The first dreams of the night

Welcome to the Night Club! Very interesting experiences. In my experience, while listening to most people discuss their dreams, the vivid or lucid dreams usually come closer to the morning, when the REM periods are the longest. In fact, the only person I’ve ever heard have a vivid or lucid dream at the outset was a Night Clubber who gave an individual presentation, Stephn Altair. That’s different from hypnogogia as @Carolel suggested. What I would suggest is that you bring this up to Andrew Holececk at a Q&A session next week on Thursday at 4:00PM Eastern time. He loves questions like this one and might have suggestions to enhance or further explore your experiences. Sounds exciting and I’m sure we could all learn something.

PS. There is a Dream Sangha that meets on Saturdays which might be a place to share your dreams with feedback.