The Mystery Game 🐬

Yesterday I was at the “launch class” of a VERY interesting book “The Sacred Triads and the Pantheon of the Celts”. The author is portuguese “As Tríades Sagradas e o Panteão dos Celtas”.

I received SO MUCH juice that I had the idea of creating this new thread for us to explore some mysteries together.

The impulse is that we start with “How is this possible?” whenever we wish to share a mystery.
I welcome a LOT of FUN in this thread so that we can keep very lucid while exploring some exciting stuff that archeologists have been finding beyond the materialistic view.

So, when one of us shares the question “How is this possible?” this is an invitation to investigate about it, have fun and after some time the person shares more about the mystery shared.
I suggest we resolve each mystery one by one, to savor all the details together.

Are we ready for the first one?

@NightHawk999 of course you are a BIG inspiration for this thread and I hope we can all enjoy this game very much!


Semper Paratus!
Fire at will Dear Captain :heart_eyes:

:dolphin: :dolphin:



here goes

How is this Possible?

aprox. fifth century BC


You must be more specific

Loved the artwork found on the ancient site


What do you see there? Notice the details
 savor them all

A Celtic God with perhaps a Buddha Pose? In (old) Galia?


Yes, I caught this pose of the legs. Definitely makes you wonder if they were ‘mixing mind’ with people in the far east. If the location was a sacred site, I think the odds are in its favor



Ok, touche, you just kind of blew my mind:

Did you catch the symbol here?!?!?!

(It went way over my head the first time I looked at it!)


“Although dominated by the dramatic head niches, the portico structure was also painted with a mix of animal motifs and geometric designs. The animals are mostly horses, snakes and ravens, although a sea-horse also appears, and a solitary human figure on one pillar is associated with a large disc (Coignard and Coignard 1991, 31) that may be a sun symbol. The importance of the horse is reinforced by burial of two horses close to the portico (GĂ©rin-Ricard 1927, 33-4). Indeed, Patrice Arcelin has suggested that the horse was regarded as a psychopomp (Arcelin et al 1992, 218), or spirit guide, charged with leading the newly dead safely to the afterlife. Cross-culturally, psychopomps very often take animal forms and these recurrently include horses and birds of various kinds. The animals which would have been most commonly encountered in the daily lives of the people of the region (e.g. cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and dogs) are absent from the iconography.”

This part of the article hit home both times I read it.

This detail flew way over my head the first time I read it, caught it the second time:

"It seems that the (by now rather ancient) warrior statues were also displayed alongside this portico structure and a three-dimensional stone sculpture of a bird of prey, some 60cm high, was also reassembled from around 25 fragments recovered from the early excavations (Lescure 1990, 171 no. 6). By the early third century BC, therefore, the now monumental sanctuary housed a remarkable collection of art and objects, some newly created, and others at least two hundred years old. "

"Among so many roles and characteristics, the most significant might be guarding or defending the underworld. Indeed, using several mythologies and belief systems, horses often serve as intermediates between the world of the living and the dead, serving as guides in the afterlife and there as defenders of the sacred. "


“Many Native American cultures believed that horses would travel along with the spirits of those who had departed to the afterlife in order to lead them through the spiritual realms. For example, the stories of the Lakota Sioux revolve around the horses that led souls of the dead to the “Land of the Spirits” so that they could find rest and peace there.”


"Some shamans take rides on horses during their spiritual sojourns, believing that these creatures can facilitate access to other realms. The horse is a guide to help the shaman navigate the spiritual landscape and connect with the spirits of the dead
This is the present-day context of equine therapy, a powerful healing form in which the spirit of humans and horses seems to get intertwined. "


“Horses in New Age spirituality are said to be soul guides that help guide and assist individuals through their journey of self-discovery and healing. Most people also believe that horses have intuitive energy, allowing them to connect with the spirit world, thus providing a lot of protection and guidance.”


" Greek mythology relates, in The Iliad , that Achilles sacrifices four horses on the funeral pyre where his friend Patroclus is consumed, so that they can guide him to the kingdom of Hades.[74] The Franks, who see the horse above all as a warrior animal, also sacrifice the king’s horse to be buried alongside him.[75][76]"


 and also a cross as a pathway :sunny:

this is related to another “How is this possible?” question soon

yes, a good example of this is Epona :horse: :sunny: which we have written about before.

 it could be that the information was already being channeled at that time originating Celtic Wisdom and Buddhism, which would somehow explain why we humans feel it so familiar to us
 it’s in the air for a long long time.


Thank you for blowing my mind

had to look this one up
Epona - Wikipedia.

Amen Dear Sister

Natalie Taylor- In The Air Tonight (Official Audio)


Yesterday, thanks a @Michele1’s comment (about “Lama” being “Flame” in Spanish), who thank goddess only replied Yesterday (the topic started in december 2024), made me cross with this topic, inspiring me to find out about this

This blew my mind!



here’s more detail to it:

and more:

Love it!:
