dictated lifetime…waiting to be perceived by whatever perceivers come along to fill in it’s meaning, taste, nutrution etc with our combination of mental stores and hysical stores for identification nd recognition?


‘And…there is evidence of other “Universes” that exist concurrent with ours, “realities” with slightly or even radically different precepts. I have seen evidence of this…in the waking state. :wink:

This is intriguing! Can we hear more about this?


An interesting perspective. One problem with it is that it seems to ascribe to the state of clear light an intrinsic self-identity and a “desire to express” rather than relying on dependent co-arising.


Well…I have posted pictures of this anomaly in an older thread. I just went back to find that thread and was unsuccessful.

In brief, after weeks of strong meditative presence in an outdoor setting last January I was greeted one Sunday morning with an array of stacked stones that was simply not possible within the constraints of gravity that we exist in. It was like a bubble of a different reality.

I was able to touch these stones and I photographed them in detail. By the end of the following day they were all gone. The anomaly continued again with a different display the following week and an an encounter with…a person that was related to the events. I have given this anomaly a great deal of thought since then and I must admit that it has shaped some of my perspectives.


That is so interesting. It reminds me of a vision quest I went on years ago. We met at a base camp for prep and then went out on our own for a number of days fasting, dreaming, meditating, wandering etc. They had a system for checking on us without interrupting that involved stacks of stones. We chose a spot and I would change the pile of stones in some way each day in the mornng. They would go to that spot daily and see that the stones were changed, thus knowing I was ok. It was our communication device.


Yes, I had that thought too. But this different way of desire concept came from some material I have been listening to lately where there was a distinction made between samsaric desire and divine desire. I’ll see if I can find it to clarify that more.


On a tangent to the idea of parallel universes, in Tibetan cosmology there are 6 Realms occupying the same space, somewhat like parallel world. One of the 6 is the human realm, and another is the animal realm. There is a lot of interaction between these two, obviously, but much less with the others, and yet we share the same space. It seemed like fiction to me until I was in a retreat with Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche, and he said the entire room was filled with beings who were invisible to most of us, but they were present and responding, presumably, to something he was radiating that they could perceive. Personally I found there was much more communication happening than the just words he was speaking - one of the most profound teachers I have ever met. I started to believe it then.


Close to 2000 years ago the Heart Sutra proclaimed that:

Form is Emptiness
Emptiness is Form

In the 1920’s, Western science proclaimed that:

Matter is Energy
Energy is Matter

I have come to trust in the ancient wisdom as well. :slightly_smiling_face:


@lauragecko In my speculative world view, that is what may be happening. The identity part is in delusional substrate consciousness, the clear light is not delusional but underlies the substrate consciousness, like a cloudy day, there is still daylight but diffuse. archetypal forms are stored in the substrate.
@Steve_Gleason Not the state of clear light but the substrate consciousness(es). They do have a a delusional sense of self-identity. Just ask your next dream character if he/she thinks if it has an identity. :wink:

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My morning reading found me, once again, on a passage from Ian Baker’s Tibetan Yoga, Principles and Practices.

“But the Yoga of Clear Light lies beyond the hypnagogic mental state that Dali referred to as ‘sleeping without sleeping’, and it is also distinct from the trainable capacity for lucid dreaming during the rapid eye movement phases of wakeful slumber.”

He goes on to say that…

“Rather than attend to an unconstrained continuum of inner imagery and associations, the Clear Light Yoga involves concentrating vital energies at the heart cakra while maintaining a lucid state of awareness that ultimately transcends waking, dreaming, sleep and death…the ‘clear seeing’ of reality beyond conventional constraints of time, space, knowledge and matter…”


yes, Sleep Yoga (or clear light yoga) goes beyond the substrate mind.
Dream Yoga, on the other hand, is the practice within the substrate.
Resonates with me :slight_smile:


As synchronicities go: from the last Q&A with @Andrew:

„The only reality is mind and observations. But observations are not of things. To see the universe as it really is, we must abandon our tendency to conceptualize observations as things. The universe is entirely immaterial, mental and spiritual and we must learn to perceive it as such.“
Richard Henry