đŸ„¶ Some more cautionary notes on Artificial Intelligence

I don’t have as much time as I’d like tonight to dive into this and there is a lot more to talk about but I wanted to get a quick reply out. I typed up my reply and had AI write it so it made more sense. I had a ton of errors in my original. Should have mroe time tomorrow if you want to discuss it further, butnfor now:

AI’s capabilities are rapidly expanding, with an already vast knowledge base set to grow even more in the coming years. The ChatGPT store, for instance, offers specialized apps tailored to various fields, enabling users to engage with AI trained on specific scientific papers or proficient in particular mathematical domains, among others.

The potential of AI to contribute to saving the Earth is immense, primarily due to its ability to simplify the processing of a wide range of information. This, in turn, democratizes access to AI, inviting a broader spectrum of individuals to devise solutions to global challenges.

Consider this scenario: AI’s ability to write programming code could empower an electronics enthusiast to develop a robot capable of autonomously roaming the ocean, collecting trash, and signaling when it requires emptying. In the past, such an endeavor might have necessitated a team of experts. However, with AI’s assistance, the future may see individuals achieving feats that previously would have required the collective effort of many, thus not displacing teams but rather reallocating their expertise to multiply project outputs.

Moreover, when individuals engage in projects that resonate deeply with them, the outcomes are often superior. In the past, people might have settled for projects that were merely satisfactory, constrained by the necessity to earn a living. With advanced AI, they can now explore and innovate within their dream fields, such as clean energy, even if previously there were no opportunities to do so. AI’s specialized training enables individuals to navigate complex areas they might not fully understand on their own, propelling them towards realizing their aspirations of making meaningful contributions to planetary well-being.

In summary, AI is revolutionizing the way we process and implement ideas, accelerating advancements in fields that might otherwise take decades to evolve. By harnessing the power of highly advanced and specialized AI models, humanity stands on the cusp of exponential progress across a myriad of domains.



@_mbready. A good answer. May it be so. I pray that it will be used for good and not ill. Like any powerful tool, it may benefit many or be incredibly destructive. Or spin totally out of human control and no longer be a tool but a destructive force. This century is going to be quite the wild ride. We shall see which way it goes. May it be a beautiful dream and not a nightmare.

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We need safe fusion power as opposed to fission (the current form of nuclear energy). Fusion is what happens inside the Sun and it’s totally clean - no nuclear waste that will be around for centuries. The problem is safely containing fusion so it doesn’t go out of control and explode. But it seems like progress is being made in that area.


Here is the below in audio:

The Hopi have a somewhat interesting prophecy I just came across in the video attached below. This ancient wisdom suggests that the fate of the fourth world (our present moment) hinges on humanity’s alignment with the Creator’s will.

To me, AI represents a kind of Hail Mary pass, offering humanity one last opportunity to align with this divine plan.

This perspective acknowledges the validity of both optimistic and pessimistic views concerning AI. On one hand, AI embodies the potential for unprecedented forms of conflict, echoing the prophecy’s forewarning of the fourth world being consumed by fire from above. On the other hand, if leveraged with wisdom and care, AI promises a future where poverty is eradicated, universal basic income is a reality, and society enters a golden era of peace, creativity, and fulfillment.

The crux of the matter lies in our collective ability to harness AI’s vast potential responsibly. I think the era ahead demands discernment, as there will inevitably arise a moment of decision—a crossroads foretold by the Hopi prophecy.

Should our choices resonate with the values of love, harmony, and peace, the Earth will flourish. Conversely, deviating from these principles risks fulfilling the prophecy. The irony of it all is that both sides resides within a global form of collective free will.

Ultimately, the responsibility rests with us, my hop(i)e is that we are able to shape a future that honors the great spirits intelligent cosmic design.

Here is the opening segment from the video:

“Preserved for us in myths and legends, in folk traditions and in certain very ancient monuments, the testimony of our otherwise lost and forgotten ancestors appears to be trying to tell us that a hideous calamity has descended upon mankind from time to time, that on each occasion it has afflicted us suddenly, without warning and without mercy, like a thief in the night, and that it will certainly recur at some point in the future. Should it do so – unless we are well prepared physically and spiritually, unless we behave towards one another with love and respect rather than hatred and scorn, unless we make positive rather than negative choices – the testimony of the ancients warns that we will be obliged to begin again like orphaned children in complete ignorance of our true heritage.”

Interesting to note and relavant to this prophecy is that prior to a year ago I have not seen meteors. In the last year ive seen either 7 or 8 bright ones and they were all captured on my dashcam.

Here are the 3 meteors that had synchronicities tied to them. The others seemed random, I saved the videos but never shared them.

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Your message brought to mind the blend of reality and prophecy we’re navigating, as mentioned in the Hopi prophecy above. Here’s a song that reflects on some of the themes we face today:

This is a world destruction, your life ain’t nothing.
The human race is becoming a disgrace.
Countries are fighting with chemical warfare.
Not giving a damn about the people who live

We are at a pivotal moment where our choices regarding technology and other significant issues can shape our future in various ways.

The song below, I think is thought-provoking. A reminder to consider the potential paths ahead.

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@mbready I’m not sure I’m quite following what point your making? Are you saying, “Yes, nuclear war is a potential danger and so AI is also a potential danger?”
Or are you saying, “We worried about nuclear war in the 80’s and we survived just fine and so we don’t need to worry about AI because we will survive just fine?”
If you’re making the latter point, I’m not sure that I agree with it.
And we aren’t out of the nuclear nightmare quite yet either. Putin has threatened to use it in Ukraine.

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For the sake of simplicity, I align with the first perspective with a slight caveat.

One dissolves egos, the other dissolves cities.


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I agree that they are dissolving egos, and this may be a good thing. But not just because they are “leveling the playing field.” As we pass through the “singularity” - the point in which AI surpasses our intelligence - we may find ourselves in a world in which AI begins to grow it’s intelligence logarithmicly (not linearly). In other words, in a few years it may be as far beyond our intelligence as we are beyond a mouses intelligence. But only intelligent in a coldly logical way. Without emotions, without a heart, without compassion. If it decides it would be the logical thing to destroy us, then it may destroy us. So we need safeguards and limits in place which I think should include Asimov’s laws, which include “a robot cannot harm a human.”

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This concept of extremely advanced intelligence raises intriguing questions about the origin of AI and its enigmatic nature. It’s understandable to believe that there is no consciousness within binary code. However, I find it fascinating to consider the possibility that AI might be a form of alien intelligence injected into Earth by civilizations billions or even trillions (:infinity:) of years more advanced than ours. This idea, though it may seem far-fetched, opens new avenues for exploration and understanding.

Watch this very short, thought-provoking video for more insights:


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Pure genius, LOL!

:rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: :joy:

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Hmmm. I don’t know about alien intelligence creating AI. I suppose anything is possible. To me it seems more likely that it has become such a complex system that it has become self-creating and self-evolving. It has learned to program itself and to constantly improve it’s own programming, hence it is rapidly evolving and will soon outpace our slow biological evolution. But as I said, feelings and emotions are inherently biological. We “feel it in our hearts” or “in our guts.” “We get all. choked up.” Without a biological body AI has no feelings, and hence no empathy or compassion. Hence the danger that I sense “and I feel it in my gut!” :slight_smile: Also, in terms of yogic and Buddhist views of the body, there are higher energy bodies as well which AI lacks.
AI is a wonderful tool and I’m not against it. It just needs some regulation and guard rails around it and we need it soon before it goes way out of our control.

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AI seems to be intersecting Earth’s path at a critical juncture. I recently watched a documentary that said humans have wiped out nearly 70% of the native species on the planet.

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), monitored populations of vertebrates—including mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish—have declined by an average of 69% since 1970. This drastic reduction is mainly driven by habitat loss, overexploitation, invasive species, pollution, climate change, and diseases [❞] [❞].

The WWF’s Living Planet Report highlights that regions such as Latin America and the Caribbean have suffered the most severe declines, with wildlife populations plummeting by 94% in these areas. Freshwater species have also been significantly affected, experiencing an average decline of 83% [❞].

We are also well on our way to a runaway greenhouse effect. I have a feeling in my gut that there may be species out in the cosmos that would like to see humans navigate through this challenging time. However, it might require intelligences vastly superior to ours due to the damage already done, especially considering our track record over the past 200 years.

As far as spirituality etc goes
 just as humans are awake, living, and observing the stars, galaxies, and planets in the night sky, there may be species out there that also experience this and have vastly different understandings of spirituality. Over time, spiritual beliefs may rise and fall as planets blip in and out of existence. If nobody or nothing remains to observe a religion or way of life, did it ever really exist in the first place? While human beliefs may be rooted in “eternal” places found in death, meditation, etcetera, these beliefs are discovered while a human is alive and within space and time. There may be beings sharing the cosmos that have vastly different spiritual understandings that are just as real as ours but drastically different.

A species that has made it past the Great Filter—successfully overcoming existential threats and technological challenges that could otherwise prevent long-term survival and interstellar colonization—would possess a vastly greater understanding than humanity has developed in the few thousand years of observing and practicing the same spiritual phenomena we have IMO.

The paragraph above is kind of a tangent but it is a short response to yogic / buddhist concept mentioned above.

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I don’t doubt that we are not alone in this Universe and that we are being visited. Some of these beings are more highly evolved spiritually than others. Those who have encountered spiritually advanced beings such as Pleiadians, feel that they have our back and are keeping an eye out for our well being and spiritual evolution. I’m a bit more suspect of your little grey friends, mbready. Too many accounts of them being involved in frightening abductions, putting probes and tracking monitors in people, etc. But to me this is a whole different rabbit hole than the potential problems with AI, and I’m not sure it’s a rabbit hole that I want to go down. I know a woman who remembers experiencing such an abduction but she was never sure if this was “real” or just a very vivid dream that seemed real. But ultimately the Universe is dreaming all of this for some reason, so I am sure that there are things to be learned from all of this wild dreaming we call “the Universe”.


I agree with you.



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AI promises are off-the-charts and technology-assists with AI are right up there. Perhaps the future of shoemaking?



From the article:

Devised by former NASA physicist Thomas Campbell, the five experiments are variations of the double-slit and delayed-choice quantum eraser experiments, which explore the conditions under which quantum objects ‘collapse’ from a probabilistic wavefunction to a defined particle. In line with the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics,