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The Twelve Holy Nights (Edna Andrade)
It is the so-called period that runs from Christmas Eve (25) until the night before Kings Day (05), when, according to ancient Christian tradition, divine blessings pour over us through the portals of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac, the belt of stars surrounding the outer space in which we exist.
The 12 strokes of midnight at Christmas announce the vigil that is a spiritual preparation, as if the Holy Nights were a preview of the 12 months of the year that begins.
The virtues received from spiritual hierarchies at this time, through meditation, inject their strength into our spiritual development throughout the new year.
Special attention should be given to dreams as messengers of the spirit.
The tradition of the 12 Holy Nights and the Zodiac
We can associate this tradition with the ancient wisdom of the East through the account of the Journey of the Magi in the Gospel of Matthew. 2.2 to 10
On the night the Savior was born, a star lit up and this was the sign long awaited by the Initiates of the East, who for the next 12 nights followed the brightness of the star that preceded them until they reached the child who had been announced as the Messiah.
The account in Matthew’s Gospel takes us to the spiritual mysteries of antiquity, a stage in the development of humanity at the time of settlement in the Mediterranean region when those who were initiated developed clairvoyant vision through which, what today is considered by astronomy as sidereal bodies , were seen by them as the manifestation of spiritual beings in constant activity and continuous transmutation.
This ancient state of clairvoyant consciousness is associated with the emergence of astrology, this wisdom based on the analogy of the movement and position of the stars with human destiny. When we observe the Holy Nights, we can resume the journey of the Magi through the inner connection with this wisdom regarding the 12 constellations of the Zodiac.
Who are the beings that we will meet on the journey of the 12 Holy Nights?
Rudol Steiner refers to spiritual hierarchies in many of his talks. Initially, he dedicates a chapter to them in Occult Science (1905) describing their role in the evolution of the universe and the human being.
The nine spiritual hierarchies can be seen as sculptures on the south gate of Chartres Cathedral since the 13th century. Chartres was the most important Gothic cathedral of the Middle Ages and at this gate, called the Gate of Transubstantiation, the hierarchies form an ascending staircase that represents the spiritual teaching of the School of Chartres. The student should, step by step (gradually), acquire awareness of these spiritual beings that represented different states of consciousness.
In this learning, thought was considered a necessary instrument for the perception of the spiritual as long as it was married to the experience of feelings and thus they became both, thinking and feeling, organs of understanding and participation in the spiritual world.
The names of the hierarchies originated from a manuscript by Dionysius, the Aeropagite who founded the first Christian esoteric school in antiquity. Dionysius, an initiate of the ancient centers of Greek mysteries, renamed the divine beings who were called the beings of Venus, the beings of Mercury, etc… from the revelation of Christ made to him by Paul of Damascus in Athens.
The manuscript survived for centuries until it ended up in Chartres and is titled: “The Divine Names and Mystical Theology”, dramatically describing the nine levels of divine beings associated in groups of three hierarchies that participated in the evolution of the earth and the human being .
The first hierarchy includes the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones who began evolution being both at its beginning and at its end – in the Alpha and Omega,
They act from the divine, from the macrocosmic sphere which is called the sphere of the Father, of God, of Allah, of divine love, of cosmic giving. They are beings from an evolutionary state prior to ours, so advanced in their evolution that they were able to flow their own substance from themselves, giving birth to the current state of our solar system.
The second hierarchy is formed by the Kyriotetes, Dynamis and the Exusiai.
While in the process of configuring our Cosmos the first hierarchy acted from the outside, they, from within the process, welcomed the divine plans transforming them into wisdom, giving it movement and form.
And finally the third hierarchy, the Archaeans, Archangels and Angels close to their human because they developed their essence in this evolutionary stage in which we, Anthropos, find ourselves and in which we are destined to become co-creators of evolution.
First hierarchy Second hierarchy Third hierarchy
Seraphim Kyriotetes Archaeus
Cherubs Dynamis Archangels
Thrones Exusiai Angels
In the last years of his life, in a lecture entitled The Cosmic Word and the Individual Man (2/05/1923), Rudolf Steiner draws attention to the fact that the self-conscious man should re-learn to experience the hierarchies in your internal life as realities.
In this talk he says that these spiritual beings come to meet us when we prepare to meet them and will speak to our soul first as thoughts and feelings, and only then will we perceive them as realities.
In a text entitled “The Zodiac and the Spiritual Hierarchies”, Sergej Prokofieff, currently one of the world leaders of Anthroposophy, inspired by several lectures by Rudolf Steiner, describes the spiritual teaching of Chartres in this tradition of the vigil of the 12 holy nights.
It outlines the ladder of expansion of consciousness that helps give birth, on the last step, to the divine being in each of us.
The first step of the ladder is based on the earthly human sphere and each step gradually takes us to the macrocosmic sphere, to the divine sphere.
Prokofieff makes an analogy between this path of transformation and the development process described by R. Steiner as the path from Jesus to Christ.
Jesus is born as the archetypal child destined to develop as a human being in such a way that he can welcome within himself the Self of the Cosmos in the Baptism of the Jordan.
This mystical event will spread its influence throughout the history of humanity as a great archetype of spiritual development.
The 12 strokes of midnight sound announcing Christmas. Dawn comes, we cross the day, night falls and a light comes on in the sky, radiating a glow that emanates from the Constellation of Pisces and illuminates the first holy vigil.
We are on the first step of the ladder that is based on the earthly human sphere in the dimension of the existence of the anthropos – the being of freedom.
Freedom is one of the two main spiritual forces that we were destined to conquer throughout life. The other force will be at the end of the ladder, love.
Ancient wisdom tells us that it was the spiritual forces of Pisces that shaped human feet. When we look at the feet, we see that they are formed in the form of a dome that will allow, simultaneously with the verticalization of the spine, to walk upright, the first great lesson in life. As children we drag ourselves, crawl and finally stand up and stand on our own feet, overcoming the forces of gravity, meaning this is a great achievement and the condition for the development of thought, thinking being what differentiates the Human from the other kingdoms of nature.
Throughout life we often make an intimate analogy with this fact:
“walking on my own feet, knowing where I’m going,” following my own steps,” “I won’t walk in anyone’s footsteps” are expressions that express a correct relationship with the earth and with destiny in terms of personal freedom.
On this first Holy Night we received from the constellation Pisces the impulses to stand on our own feet and rise up, basic conditions for achieving individual freedom, a goal to which we are destined as individualized beings.
The Sun rises, we cross the second day, night falls and a new light shines in the sky radiating from the Constellation of Aquarius the second step of this spiritual ladder. From this portal the spiritual forces of the Angels emanate towards us.
Angels are represented by the figure of a being that pours water, the symbol of life and thus they are also called “Sons of Life”.
They are the spiritual beings immediately superior to us, maintaining a close relationship with us. We find it early at birth when we “look like angels”, our vital body still very latent, full of life.
In childhood he is called the “Guardian Angel” and is always represented in all cultures protecting the child from dangers by being their guide and as a guide he remains throughout our lives.
“Ask your guardian angel” we often hear when we are in doubt about the path to follow, what decision to make.
In adult life it becomes our Spiritual Guide, our true Self. “Thus it shall be” speaks to us within, continually transmuting vital forces into forces of consciousness, making guiding images for our lives emerge in our thoughts.
On this second Holy Night we receive, through the Portal of the Constellation of Aquarius, the impulses of the Angels so that we can see and remain faithful to our ideals. Our ideals illuminate and protect our path and point us to where we should follow.
We cross another day, night falls and a new light The third step on this spiritual ladder shines in the sky radiating from the Constellation of Capricorn and from this portal the spiritual forces of the Archangels emanate for us. Archangels are called beings of light. Rudolf Steiner describes them in Occult Science as those beings who during evolution woke up when they saw their own reflection abroad. When they donated their own essence this essence of theirs was the very light that radiated to the four corners of the universe. The light of the archangels is represented in us today by our intelligence that radiates into the environment and makes our own existence conscious to ourselves and the world.
In evolution, the archangels became guardians of cosmic intelligence with the mission of protecting the divine love contained in this intelligence that created and transformed everything into wisdom for the good of all.
On this third Holy Night we receive through the Capricorn Constellation Portal the impulses of the Archangels to strengthen our personality through the expansion of the light and autonomy of our intelligence.
We cross another day, night falls and a new light shines in the sky radiating
from the Sagittarius Constellation from which the spiritual forces of the Archaeans, the Personality Beings, emanate. This means that they not only have a Self but they know that they have it and through this intensified consciousness they create an image of themselves on the outside. They project on the outside the strength of their internal struggle which is the very struggle of the centaur, of the human being. emancipated on the one hand in his intelligence but on the other hand, in a constant struggle to overcome his animalistic forces, his wild instincts, his selfish forces.
The Archaeans are considered the Spirits of Time because this struggle is the very struggle for human development of our time, encompassing something that surpasses all ethnicities and becomes a cultural influence on our civilization.
Here the Archangels’ previous task of protecting cosmic wisdom from selfish intentions is amplified by the Archaeans being expressed in the challenge of our modern civilization in the struggle between exacerbated materialism and the preservation of natural resources.
On the south portal of Chartres Cathedral, the sculpture of Michael presides over the 3 hierarchies. Rudolf Steiner constantly refers to him as the Regent of our Age with the mission to dominate the dragon, the mythical being in whose form our intellect is represented where cosmic wisdom has been appropriated through the understanding of laws, through natural science and needs to be placed in the world more broadly for the good of all. Both in the personal aspect of personality construction and in this temporal aspect, this struggle represents a constant falling and getting up.
On this fourth Holy Night we receive through the Sagittarius Portal the spiritual impulses of the Archaeans for the strengthening of the personality so that we have the strength to establish and sustain more comprehensive impulses in our lives that guide us towards the future and that contain spiritual goals for our existence.
The sun rises again, we cross a new day and night falls and a new star shines in the sky radiating from the Scorpio Constellation through which the spiritual forces of the Exusiai the Beings of Form emanate. We have now reached the scope of the second hierarchy. They were also beings from a previous evolutionary state so advanced in their evolution that they could embrace the divine plans and make them manifest in such a way that there is an agreement between the macrocosmic sphere of cosmic consciousness and our solar system which is a microcosmic expression where the our human existence is inserted, where human biography takes place.
The Exusiai are involved in the processes of creating a new being, in the transformation of one form into another, in the constant metamorphosis of the substance.
In the Bible they are called Elohim and in the human body the forces of
Scorpios have configured the genitals from which procreation is possible, that is, the creation of a new physical being.
We are within the scope of sexual forces, which are the forces that oscillate towards the most absolute selfishness, that which can be characterized as evil because by offering the possibility of greater immediate satisfaction they can subjugate the human to the level of the animalistic. But they also bring one of the greatest possibilities for overcoming selfishness and transcending forces. If in Sagittarius we had the image of a constant falling and rising between the animalistic and the human, here we have the image of a struggle in our inner life between death and resurrection. And this is a fight that takes place on a very individual level, where in freedom we oscillate between the shadows that obscure our being, the hiding places where the poisonous Scorpion lives and the forces of expansion of our being represented by the eagle that rises to the heights and contemplates from there. the Whole.
Scorpio is then the sign of double forces, both destructive, retrothings that constantly change their appearance and invade our soul, causing chaos in life, as well as carrying constructive forces that have to do with constant transmutation and continuous overcoming so that the divine substance, the Spirit, can be shaped in us again and again. In the apocalypse this characteristic of double forces is presented as a double-edged sword.
On this fifth Holy Night we receive, through the Scorpio portal, the spiritual impulses of the Exusiai to accept, on the one hand, our weaknesses, and on the other hand, we receive spiritual impulses to overcome and transform these strengths.
We have the sunrise, the passage of another day and the fall of the sixth Holy Night. A new star shines in the sky radiating from the Constellation of Libra the portal through which the spiritual forces of the Dynamis, the Beings of Movement, emanate. We continue within the scope of the second hierarchy. In evolution, the Dyamis woke up when they realized what was happening around them and acted to create a dynamic balance, a correct relationship, a permanent reciprocity between things. Being out of balance means being separate, not part of the unity of all things. Their forces configured the pelvis that is responsible for balance in remaining upright.
In biographical work we study the expression of the Scales around the age of 28, which is the milestone of changes between the forces of the past that carried us to that point and the forces of the future that bring the possibility of a new expression of our individuality through our ability to transform the legacy of inherited education. . Dynamis offer us the possibility of placing the influences of the past and the possibilities of the future, the inside and the outside, the processes of fusion and separation in a correct relationship of reciprocity, in a dynamic balance.
On the sixth Holy Night, through the portal of Scales, we receive spiritual impulses from Dynamis to develop inner balance and be able to contain the forces of dispersion to have a coherent and harmonious life.
Again we have the sunrise that announces the new day and at the end of it the nightfall. A new star shines in the sky emanating light from the Constellation of the Virgin
the portal from which the forces of the Kyriotetes, the Beings of Wisdom, emanate.
In evolution, they woke up when they realized the existence of other beings, for whom they then created a welcoming space. We are still within the scope of the second hierarchy that welcomes and carries out divine plans.
The forces of the Sign of the Virgin configured the womb, which is a physical aspect of the feminine that can receive and generate another being. The soul, our internal life, also has this feminine quality of taking inwards, welcoming inwardly and guarding our essence, our Self. The Virgin is the terrestrial image of the cosmic Soul, Sofia, and she is considered a virgin because she corresponds to an aspect of our soul that remains untouched by earthly needs and can then welcome and generate the individualized Spirit within us. This means a state of constant surrender and giving, of courtesy and politeness.
On the seventh Holy Night, through the Virgin’s portal, we receive the spiritual impulses of the Kyriotetets, which are the abilities to create the space for something new to be gestated within and to find strength from within to make your life blossom.
A new sun rises, we cross another day and nightfall comes.
A new star shines in the sky emanating light from the Constellation of Leo, the portal from which the forces of the Thrones and the Beings of Will emanate.
We have reached the first hierarchy, of highly evolved spiritual beings who manifest divine intentions acting from the macrocosmic sphere into our solar system.
In evolution, the Thrones were beings so completely aware of themselves that their will was their own substance and this will is so exalted that these beings produced heat and donated their own substance.
The forces of Leo shaped the human heart and the leaders of antiquity and the kings of the Middle Ages associated their royalty with this sign, which was related to the courage and readiness to carry out on the outside what is determined from within: the voice of the heart.
On the eighth Holy Night, from the Lion’s portal we receive impulses of enthusiasm and courage to face the tests that destiny brings us
The sun comes out again, we cross a new day and nightfall comes.
A star shines in the sky, emanating its radiance from the Constellation of Cancer, the portal from which the spiritual forces of the Cherubim, the Beings of Harmony, emanate.
It was the action of the Cherubim at the beginning of evolution that created the protective belt of stars around our system, separating it from the macrocosmic totality.
This action is expressed in the configuration of the thorax itself: the forces of Cancer configure the twelve pairs of ribs, the physical protective envelope of the heart, theorgan of life.
The Cherubim bring the impetus for transitions from one cycle to another to occur harmoniously. They act in the form of a spiral whose forces come from the previous cycle, create an envelope and direct themselves to the next cycle – in a repetitive, harmonious sequence. We can observe these cosmic spirals also in smaller cycles of nature. It is the Cherubim who, for example, ensure that the autumn seed is reborn as a new plant in the spring.
In biography we also find these transitions in our development that sometimes present themselves dramatically as crises.
On the ninth Holy Night, through the Cancer portal, we receive spiritual impulses from the Cherubim that bring us strength to harmonize with the new and create comfort so that moments of transition occur harmoniously.
The sun comes out again, we cross a new day and nightfall comes.
A star shines in the sky emanating its radiance from the Constellation of Gemini, the portal through which the spiritual forces of the Seraphim emanate.
of Love. Love that is no longer based on physical bonds, on the bonds of passion but on spiritual bonds. Brotherly love.
The Greeks have a myth through which we can know what it is about.
The myth of Kastor and Polydeukes, brothers who were children of the same mother with different fathers, with Castor being mortal and Polydeukes immortal. It happened that Castor died and his brother went to Zeus and asked that his immortality be taken away and granted to Castor and Zeus, moved, made them both immortal and placed them in the sky in the form of a constellation. In other words, it elevated them to a macrocosmic condition and what made them immortal were not blood ties but the giving up of oneself, which resulted in an even higher form of love.
In the Gospel we have the sentence of this form of love: “where two are gathered in my name, I will be in their midst” – in other words, one gives up one’s own Self and gains another Self that is eternal.
Brotherhood is the most powerful boost to social life because it can break down barriers of status, ethnicity and beliefs.
On the tenth Holy Night, through the Gemini portal, the spiritual impulses of the Seraphim help to overcome the barrier of individualism and loneliness.
Again comes the Sun and a new day and at nightfall a star shines in the sky emanating its brilliance from the Constellation of Taurus, the portal through which the breath of the spirit enters the sphere of the Zodiac from the macrocosmic regions.
If we remember the Magi, the place where the child was located was close by and, illuminating the night, the brightness of the star that preceded them greatly expanded the dimension of the desert. The soul rose touching another dimension that is not earthly and the Holy Spirit enters the human dimension manifested in John’s Baptism in the form of a dove.
It is a night of great expansion of the soul, the horizons expand and our soul can rise to a cosmic soul state reaching the dimension of the soul of the Cosmos, of the divine Sofia and feeling the presence of the spirit. In Ancient Egypt this was represented in sculptures that bore the Bull’s horns with the space between them filled by a solar disk crowning the head of the pharaoh considered the direct descendant of God.
It was the forces of the Bull that configured the larynx, the organ of speech that, according to Steiner, is undergoing transformation and that in the future evolutionary stages of the human being, the word will once again have the shaping force referred to in the Genesis of all religions. In the beginning was the word and the word was in God.
The word will be like a sacred spear of expression of divine love.
On the tenth Holy Night through the Bull portal, the Holy Spirit emanates the fullness of divine love inspired as persistence in relation to what is intended to be achieved.
A new Sun and a new day and the fall of the last night of this ascension through the spiritual hierarchies. We have reached the last step of this ladder that has already transported us to the frontiers of the universe.
This is the portal through which the son of God, the cosmic Self, entered the macrocosmic sphere, the sphere of Brahma, Yahweh, Allah, the sphere of the divine into our existence. Through this portal the voice of the Father resounds in our cosmos, coming from the macrocosmic regions beyond the zodiac.
“This is my dearly beloved son, today I fathered him.”
Like a distant echo, Recognition is the synthesis of the entire journey linking Christmas to Baptism. Christmas as the birth of the natural child and Baptism as the subsequent birth of the divine child Christ as a light shining within, as an internal Sun in the free and fully conscious soul.
The voice of God is the voice of human consciousness that elevates the Self from an earthly, inferior condition to a cosmic, superior condition, bringing to the human being the possibility of becoming the being of freedom and love – the tenth spiritual hierarchy.
Lecture given by Edna Andrade at Clínica Tobias in São Paulo, N2006
The text can be reproduced as long as the authorship is cited.
The Occult Science – R. Steiner – Ed. Amtroposophical
The Zodiac and Spiritual Hierarchies – Sergei Procoffiev
The Golden Age of Chartres – René Querido – Floris Books
Thought you’d might find this interesting @NightHawk999 and any dreamer who registers their dreams. I looked at my dreams from 2021 till 2023 and… there is indeed a premonition factor in this structure! I would add this is more evident especially to dreamers who are used to their dream language