A space for conversation around the Christmas season.
Voice of an Angel gave me the
One of the comments on this YT video is very touching
A space for conversation around the Christmas season.
Voice of an Angel gave me the
One of the comments on this YT video is very touching
Amazing, that hit home.
I have heard there are some notes that only children can hit, due to the size of their vocal chords, not sure if that is true, but my ears had the same reaction to that song as this one, when i heard it when the movie came out:
(also I think sung by a kid):
great scene:
Funny that scene came to mind within seconds of hearing that kids voice singing. Synchronicity?:
Might not seem Christmassy, but I remember it being a hit in the theatres and it was released around christmas time.
Love your post! Inspired me to change the title to something around the theme, for a more flowing conversation like you’ve posted.
Had my heart A post popped up on my IG and had this written
Wow! Yes … me too.
At the 2nd video 0:40 - 1:05
Sounds like it
About 12 years ago I went to a concert to see Libera a boys choir from London.
Love the Tree theme!
Invoked emotions!
“Many of these trees were my friends”
At 2:02 Does the tree say “It is my dream we go to our doom.”?
Then cant make out the next line
… of the essence (I ).
Made me think of the huge trees chopped down for Christmas. The Norwegian Spruce sent to London each year is between 50 and 60 years old.
Think you’re very connected! Since our chat in Natures Pharmacy (rhymes with harmony
) You’ve brought awareness to a (Christmas) trees, that are living Beings.
@NightHawk999 saw this video that says its " 999 hz "
This movie is beautiful. Lots of tingling @NightHawk999 if you get a chance to watch (you’re time being popular here
) when the 3 Wise men are near Bethlehem see the 3 stars come together to form one bright star.
The title of this song reminded me of this one, he hits some pretty good notes, I think his best album:
Beautiful Silent Night. Inspired me to edit the lyrics to a “pointing out instruction” of the nature of reality.
One silent night, a holy night, when all was calm and all was bright, around a virgin mother and child; a holy infant so tender and mild, was sleeping in heavenly peace.
On this silent and holy night, shepherds quake at the sight; of a glorious stream from heaven afar, heavenly hosts singing “Alleluia … Christ a Savior is born!”.
A son of God’s loving pure light, with radiant beams from thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace. One sees thy nature of birth.
Carol’s Of The Bells
“‘Carol of the Bells’ is a Ukrainian-American carol. The melody is taken from a Ukrainian folk chant, known since the 20th century as ‘Shchedryk’. And the lyrics are by American composer Peter Wilhousky.”
When I started journaling in 2012, I sometimes felt like there was automatic writing or channeling. I remember a subject came up about Lambs, Sheep and the Sheperd and could be used for symbols of the path to enlightenment (natural state of reality).
@NightHawk999 Cool! Thanks for sharing all these “Christmas theme” songs! Lovin it!
Great lyrics Wow syncronicity alert … see
the length of the song.
The Angel song is beautiful. When I saw the word Angel with this black and white photo of Maty Noyes…
… and the name of the group Weeknd (like weakened/awakened)… It reminded me of an incredible movie called Angel-A, a french movie made in b&w.
WOW, that girl singing the original is so good! She had me hooked before she even started saying words
Is this the part of the lyrics you were talking about:
"And even though we live inside
A dangerously empty life
You always seem to bring me light
You always seem to bring me light
Love this, good eye!
Amazing! Thank you for sharing that! Is the rest of the movie that good?!?!?
Both are great!
Especially the 2nd All I Want For Christmas
Think it could be my top 10 as well, as just so joyful
Like a lot since i saw it used in the film Love Actually i always think of that beautiful and happy scene near the end. The boy on the drums has a crush on the girl. And the man & woman behind the stage curtains is the UK Prime Minister with his secretary
Re: Angel by Weaknd
I was moved by the whole of the songs lyrics that read like an emotional story with a hidden meaning, but also the mans exposure of his raw vulnerability.
Its why i thought immediately of the film Angel-a
For me the film is awesome! Has that “raw vulnerability” ! Right from the beginning untill the end of the film my heart ached.
Yesterday morning i woke up singing
Little then did i know id be chatting later with you @NightHawk999 about the song “Angel” and the film “Angel-a”
But the other thing that happened that early morning just before waking in my LD i was given a big gift wrapped box