Sex, Dream Sex, Karezza, Karamudra, & Tantra

a-ha… very interesting indeed… I could make a joke here, but will not… hihihi :cowboy_hat_face: :fire:
this book seems VERY interesting… wanna share more about it?

I would call it INTENSE, not necessarily passionate.

I have a Scorpio sister who sometimes just by looking at me, draws my attention in a very intensive way. it’s a delightful connection, except when I’m more into myself. the good thing is we talked about it, and now we can navigate our strong waters with more awareness and clarity… uuuuuffff :cowboy_hat_face: I have also noticed that most of the times it’s not even about me… it’s a space needed to connect also with other friends… (telepathically), not just with her :rose:

Amazing! for me there is no connection though…
What I would notice sometimes after great sex, would be that my energetic body was still moving in a similar watery way for, in some cases, 24 hours after…!

yesterday a student told me about this book written by a British Aeronautical engineer and thought of you:


"J.W. Dunne (1866-1949) was an accomplished English aeronautical engineer and a designer of Britian’s early military aircraft. His An Experiment with Time, first published in 1927, sparked a great deal of scientific interest in–and controversy about–his new model of multidimensional time.

A series of strange, troubling precognitive dreams (including a vision of the then future catastrophic eruption of Mt. Pelee on the island of Martininque in 1902) led Dunne to re-evaluate the meaning and significance of dreams. Could dreams be a blend of memories of past and future events? What was most upsetting about his dreams was that they contradicted the accepted model of time as a series of events flowing only one way: into the future. What if time wasn’t like that at all?

All of this prompted Dunne to think about time in an entirely new way. To do this, Dunne made, as he put it,“an extremely cautious” investigation in a “rather novel direction.” He wanted to outline a provable way of accounting for multiple dimensions and precognition, that is, seeing events before they happen. The result was a challenging scientific theory of the “Infinite Regress,” in which time, consciousness, and the universe are seen as serial, existing in four dimensions.

Astonishingly, Dunne’s proposed model of time accounts for many of life’s mysteries: the nature and purpose of dreams, how prophecy works, the immortality of the soul, and the existence of the all-seeing “general observer,” the “Witness” behind consciousness (what is now commonly called the Higher Self).

Here in print again is the book English playwright and novelist J.B. Priestley called “one of the most fascinating, most curious, and perhaps the most important books of this age.”"


Never read, it definitely made my ears prick up, adding it to the list, thank you my heart.


LOL I wish you would :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

True, can be both, and lets not forget, all 12 signs have birthed some really nasty monsters:

r/pics - Idaho murders suspect Bryan Kohberger seen for the first time since his arrest.


“Many people who follow astrology likely won’t be surprised to find Scorpio at the top of this list, given that the sign’s biggest weaknesses include violence, manipulation, and jealousy.”

This sign is well know for its magnetic, potent, (some say hypnotizing) gaze. Its got a bad rap, because when things are bad, they can get really ugly, but with evolved Scoripios, they are often noted as one of the most powerful signs of the Zodiac. (Tim Cook, Bill Gates, H Clinton)

Yes the afterglow can be very energizing. The opposite is also true, it can also knock me out cold and make me sleep deeply (especially if I am tired before hand).

But really important to note, I dont think this was average sex the author was talking about, or a hook up, I think it was the Purest form of love, between 2 hearts that deeply love eachother (on the deepest level), and had basically become 1 for a lifetime.

It was almost like it was a Spiritual practice that opened the doors for the OBEs.


If you think about who is most likely to murder, again, I would say that anyone with the right motivation will do it! it’s part of our genes.
And if you consider the “licensed” serial killers (military forces), it indeed fits all signs…

associating Scorpio with “cereal killers” would be more accurate from my point of view… hihihi

but if you go to the symbolic killing, where they are able to touch someone into tears, allowing the ego to dissolve, then I would agree.

having in mind the sereal universes, I would also perhaps agree that in discussions, Scorpios are the ones who have no shame of trying to kill the other with their eyes (and possessions)!

i was having fun in associating killing with the signs…
example: the Gemini writes about it… :cowboy_hat_face:
the Aries just does it perfectly, if needed
the Taurus kills food,
and so on :heart_eyes:

indeed… blame it on their mothers… hihihi (probably Scorpio… han?)

I’ve seen pretty evolved Scorpios also getting ugly… it’s part of our human nature…

when I mentioned the watery element, didn’t refer as it being energizing… especially if you wish to do other things…!

beautiful… :rose:
reminds a passage from Interstellar “Love is the only thing we are capable of perceiving that transcends time and space”.

did she also experience the OBEs? or just him? did they meet their energies during an OBE?


here are the two papers they mention in this video (Karmamudra - Dr Nida Chenagtsang) at 1h33:33:


I also did 3 audios with a resume of all this gold provided by Dr. Nida:
(I did it originally for a beloved friend - Julian Marcus)



I have found this precious piece of text in Carlos Castaneda’s book “The Active Side of Infinity”:
“Don Juan had explained that the body and the energy body were two conglomerates of energy fields compressed together by some strange agglutinizing force. He had emphasized no end that
the force that binds that group of energy fields together was, according to the sorcerers of ancient Mexico, the most mysterious force in the universe. His personal estimation was that it was the pure essence of the entire cosmos, the sum total of everything there is. He had asserted that the physical body and the energy body were the only counterbalanced energy configurations in our realm as human beings. He accepted, therefore, no other dualism than the one between these two. The dualism between body and mind, spirit and flesh, he considered to be a mere concatenation of the mind, emanating from it without any energetic foundation. Don Juan had said that by means of discipline it is possible for anyone to bring the energy body closer to the physical body. Normally, the distance between the two is enormous. Once the energy body is within a certain range, which varies for each of us individually, anyone, through discipline, can forge it into the exact replica of their physical body—that is to say, a three-dimensional, solid being.”

which is aligned with this fascinating topic…

If you @_Barry or anyone reading this message wants the book, I can send it in a pdf format, by email. In this book Castaneda has a chapter named “Who Was Juan Matus, Really?”.

The text continues, aligning with the topic of shape shifting through a daily practice of out of body experiences meditations, which allows us to feel our energetic bodies and travel consciously:
“By the same token, through the same processes of discipline, anyone can forge their three-dimensional, solid physical body to be a perfect replica of their energy body—that is to say, an ethereal charge
of energy invisible to the human eye, as all energy is.”

@fenwizard you might have interest in this message. also @NightHawk999 and @Dream_Hacker


Very true

Tears of Joy or tears of sorrow? Or both?


True, same with any evolved sign.

One might also say:

"God is the only ‘thing’ we are capable of perceiving that transcends time and space”

25% of the book completed, so far its been just him, but he may drag her into it in later chapters, not sure yet.


YES please send. Will take me a while to read, but really looking forward to it.

Thank you for this treasure! Brilliant:

Carlos was really clever with this name: “The most Mysterious Force in Nature”. Its my understanding that the Great Mystery or Great Spirit was a being some tribes of the Americas worshiped:

“There is a similarity between Christian and Lakota beliefs about the Great Mystery as far as giving thanks and realizing what exists around you. However, the Lakota believe Wakan Tanka, the Great Mystery, is represented as an all-encompassing collective or oneness. And, the Lakota understanding of the Great Mystery is a reverence and thankfulness to all things made possible by this Great Mystery and a realization that all things are related and interconnected.”

Native American Beliefs: "The Great Mystery" - PWNA.

Have not watched this video in full, but watched the first 2min and looks pretty good:



definitely both!


yes, we have a song in which we call in for Yosha (Jesus)… it’s always a great momentum…

I LOVE the word Wakan Tanka :heart_eyes:

not sure I will have the time, but it looks gooooood :brown_heart:


Ep19: Karmamudra, Chu Len, & Tummo - Glenn Mullin


Delightful sharing about Tummo and “production of heat”… “being physical in the spiritual”… “A celebration more than a test”… “I’ve woken up”… AMAZING! Glen Mullin is an incredible being… such a great humor! I have some difficult in receiving his transmissions though… but thank you for sharing.

My Lu Jong teacher shared this lovely video mantra yesterday…


I am reading and loving this book:

Yesterday I opened it randomly to read some wonderful excerpts in the subject of Sexuality:

"(…) for example, arousal in a certain pornographic fantasy may be secondarily sexual, its primary impetus being rooted in one’s longing to be unconditionally seen, loved, and wanted (…)

(…) Rather (sex), it needs to be seen, felt known, and lived in open-eye resonance - and relationship - with everything that we do and are, so that it is, as much as possible, not just an act of specialized function nor an act bound to the core of making us feel better or more secure, but rather an unfettered, full-blooded expression of already present, already loving, already unstressed wholeness.

(…) When we primarily assign our sexuality to stress release, security reinforcement, egoic reassurance, the fueling of romantic delusion, and other such cores - thereby burdening it with the obligation to make us feel better - we are doing little more than screwing ourselves, dissipating much of the very energy that we need for facing and healing our woundedness, the woundedness that, ironically, we escape or relief from through the pleasuring and various sedating options provided by our sexuality.

(…) No sex manuals are needed, nor any fantasies or other turn-on tactics - their increased intimacy and trust in each other are more than sufficient, creating an atmosphere within which love-centered, awareness-infused sexual desire can naturally arise and flow, carrying the lovers along into the sweet dynamite and ever-fresh wonder and ecstasy of what sex can be when it has deep intimacy’s green light.

(…) Real sex begins with happiness.

(…) A pleasurable sedation only deprives us of the very energy we need in order to truly investigate the source of our distress.

(…) when love is already present, and both lovers are already open, relaxed, happy, and in deep communion (…)"

Excellent book!




Total Grand Slam my Dear friend!

Going to borrow this seed and spread it far and wide!


thank you!
go go go! :dolphin:


From the study:

The misogynistic arguments of men from Aristotle to Möbius have made many modern researchers leery of claims regarding female/male differences in the brain. Researchers have long since established that there are, in fact, no differences in average intelligence between men and women. But investigators have consistently found that women are more likely than men to experience anxiety and depression. Conversely, men are more likely than women to have autism, attention-deficit disorder, and schizophrenia. Are these male/female differences merely social constructs? Or might these robust differences in psychopathology reflect, at least in part, some underlying difference in neuroanatomy or neural connectivity?

But researchers at Stanford recently used artificial-intelligence methods to examine brain activity in roughly 1,500 young adults 20 to 35 years of age. Neuroscientists have known for many years that every human brain is characterized by a “fingerprint” of brain activity at rest, unique to that individual. The Stanford neuroscientists used big-data artificial intelligence techniques to determine the fingerprint of every one of those 1,500 young adults and then compared females with males. Did females differ from males? Was there overlap? The results were astonishing.




"I have to admit that I was really surprised by these results. I have been writing about these topics for more than 20 years. "

These results were very shocking and eye opening!

" There has been very little coverage of this report in the mainstream media. You will find no mention of this study in The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, or National Public Radio. I suspect that’s because most mainstream media are cautious of anything having to do with brain-based differences between women and men."

I wonder why they would be afraid to post scientific data and truth?


Scientific American too? Maybe next issue. After all, you get what you’re measuring for. That’s not to exclude traits considered feminine or masculine in both men and women because that would be measured differently.


@_Barry. I’m a Licensed Counselor and have worked with a few Trans clients. I also have a nephew who is transitioning to be my niece. I find it mind-boggling that there is no overlap between the male and female groups. I could understand if there were two clusters but I would think there would be at least some folks who are somewhere in the middle, if not folks whose brains are more like the opposite gender. Unless you personally know a trans person, you can’t imagine how deep this goes. They deeply feel that they are the opposite gender from their sex based on genitalia. It’s way more than just a dress up party for them. Makes me wonder how they selected the participants in the study and if they excluded anyone. Also makes me wonder about researcher bias playing a role. I suppose I should look up the original research.


I met my first acknowledged trans person in 1986 introduced in a University course in Human Sexuality. She was very convincing. I thought then it might be a case of reincarnation, where a female person was reborn in a male body. One of my colleagues at work had a son who transitioned and wrote a book about it. I attended her talk and it was profound.