With many of us on a Spiritual Journey and Waking Up, we come across videos and literature that speaks to our heart, offering signposts along the way. I’ve watched and read many of these in posts here in NC that did that. Please share “Awakening” themed videos or literature that moves or speaks to your heart as it may be a sign post for another. :sun_with_face::star2::orange_heart::dizzy:

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This video that inspired me to make this post was amongst todays activity on my list I subscribed to on YouTube. At the end it says “if this speaks to your heart and might do for someone else, please share …”.


Interesting. I entered this journey at 7:50 a few years ago through a dream, though I am lucky enough to have a partner who was born this way in the Dharma, making it easier to recognize in myself, and only taking 40 or so years to get it! Andrew Holececk (once self-described as a Holodeck) also helped.




Very lucky :+1:

Moses also… to reach the land of milk and honey

Holodeck Cool !!!


Short and sweet. Not sure if this is the right kind of content but I enjoyed this one.



Its brilliant! Perfect “short and sweet”.
Truth being the ultimate “awakening” we seek.


One of my favorites :sparkling_heart:.

This is also in my top 5:

“Be nice, and have fun.”




:star_struck: great videos!

This Alan Watts quote…

… has been used here in a TV advertisement & so im now very familiar with it.


:heart_eyes: yeah! And …
“Its time to learn Chinese for the 2 hundredth millionth time” :joy:
I was shown in a dream about 25-30 portrait photos of myself in my past lives, either living in Tibet or Mongolia and every one of them a man!


@aholecek :heart_eyes::dizzy:



I was thinking about this just before bed the other night. TOOL, in collaboration with Alex Grey, worked on artwork and a 3D movie segment for their music video.

What I find most interesting is their portrayal of infinity of three dimensional space from a higher dimension. The aspect that particularly resonates with me could be termed ‘The Pillars of Creation’. These Pillars, imagined as entities with heads and eyes, serve as eternal guardians over the galaxies. Their constant, unblinking gaze symbolizing the maintenance of cosmic order. I find this depiction of guardians in higher dimensions as a realistic interpretation which is why I loved this video so much when I first saw it.

Here is the artwork the video turns into a movie:



Wow! Thats really cool artwork!

Like the eye of God. I was just listening to a podcast where the speaker talks of ‘us’ are part of Gods dreaming. Awakening is when we realise we are in Gods dream.


Precisely, this is what I believe too. This is a dream, but the critical insight that should follow as you mention above is, whose dream?

The last shirt I wore at Andrew’s non-duality retreat was an expression of this concept that is critical in my personal belief system:

I’ve always shared with my mom that I believe the dream we are experiencing is a dream within God’s dream.

For me, I always thought this is a very important insight!

That and God goes by many names :slightly_smiling_face:, I think the Tao does a good job explaining how God, or if you want to call it the Tao cannot be named.



I should say that it is what the speaker believes and im still trying to get my mind to understand what this means.

So you understand this better than i do.
Maybe because i ask the same question
“Whose dream?”.

I agree, thinking about it, it is critical.
Those words “its a dream” often doesn’t get questioned, who or what dream.

Yes, the speaker also said the same. She’s a devotee of Lord Krishna.

All interesting stuff though :smiling_face:


In Hinduism, I perceive Brahma as the Creator, Lord Vishnu as the Protector of Cosmic Order, and Lord Shiva as the Transmuter, rather than merely a Destroyer. My admiration for Hinduism stems from its status as one of the most ancient, well-documented religions and ways of life.

My spiritual journey has been particularly influenced by Vishnu and Shiva. I believe in Brahma’s omnipresence. As the Creator, our existence within his creation implies a constant, inherent connection with him.

Lord Shiva resonates with me profoundly, especially during my immersive experiences listening to ‘Om Namah Shivaya’. Whether through headphones or my PA speaker, the vibrations stir something within me, I feel an internal dance within my body while just standing still. This experience for me demonstrates Shiva’s undeniable protective force and allows me to dive into things fearlessly that I normally wouldnt.

However, it is with Lord Vishnu that I find my spiritual sanctuary. In the presence of Shiva’s energy, I recognize the necessity for Vishnu’s balancing force. Vishnu has demonstrated to me extraordinary vision and a profound understanding of the universe’s natural order. Recalling a day of synchronicities influenced by Shiva, Durga, Vishnu, and Lakshmi, I shared an insight with my mother: ‘It’s amazing what unfolds when eyes that can truly see enter our presence.’

The primary purpose of sharing my thoughts is share a synchronicity I had after resting within Vishnu’s energy. At one point I wanted to know which diety embodied love and compassion in Hinduism. I was delighted to discover that Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu. This was particularly gratifying for me, as I naturally gravitate towards divine figures that represent love. While I acknowledged a one-in-three chance, considering the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, my intuitive connection to Krishna reinforces my natural affinity for deities who personify love.



Thank you for sharing! Excuse my ignorance in this subject as ive only follow Tibetan Buddhism although i did love the Upanishads.

So Lord Krishna i read is?
" Often called Lord Krishna, he is one of the most widely worshiped and popular Hindu deities. Krishna is the eighth avatar (or incarnation) of Vishnu . He was deified in the 5th century and since then has also been worshiped as the supreme god himself. Krishna is the Hindu god of compassion, protection, and love."

The woman ive been listening to just since yesterday i was really drawn too. She is clairaudient and Lord Krishna has been coming to her for many years guiding and teaching her. You sound like youve been having similar experiences.

I too have for a long time felt a huge protective force around me. Being clairaudient i receive guidance but unlike the woman ive never been told who it is.

Thats really beautiful.

Its another lovely synchronicity hearing this about you, after me resonating with this woman who also has a connection with Lord Krishna.



Love in my eyes is the most powerful force. Lord Krishna is an extremely powerful avatar of Lord Vishnu :slightly_smiling_face:.

I worked with AI covering one of my favorite stories I heard about Lord Krishna, it takes a little bit of a creative license but it is only meant to emphasize the insights within the story:

Brahma’s Cosmic Adventure: A Meeting with Lord Krishna

Once upon a timeless cosmos, there lived Brahma, the grand architect of the universe. Perched on his celestial lotus, he pondered the mysteries of creation. Amidst the stars, a tale of a charming youth named Krishna danced in the whispers of the cosmos, igniting Brahma’s curiosity.

“Who is this Krishna, who enchants the hearts of even the gods?” Brahma mused. His curiosity became a whirlwind, swirling him into a decision. “I must meet this divine youth!”

So, Brahma set off on a cosmic adventure. He traveled through swirling galaxies and nebulas, past planets of unimaginable beauty, until he reached the vibrant land of Vrindavan, where Krishna resided.

Upon arrival, Brahma beheld Krishna, a vision of divine charm, playing a flute with a smile that lit up the universe. Sheepishly, Brahma approached, his four heads brimming with anticipation.

“O Lord Krishna,” Brahma began, bowing respectfully, “I am Brahma, the keeper of the cosmos.”

Krishna, with a twinkle in his eye, replied, “Welcome, Brahma. But pray tell, which Brahma are you?”

Confused, Brahma stammered, “I… I am the Brahma, the creator of this universe!”

Krishna chuckled gently, “Ah, but there are infinite universes, with a Brahma for each one! Each as unique as the worlds they oversee.”

Brahma’s minds whirled. Infinite universes? Infinite Brahmas? His cosmic vision expanded, glimpsing into a kaleidoscope of realities, each with its own Brahma, some with five heads, some ten, some with none!

Feeling humbled and enlightened, Brahma realized the vastness of Krishna’s divinity. He was not just the charmer of Vrindavan, but the mystic heart of all creation, beyond even the infinite realms of Brahmas.

Thanking Krishna for this profound revelation, Brahma returned to his own universe, his mind buzzing with new wonders. From then on, whenever he crafted a new world or sprinkled stars into the night sky, he remembered that playful smile of Krishna, a reminder of the endless mysteries of the cosmos.

And thus, the grand architect learned the greatest lesson: in the boundless playground of the universe, even creators are but learners, forever in awe of the infinite.



Interesting… the woman said the same!

Great story! Profound insight! Thank you for sharing it!

The woman called Mand has been given future predictions by her Krishna. I too have been given(clairaudient) something very similar a few weeks ago. This is something i struggle with. How is the future known? If everything is happening at the same time and the future is set and like Mand says “everything is precise devinely timed” what is the point of knowing a future? Other than being prepared for it.