Transcript → Q+A w/Andrew | 99 | October 6th, 2023
One day i might refine my meditation technique so that i could encourage an incarnation with Bob Thurman as a father. This is a silly thought but i find myself at a loss for words on how i feel about him and his wife’s work. He says he is not enlightened but i feel he is the most enlightened man i have encountered this life.
One day i will attend a retreat with him and Andrew… i hope
(Excuse my 5am insomnious ramblings )
Do you have any links of youtube videos where he gives good teachings?
What are your favorite books of him and his wife?
I will try and find a link to his series on Vimalakirti. I think you can just search on YT for summaried lectures and Tibet house has the complete Vimalakirti series. I do however find all of his teachings to be brilliant.
His book: “Liberation on hearing in the between” is also wonderful.
I am looking forward to going through Andrew’s books as I have only done so through book study.
Thanks for your comment. Namaste
Appreciate you letting me know this, thank you
I Just cracked open dreams of light again, along with rewatching the Book study videos of it from the begining. So much depth.
Have you read his most recent reverse meditations? Highly reccomend it.
Hi NightHawk999
(great name btw…my mind goes to town conjuring images around it)
Yes the Vimalakirti series for me is a little indescribable. I seem to go into semi-trance whilst listening to it. It definitely has a flavour imho.
Love the expression "cracked open’ I love Dreams of Light. Very rich and a little magical imho. What is that expression? Kind of self-liberating feel to it for me. I might have to read 10 times in a lifetime type thing.
I just listened to the podcast on reverse meditations. It’s so much where I’m at as I’m having midlife / peri-menopausal (Chiron return) type night terrors. In a recent one, I saw through to what I felt was a hell realm and a particular stirring image.
I had to guide myself through the process of moving toward not away from and use all sorts of tools to encourage an opening to the experience.
Lol, thank you. Have had a deep appreciate for raptors since I was young. Thank you for remindeding me I dreamed about 2 bald eagles last night.
Awesome looking forward to checking this out.
Kind of like ‘putting the nose to the grindstone’, but for studious endevours:
You and me both, I think the greatest works (movies, books, etc) have this quality to them, that they are so full of depth, it takes multiple rounds of consumption to fully appreciate.
What does Chiron return mean?
Are the nightmares still occuring, or have they stopped? Are they the same scene/senario, or very different each time?
Very tough to do, but hugely important. Even tougher is to approach it with compassion and love, but also very very important.